

单词 to milk
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cowed〕Dad went out to milk the cows.爸爸出去挤牛奶。柯林斯高阶〔cow〕Dad went out to milk the cows.爸爸出去挤牛奶了。外研社新世纪〔milk〕A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.一些人试图从保险公司敲一笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔milk〕A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.一些人试图敲保险公司一笔钱。外研社新世纪〔milk〕A liquid, such as coconut milk, milkweed sap, plant latex, or various medical emulsions, that is similar to milk in appearance.乳状液:一种样子象奶的液体,如椰子汁、马利筋植物的汁液、植物乳液或各种药物乳状液美国传统〔milk〕Catching poisonous snakes in the wild to milk them for venom is dangerous.在野外抓毒蛇获取毒液很危险。外研社新世纪〔milk〕I helped to milk the cows.我帮忙挤牛奶。朗文当代〔milk〕Some goats seem to milk (= produce milk) better than others.有些山羊似乎比其他羊更容易产奶。剑桥高阶〔milk〕We decided to take full advantage of the situation, to milk it for all it was worth.我们决定要充分利用这一情况, 从中取得尽可能多的好处。外研社新世纪〔react〕Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese.对牛奶过敏的人可能对奶酪也有不良反应。柯林斯高阶〔trace〕The bug was traced to milk from a farm in Yorkshire.经追查该病毒来自约克郡一家农场生产的牛奶。麦克米伦高阶He tried to milk information from me. 他想从我这里套出消息。译典通I heard the clank of buckets as the farm workers went to milk the cows.我听到农场工人去挤牛奶时牛奶桶发出的当啷声。剑桥国际If you add lemon juice to milk, it will go/turn sour.如果你在牛奶里加入柠檬汁,它会变酸的。剑桥国际Some goats seem to milk (= produce milk) better than others.有些山羊似乎产奶比其他好。剑桥国际The farm holds workshops in which modern suburbanites can learn how to milk a cow or make butter.这家农场拥有可供现代郊区居民学习挤牛奶或制黄油的作坊。剑桥国际Three of the dinner guests don't eat meat, two are on a diet and just to complicate matters/things, the sixth is allergic to milk.宴请的客人中有三个不吃肉,两个在节食,而令事情更复杂的是,第六个客人对牛奶过敏。剑桥国际




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