

单词 to mind
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIR〕Come on, fair's fair. It's your turn to mind the kids. 好啦,做人也得讲公道。该轮到你带孩子了。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕The woman coldly told us to mind our own business. 那女人冷冷地告诉我们不要管闲事。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Mothers who work part-time are able to mind other people's children when they are not working. 兼职工作的母亲能够在不上班的时候照看别人的孩子。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕His account vividly brings to mind the descriptions of battles in Homer. 他的描述生动得使人联想起荷马史诗中描写的那些战争场面。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕The case calls to mind the 1997 killing of a ten-year-old girl in upstate New York. 这案子使人回想起1997年发生在纽约北部的一名十岁小女孩被杀案。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕As I read the letter again, a number of thoughts came to mind. 我重读这封信时,突然有了一些想法。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕Henry asked the first question that came to mind. 亨利问了第一个想到的问题。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕I love the circus life, but when people asked me what I wanted to be when I was older, ‘circus performer’ was not what sprang to mind. 我热爱马戏团的表演生活,但是当大家问我年龄再大些时我想干什么,我心里想到的却不是“马戏演员”这个词。朗文写作活用〔anything〕If you're not sure what to say, just say anything that comes to mind.如果你不知道该说什么,那就想到什么说什么。韦氏高阶〔astonish〕What astonished me was that he didn't seem to mind.让我感到诧异的是他好像毫不在乎。剑桥高阶〔bring/call sth to mind〕I can see his face, but I just can't bring his name to mind.我能认出他的脸,只是我记不得他的名字了。剑桥高阶〔bring〕Thoughts of fishing brought to mind our youth.想钓鱼的念头使我忆起了我们的青年时代美国传统〔business〕I asked Laura what was wrong and she told me to mind my own business.我问劳拉发生了什么事,她让我少管闲事。柯林斯高阶〔call〕Don't those two call to mind the days when we were courting? 难道他们俩没让我们想起谈恋爱的时候吗?朗文当代〔call〕I couldn't call to mind where I'd seen him before.我想不起来以前在哪里见过他。朗文当代〔eye〕He would recommend him to mind his eye for the future.他建议他今后要小心行事。 英汉大词典〔fawn〕She doesn't seem to mind being fawned on by her fans.粉丝对她阿谀奉承,她似乎并不在意。韦氏高阶〔language〕The referee told the players to mind their language.裁判让队员注意言辞。牛津搭配〔mind your p's and q's〕I have to mind my p's and q's when I'm with my grandmother.和我祖母在一起时,我不得不特别注意自己的言谈举止。剑桥高阶〔mind your p's and q's〕We knew to mind our p's and q's around our aunt.我们知道在姑姑身边要有礼貌。韦氏高阶〔mind〕Fatherhood doesn't immediately spring to mind when you think of James.想到詹姆斯,你脑子里不会一下子跳出父亲的样子。朗文当代〔mind〕His parents didn't seem to mind that he dropped out of college.他的父母似乎不在乎他从大学辍学。牛津搭配〔mind〕I can't call his name to mind right now.我不能马上想起他的名字。麦克米伦高阶〔mind〕I just used the first excuse which sprang to mind.我只是想到一个借口就说出来了。朗文当代〔mind〕It involved a little extra work, but nobody seemed to mind.这稍微增加了一些工作量, 不过似乎没人介意。外研社新世纪〔mind〕She agreed to mind the baby for the afternoon.她同意下午照料宝宝。外研社新世纪〔mind〕She couldn't call to mind where she had seen him before.她想不起来曾在哪里见过他。牛津高阶〔mind〕That brings to mind a wonderful poem by Riokin.那使我想起了里奥金的一首绝妙好诗。外研社新世纪〔mind〕The only thing I could call to mind was something my mother once said.我唯一能想起来的就是母亲曾说过的话。朗文当代〔mind〕The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works.这幅油画使人想起了毕加索早期的作品。牛津高阶〔mind〕This brings to mind a story.这使人想起一个故事。英汉大词典〔mind〕This latest crisis brings to mind the events of last year.最近的这场危机使人想起去年的那些事件。麦克米伦高阶〔mind〕Who's going to mind the office while you're away? 你离开的时候谁管办公室?韦氏高阶〔odd〕What she did was unforgivable, but the odd thing was he didn't seem to mind.她的所作所为是不可原谅的,但奇怪的是他好像并不在意。朗文当代〔presentative〕Having the capacity or function of bringing an idea or image to mind.能形成意向或意念的:具有能够在脑海中出现观点或形象的能力或功能的美国传统〔printable〕A far more accurate, but far less printable, term comes to mind.我想到一个更准确但不宜见诸报端的词。外研社新世纪〔put〕His mother put him to mind the sheep.他母亲让他去看羊。英汉大词典〔reproduce〕To bring (a memory, for example) to mind again.使(如回忆)在脑中重现美国传统〔slight〕He didn't seem to mind in the slightest.他好像一点都不在乎。牛津高阶〔spring〕Two questions spring to mind.脑子里马上跳出了两个问题。朗文当代〔stick〕To mind one's own business.管某人自己的事情美国传统〔subtle〕It was her subtle way of telling me to mind my own business.她隐晦地告诉我别多管闲事。韦氏高阶〔subway〕No one on the subway seemed to mind how crowded it was.地铁上似乎没有人会介意有多拥挤。韦氏高阶〔thank〕I'll thank you to mind your own business.请你少管闲事。牛津高阶〔yell〕She yelled back at me to mind my own business.她冲我大声回喊,要我别多管闲事。牛津搭配Her name is familiar, but I can't quite call to mind where I've heard it.她的名字很熟悉,但我记不起在哪儿听到过。剑桥国际I can see his face now but I can't call/bring his name to mind (= can't remember his name).我看到他的脸了,但想不起他的名字。剑桥国际Say the word ‘Australia’and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind (= comes quickly into the mind).一说到“澳大利亚”这个词,脑海中会立刻呈现出沙滩和蔚蓝大海的景象。剑桥国际When she complained to her neighbour about the noise, she received a stream of abuse and was told to mind her own business.当她向邻居抱怨这吵闹声时,她得到了一连串的辱骂并被告知不要管闲事。剑桥国际Your comments leapt to mind as I was trying to explain the problem to him.当我试图对他解释这个问题时,突然想起了你的那番话。剑桥国际




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