

单词 to demand
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The President said he would never give in to demands by terrorists. 总统说,他决不屈服于恐怖分子的要求。朗文写作活用〔LEGAL〕Consumers have the legal right to demand their money back if a product is faulty. 如果产品有瑕疵,消费者依法享有要求退款的权利。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕We've had so many unpaid bills that we've started to demand payment up front. 坏账太多,所以我们已开始要求预先付款了。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕Maria's reaction to the birth of her sister was to demand more attention from her mother. 玛丽亚对妹妹出生的反应是要求母亲对她多加关心。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The Maya farmers rose up in arms to demand greater democracy and freedom. 马雅的农民进行武装反抗,要求得到更多的民主和自由。朗文写作活用〔accede〕He acceded to demands for his resignation.他同意要他辞职的要求。牛津高阶〔book〕To demand an explanation from; call to account.要求作出解释;要求作出说明美国传统〔cave〕The President is unlikely to cave in to demands for a public inquiry.总统未必会同意进行公开调查。牛津高阶〔clamping〕Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine.苏格兰法院裁定,将停在私人地界上的车辆上夹钳并索要罚款的行为是违法的。柯林斯高阶〔clamp〕Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine.苏格兰法院裁定, 将停在私人地界上的车辆上夹锁并索要罚款的行为是违法的。外研社新世纪〔court〕They have received £20,000 each but had gone to court to demand more.他们每人已经得到2万英镑, 但仍然向法庭提出诉讼要求获得更多。外研社新世纪〔encore〕To demand an encore of.要求加演美国传统〔encore〕Used to demand an additional performance.用来要求加演美国传统〔gather〕A group of students gathered in front of the administration building to demand divestiture.一群学生聚集在行政大楼前要求被剥夺的权利。美国传统〔grossly〕It was grossly unfair to demand such a high interest rate on the loan.贷款利息如此高是极其不公平的。剑桥高阶〔hypocrite〕It's hypocritical of you to demand respect from your students when you don't respect them in return.你不尊重学生却要求学生尊敬你,这就太虚伪了。韦氏高阶〔in the right〕You are in the right to demand a refund/apology.你有理由要求退款/道歉。韦氏高阶〔in〕The changes are in response to demand from our customers.这些变化是应我们顾客的要求而作出的。剑桥高阶〔knuckle under〕The United States, he said, did not knuckle under to demands.他说,美国不会屈从于他人的要求。柯林斯高阶〔knuckle under〕The United States, he said, did not knuckle under to demands.他说美国不会屈服于这些要求。外研社新世纪〔lobby〕Carers lobbied Parliament to demand a better financial deal.护理员向议会游说, 要求改善经济待遇。外研社新世纪〔more〕The urgent need to bolster the reforms is beginning to demand more of his attention.推动改革的迫切需要引发了他更多的关注。柯林斯高阶〔news〕He has written to demand news about each of us.他已来信要我们告诉他各自最近的情况。英汉大词典〔pound〕Banks are quick to demand their pound of flesh when overdrafts run a little over the limit.透支稍微超出限额时,银行便会很快要求归还欠款。柯林斯高阶〔re-claim〕To demand the restoration or return of (a possession, for example); claim again or back.要求收回:要求恢复或归还(例如所有权);重申或要求收回美国传统〔recourse〕Law The right to demand payment from the endorser of a commercial paper when the first party liable fails to pay.【法律】 追索权:当有支付义务的第一方不能支付时,可以向商业票据的背书人要求支付的权力美国传统〔relative〕Supply is relative to demand.供应是按需求而定的。英汉大词典〔requisition〕To demand, as for military needs.征用:强令,如为了军事需要美国传统〔right〕I think I'm quite within my rights to demand a full refund.我认为我完全有权利要求全额退款。剑桥高阶〔ring〕Thousands of people ringed the court building to demand the release of Mr Cox.数千人包围了法院,要求释放考克斯先生。朗文当代〔shall〕The Court shall have authority to demand the presence of witnesses.法院有权要求证人出庭。麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕Teachers went on strike last week to demand job security.上周教师举行罢工,要求得到工作保障。朗文当代〔token〕Miners have staged a two-hour token stoppage to demand better pay and conditions… 矿工们举行了两小时的象征性停工,以要求提高工资和改善工作条件。柯林斯高阶〔unionization〕Increasing unionization led to demands for higher wages and shorter hours.随着工会越来越壮大,有了提高工资、缩短工作时间的要求。柯林斯高阶〔unionization〕Increasing unionization led to demands for higher wages and shorter hours.随着工会越来越壮大, 有了提高工资、缩短工作时间的要求。外研社新世纪〔unite〕Our community has united to demand a safer neighbourhood.我们社区一致要求建立一个更安全的街区。麦克米伦高阶〔wage〕Semi-skilled tradesmen began to demand higher wages.半熟练工匠开始要求更高的工资。牛津搭配〔yield〕The hijackers refuse to yield to demands to release the passengers.劫机者拒绝了释放乘客的要求。朗文当代He had the impertinence to demand a raise. 他竟冒失地要求增加薪资。译典通I think I'm quite within my rights to demand a full refund.我认为我完全有权要求全额退款。剑桥国际It was grossly unfair to demand such a high interest rate on the loan.向贷款收取这么高的利息显然是不公平的。剑桥国际It was insolent of them to demand special treatment. 他们要求给予特殊待遇,脸皮真厚。译典通Production should be geared to demand. 生产应与需求相适应。译典通Protesters met in front of the embassy to demand the release of all political prisoners.抗议者们在大使馆前集会,要求释放所有的政治犯。剑桥国际She promised she would make a speech if the occasion seemed to demand it.她答应如果那时情况看来有此必要的话,她会发表演说。剑桥国际Supply is relative to demand. 供应是按需求而定的。译典通The changes are in response to demand from our customers.这些变化是应我们顾客提出的要求而做出的。剑桥国际The footballers wanted to be paid for press interviews and chose Saturday's match to demand their lolly.足球运动员接受记者采访想得到报酬并选择周六比赛时提出该要求。剑桥国际Their seeming reluctance to demand better treatment was puzzling.他们好像不太愿意要求更好的待遇,这真令人不解。剑桥国际




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