

单词 to speed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WIN〕The newer model wins hands down when it comes to speed and capacity. 从速度和功率来说,这款较新的型号无出其右。朗文写作活用〔accelerate〕To speed up (an academic course, for example).跳级:加速(如大学课程)美国传统〔broaden〕They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.他们正在拓宽大桥以提高通行能力。剑桥高阶〔clearing〕Banks must get up to speed on cheque clearing.银行必须加快支票结算速度。外研社新世纪〔drier〕A substance added to paint, varnish, or ink to speed drying.干燥剂:加入颜料、涂料或墨水中用于加速干燥的物质美国传统〔gauge〕The amount of plaster of Paris combined with common plaster to speed setting of the mixture.熟石膏掺和比例:与普通灰浆混合的熟石膏数量,以加速凝固美国传统〔germination〕To speed up germination, it is worth soaking the seed in water.为了加快发芽速度, 不妨把种子在水里浸泡一下。外研社新世纪〔loosening〕Drilling regulations, too, have been loosened to speed the development of the fields.钻探条例亦已放宽,以加速油田的开发。柯林斯高阶〔loosen〕Regulations have been loosened to speed the process up.规定已放宽以便加速进程。外研社新世纪〔metabolism〕Exercise is supposed to speed up your metabolism.运动被认为可加速新陈代谢。剑桥高阶〔multiplication〕Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells.我们知道不断增加的引力会加速细胞的分裂。柯林斯高阶〔process〕We use drugs to speed up the healing process.我们用药物来加快康复过程。麦克米伦高阶〔rally〕A competition in which automobiles are driven over public roads and under normal traffic regulations but with specified rules as to speed, time, and route.公路车赛:一种汽车赛,比赛中车辆在公路上按照正常的交通规则行驶但对速度、时间和路线有特殊的要求美国传统〔regard〕He was driving without regard to speed limits.他开着车,根本不理会速度限制。牛津高阶〔relation〕The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.动物消耗的能量与其速度和体重直接相关。牛津搭配〔release〕Action had been taken to speed up the release of cheques.已经采取行动加速支票的发放。柯林斯高阶〔scarify〕Botany To slit or soften the outer coat of (seeds) in order to speed germination.【植物学】 划破(种子表皮)以促进发芽:为加速发芽使种子的外表开裂或软化美国传统〔significant〕A significant number of drivers fail to keep to speed limits.有相当多的司机不遵守车速限制。朗文当代〔speed (sth) up〕I think you need to speed up a bit (= drive faster) - we're going to be late.我觉得你得开快点——我们要迟到了。剑桥高阶〔speed up〕I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to speed things up.想要加快事情的进展,恐怕你也无能为力。韦氏高阶〔speed up〕They add another chemical to the photo developer to speed up the process.他们在照片显影剂中添了另一种化学剂来加快显影过程。韦氏高阶〔speeding〕Those in charge deluded themselves they were up to speed.那些负责人自以为掌握了最新情况。柯林斯高阶〔speed〕Are you up to speed yet on the latest developments? 你了解最新的进展情况吗?牛津高阶〔speed〕Everyone here is up to speed.这里所有人都了解最新情况。韦氏高阶〔speed〕I'm not up to speed on these issues yet.我对这些事情还不熟悉美国传统〔speed〕Postal workers labored overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail.邮电工人加班加点以加速圣诞期间信件的发送。美国传统〔speed〕Some school officials are only now getting up to speed regarding computers.有些学校的行政管理人员在计算机方面现在才刚刚跟上形势。朗文当代〔speed〕The Security Council also approved a resolution to speed a UN force there within months.安理会还通过了一项决议, 在数月内加快在此部署联合国部队。外研社新世纪〔speed〕The best thing you can do to speed your recovery (= make it quicker) is to rest.尽快让身体康复的最佳方法就是休息。剑桥高阶〔speed〕The president is being kept up to speed on the situation.总统对形势了如指掌。麦克米伦高阶〔speed〕We kept the plants under artificial lights at night to speed their growth.我们让这些植物在夜间接受灯光照射以加速生长。韦氏高阶〔speed〕You'll have to speed up your rate of work if you want to finish by the agreed date.如果你要在约定日期前完成工作,你得加快速度。英汉大词典〔torque converter〕A mechanical or hydraulic device for changing the ratio of torque to speed between the input and output shafts of a mechanism.变矩器,变扭器:变换扭力来加速机械输入与输出轴旋转的机械或液体动力装置美国传统〔trick〕On page 21, some tricks to speed up your beauty routine.第21页介绍了日常快速化妆的技巧。剑桥高阶〔turnover〕We want to find ways to speed up inventory turnover.我们想寻找加快库存周转的途径。韦氏高阶〔up to speed〕Before we start the meeting I'm going to bring you up to speed with the latest developments.在会议开始之前,我想先向大家介绍一下最新的进展。剑桥高阶〔up to speed〕We arranged for some home tutoring to get him up to speed with the other children in his class.我们安排了一些家庭辅导,以帮助他跟上班里其他孩子的进度。剑桥高阶〔up〕The board of directors will have to be brought up to speed on these new developments.董事会必须了解这些最新的发展。麦克米伦高阶Are you up to speed yet on the latest developments? 你对最新进展情况了解吗?牛津商务Carrington was at his country home, getting up to speed with developments down on the farm.凯林顿在他的家乡对农场的发展作了全面了解。剑桥国际Chemists tried a new distillation process to speed up production.化学家们试以新的蒸馏方法加快生产。剑桥国际Exercise is supposed to speed up your metabolism.运动被认为能加速你的新陈代谢。剑桥国际I think you need to speed up a bit (= drive faster)--we're going to be late.我想你得开得快一点----我们要迟到了。剑桥国际In any strike there are difficulties getting the company back up to speed.任何罢工都会使公司难以重新开展日常事务。剑桥国际Now space satellites are used to speed long distance calls. 现在宇宙卫星被用来快速传送长途电话。译典通The BBC needed to be brought up to speed with commercial broadcasters in the areas of efficiency, savings and producer choice.应该让英国广播公司完全明白商业广播在效率、资金积累和制片选择方面该如何做。剑桥国际The best thing you can do to speed (= make quicker) your recovery is to rest.休息是加速你康复的最佳良药。剑桥国际They are broadening the road (= making it wider) to speed up the flow of traffic.他们正拓宽道路以加速交通流量。剑桥国际This kind of race requires a different set-up and we've not got the car up to speed.这类比赛需要不同的安排,我们没有足够快的车可供使用。剑桥国际You're going to have to speed up--they're gaining on us.你得加快速度----他们越来越逼近了。剑桥国际




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