

单词 to stand
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔alone〕the courage to stand alone 坚强独立的勇气朗文当代〔chock〕had to stand chock up against the railing.不得不紧紧挨着栏杆站着美国传统〔frail〕evidence too frail to stand up in court.证据太无力了,在法庭上站不住脚美国传统〔given〕a game in which, at a given signal, everyone has to stand still 大家接到约定信号后都必须静止不动的一个游戏朗文当代〔incompetent〕a defendant who was incompetent to stand trial.无资格受审的被告美国传统〔muster〕call out the troops to stand muster 召集部队接受检阅英汉大词典〔stand〕permit a mistake to stand 让错误保留英汉大词典〔undertaking〕give an undertaking not to stand again for election 许诺不再参加竞选 英汉大词典〔yellow〕be too yellow to stand up and fight 太怯懦而不敢起来斗争英汉大词典




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