

单词 to direct
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EVER〕Spielberg then went on to direct ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’, which became one of the highest earning films in history. 斯皮尔伯格接着又导演了《第三类接触》,这是历史上创最高票房纪录的影片之一。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕The movie flopped and Laughton never got the chance to direct again. 影片失败了,劳顿从此再也没有得到导演的机会。朗文写作活用〔aim〕To direct (a weapon or remark, for example) toward an intended goal or mark.瞄准,针对:把(武器或评论等)对准预期的目标或记号美国传统〔barrage〕To direct a barrage at.以密集的火力进攻美国传统〔baton〕Music A slender wooden stick or rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or band.【音乐】 短棍:指挥家用来指挥乐队的细长木棒美国传统〔bawl〕He tried to direct the video like a fashion show, bawling instructions to the girls.他导演那段录像时大声地指挥着那些女孩子,好像在搞一场时装表演似的。柯林斯高阶〔bawl〕He tried to direct the video like a fashion show, bawling instructions to the girls.他试着像指导时装表演那样导演录影, 向女孩子们大声下着指令。外研社新世纪〔command〕To direct with authority; give orders to.命令:用权力指示;给…命令美国传统〔concentrate〕To direct or draw toward a common center; focus.集中:使指向或拖向同一个中心;聚集美国传统〔conduct〕To direct the course of; manage or control.指挥:指引…的路线;管理或控制美国传统〔con〕To direct the steering or course of (a vessel).掌舵:指挥(船的)航向或航线美国传统〔crab〕To direct (an aircraft) partly into a crosswind to eliminate drift.使(飞机)作航向偏流修正以防飘流美国传统〔crab〕To direct an aircraft into a crosswind.使飞机作航向偏流修正美国传统〔crossbow〕A weapon consisting of a bow fixed crosswise on a wooden stock, with grooves on the stock to direct the projectile.弩:一种包括有一个交叉固定在木柄上的弓的武器,木柄上有槽以释放弓箭美国传统〔cure〕The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again.那次经历是一次令人厌恶的煎熬,使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。柯林斯高阶〔cure〕The ordeal cured him of any ambitions to direct again.那次痛苦的经历使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。外研社新世纪〔direct〕A new manager has been appointed to direct the project.已任命一位新经理来管理这项工程。牛津高阶〔direct〕I think I'd like to direct some day.我想有朝一日我会当导演。韦氏高阶〔direct〕I want to direct my efforts more towards my own projects.我想把精力更多地投入到自己的项目中去。朗文当代〔direct〕I'd like to direct your attention to paragraph four.请你注意看第四段。朗文当代〔direct〕The manager's job is mainly to direct the activities of others.这位经理的工作主要是管理其他人的活动。麦克米伦高阶〔direct〕There are three main issues that we need to direct our attention to.我们需要注意的主要有三个问题。牛津高阶〔direct〕We were asked to direct our thoughts and prayers to the people who survived the disaster.我们被要求关注那些灾难中的幸存者,并为他们祈祷。韦氏高阶〔dynamotor〕A rotating electric machine with two armatures, used to convert alternating current to direct current.旋转变流机:一种将交流变为直流的带有两个电容器板的旋转电机美国传统〔ear trumpet〕A horn-shaped device formerly used to direct sound into the ear of a hearing-impaired person.号角状助听器:一种号角状助听器,早期用于给听力受损的人助听用美国传统〔hit〕To direct attention to the most important points or places.注意要点:着重注意最重要的问题或地方美国传统〔micromanage〕To direct or control in a detailed, often meddlesome manner.细节管理:指导或是控制细节,常为多管闲事的行为美国传统〔muffle〕A kiln or part of a kiln in which pottery can be fired without being exposed to direct flame.隔焰窑:烧陶器时炉内防止火焰直接与之接触的隔焰窑或其一部分美国传统〔nota bene〕Used to direct attention to something particularly important.注意:用来引导注意到某些特别重要的事情美国传统〔outwards〕It's much healthier to direct your emotions outwards than to bottle them up inside you.把你的情绪发泄出来,比闷在心里更有益于健康。剑桥高阶〔point〕To direct attention or indicate position with or as if with the finger.指示:用手指或仿佛用手指来引导注意或指示位置美国传统〔power pack〕A usually compact, portable device that converts supply current to direct or alternating current as required by specific equipment.电源组,动力单元:通常能折叠手提的装置,能按照具体设备的要求将供给的电流转化为直流电或交流电美国传统〔project〕To direct (one's voice) so as to be heard clearly at a distance.控制嗓音:控制(某人的声音)以便在远处能被清楚地听见美国传统〔project〕To direct one's voice so as to be heard clearly at a distance.提聚声音:控制自己的嗓音以便从远处能被清楚地听到美国传统〔rectifier〕Electronics A device, such as a diode, that converts alternating current to direct current.【电子学】 整流器;整流管:一种将交流电流转化为直流电流的装置,如二极管美国传统〔sight〕To direct one's gaze; look carefully.观察:指引某人的目光;仔细地看美国传统〔sign〕She signed to direct two movies for the studio.她和电影公司签约导演两部影片。韦氏高阶〔steer〕To direct the course of.指引…的路线美国传统〔stet〕To direct that a letter, word, or other matter marked for omission or correction is to be retained. Used in the imperative.保留:指示被做标记删除或改正的字母、词或其它东西应被保留。祈使语气中使用美国传统〔sunburn〕Inflammation or blistering of the skin caused by overexposure to direct sunlight.晒斑,晒伤:因过度地接受太阳直射而引起的皮肤红肿或起泡美国传统〔trustee〕A member of a board elected or appointed to direct the funds and policy of an institution.保管委员:被选举或任命来保管机构资金并制定政策的委员会成员美国传统〔undercut〕A notch cut in a tree to direct its fall and insure a clean break.砍伐切口:砍在树上的切口,用于指定采伐量并保证裂口整齐美国传统〔vide〕See. Used to direct a reader's attention.请看,参看:参看。用来导引读者的注意力美国传统〔whose〕Cohen, whose short film won awards, was chosen to direct the movie .科恩,就是那个短片获奖的人,被选中导演这部电影。剑桥高阶A new manager has been appointed to direct the project.已任命一位新经理来管理这项目。牛津商务It takes a fertile imagination to direct a film as bizarre and original as this.导演这样一部怪诞而独特的影片需要丰富的想象力。剑桥国际It's much healthier to direct your emotions outwards than to bottle them up inside you.把你的情绪发泄出来,比闷在心里要健康得多。剑桥国际Real-time programs are used by air traffic controllers to direct aircraft.空中交通调度员使用实时程序来引导飞机。剑桥国际The film grossed over $100 million, making her the first woman to direct a smash hit in Hollywood.该电影总共收入一亿多美元,使她成为第一个在好莱坞导演轰动之作的女性。剑桥国际You use the rectifier (= electronic device) to change an alternating current to direct current.你使用整流器将交流电改变成直流电。剑桥国际




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