

单词 broadcast
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕when a programme is broadcast on television or radio 节目在电视或广播上播出朗文写作活用〔VHF〕programs broadcast on VHF 以极高频广播的节目文馨英汉〔airwaves〕news being broadcast on/over the airwaves 正在播报的新闻韦氏高阶〔announcement〕a broadcast announcement 广播通知英汉大词典〔beam〕the first sports broadcast to be beamed across the Atlantic 首次向大西洋彼岸播送的体育节目朗文当代〔black ... out〕to black out the radio broadcast from a country用干扰来封锁某国的电台广播21世纪英汉〔break〕broke into broadcast journalism at an early age.早年就进入了广播新闻界美国传统〔broadcast〕broadcast a children's play 播出一出儿童剧英汉大词典〔broadcast〕broadcast journalism; the print and broadcast media.广播新闻;印刷和广播媒介美国传统〔broadcast〕broadcast news (an appeal) to the people over the clandestine radio 通过秘密电台向人民广播新闻 (呼吁书) 英汉大词典〔broadcast〕broadcast one's views to everyone in the office 向办公室里的每个人传播自己的观点英汉大词典〔broadcast〕broadcast rumors.See Synonyms at announce 传播谣言 参见 announce美国传统〔broadcast〕broadcast seed 撒播种子英汉大词典〔broadcast〕broadcast seeds 撒播的种子英汉大词典〔broadcast〕broadcast time 广播时间英汉大词典〔broadcast〕a Christmas message broadcast to the nation 面向全国广播的圣诞祝词牛津搭配〔broadcast〕a live/recorded broadcast 直播/录播节目韦氏高阶〔broadcast〕a news broadcast 一档新闻节目朗文当代〔broadcast〕a radio broadcast 无线电广播节目麦克米伦高阶〔broadcast〕a radio broadcast on the problems of unemployment 关于失业问题的无线电广播牛津搭配〔broadcast〕a radio/television broadcast 电台/电视节目剑桥高阶〔broadcast〕an architect of the broadcast policy 广播政策的制定者英汉大词典〔broadcast〕listen to a news broadcast on a radio station 从一个电台收听新闻广播英汉大词典〔broadcast〕seed sown broadcast 遍撒的种子英汉大词典〔broadcast〕snow the ashes broadcast 把灰末撒得到处都是英汉大词典〔coded〕coded signals broadcast by the BBC radio transmitters 英国广播公司无线电发射台发出的密码信号朗文当代〔digital〕a digital radio broadcast 数字无线电广播韦氏高阶〔digital〕digital terrestrial and digital satellite broadcast ing 数字陆上广播和数字衞星广播牛津高阶〔embargo〕a background report embargoed for broadcast until 1 pm在下午1点以前禁止广播的背景报告外研社新世纪〔evening〕a broadcast on the evening news 晚间新闻广播朗文当代〔indecency〕legislation to multiply broadcast indecency fines 对传播猥亵行为加倍罚款的立法牛津搭配〔interactive〕cable broadcast companies that offer interactivity.提供交互服务的有线广播公司柯林斯高阶〔interest〕political broadcast in the Conservative interest 支持保守党的电台政治宣传英汉大词典〔in〕broadcast in six languages to the world 用6种语言向全世界广播英汉大词典〔jam〕jam a radio broadcast 干扰无线电广播韦氏高阶〔linkup〕broadcast the event on a closed-circuit TV linkup.在闭路电视系统上转播这次事件美国传统〔live〕be broadcast live 被现场播出文馨英汉〔long wave〕to broadcast on long wave 用长波播送牛津高阶〔midday〕a midday news broadcast 中午的新闻广播文馨英汉〔monitor〕followed the broadcast on the television monitor.跟着电视荧屏上的广播美国传统〔nation〕the President's radio broadcast to the nation 总统对全国的广播讲话朗文当代〔network〕broadcast a program on (或over) a radio network 在无线电广播网播送节目英汉大词典〔news〕a late evening news broadcast 晚间新闻广播朗文当代〔nightly〕a nightly visit/news broadcast 夜访/晚间新闻报道剑桥高阶〔overseas〕an overseas broadcast 向海外的广播文馨英汉〔party political〕a party political broadcast 党派政治广播牛津高阶〔party political〕a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party 代表工党的政治广播麦克米伦高阶〔party political〕a party political broadcast on television 电视上的政党宣传广播朗文当代〔personality〕a broadcast network with well-known on-air personalities 拥有知名播音员的广播网牛津搭配〔play-by-play〕a play-by-play broadcast of a basketball game 篮球赛一场接一场的连续广播文馨英汉〔public service〕a public service broadcast 公营广播牛津高阶〔radio〕listen to music broadcast by radio 收听无线电音乐节目 英汉大词典〔satellite〕satellite television/TV(= broadcast using a satellite) 衞星电视牛津高阶〔scene〕a broadcast from Africa by a news reporter on the scene 记者发自非洲现场的广播英汉大词典〔shortwave〕a shortwave broadcast 短波广播英汉大词典〔snap〕the broadcast that snaps突然中断了的广播21世纪英汉〔stereo〕to broadcast in stereo 用立体声广播牛津高阶〔take〕take a broadcast on tape 把广播节目录在磁带上英汉大词典a live broadcast of the speech 这场演说的现场直播牛津商务specialists in the fields of print, broadcast and display media advertising 在印刷、广播和展示媒体等领域做广告的专家牛津商务




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