

单词 to defeat
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE FUN OF〕When they crashed to defeat, they were the laughing stock of the tennis world. 他们一败涂地之后就成了网球界的笑柄。朗文写作活用〔alone〕Alone among the major candidates, Gaviria expressed a determination to continue the campaign to defeat the drugs cartels.在主要的候选人中,只有加维里亚一人坚决表示要继续打击药品同业联盟。柯林斯高阶〔annihilate〕To defeat decisively; vanquish.彻底击败;战胜美国传统〔arrayed〕Napoleon ultimately failed in his plan to defeat the two armies arrayed against him.拿破仑计划击溃那两支列队待战的部队,却最终失利。柯林斯高阶〔arrayed〕Napoleon ultimately failed in his plan to defeat the two armies arrayed against him.拿破仑计划击溃那两支编队待战的部队, 最终失利了。外研社新世纪〔attack〕These bomb blasts suggest that the terrorists are (going) on the attack (= trying to defeat or hurt other people) again.这些爆炸事件表明,恐怖主义分子又发起了进攻。剑桥高阶〔beat〕To defeat or subdue, as in a contest.战胜:在比赛中战胜,压倒美国传统〔burn〕To defeat in a contest, especially by a narrow margin.险胜:尤其指在竟争中以很小的优势击败对手美国传统〔cause〕He has made common cause with political rivals to defeat the proposed new law.他与政敌联手反对新法案的通过。韦氏高阶〔checkmate〕To defeat completely.彻底挫败美国传统〔clobber〕To defeat decisively.打垮,打败:彻底打败美国传统〔defeat〕The bill went down to defeat in the House.这个提案在众议院遭到否决。韦氏高阶〔defeat〕They hoped to defeat the enemy at sea.他们希望在海上击败敌人。朗文当代〔defeat〕We must be ready to defeat our enemies in battle.在战场上我们必须做好准备击败敌人。韦氏高阶〔drub〕To defeat emphatically.彻底击败美国传统〔fall back on〕Unable to defeat him by logical discussion, she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech.由于在条理上说不过他,她便转而重施故技,抓住他的演讲不放。柯林斯高阶〔fall back on〕Unable to defeat him by logical discussion, she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech.由于在逻辑上说不过他, 她便转而重施故技, 抓住他的演讲大加批评。外研社新世纪〔firepower〕The army didn't have the firepower to defeat the invaders.这支军队没有足以打败入侵者的火力装备。韦氏高阶〔gammon〕To defeat in backgammon by scoring a gammon.在十五子棋中全胜对方美国传统〔keep together〕The whole team kept together to try to defeat their rivals.全队团结在一起努力打败竞争对手。21世纪英汉〔knife〕Informal To betray or attempt to defeat by underhand means.【非正式用语】 背叛,陷害:用不光彩的手段出卖或试图战胜美国传统〔knock〕Sports To defeat (a boxing opponent) by a knockout.【体育运动】 击倒对手:通过击到对方而击败(拳击比赛中的对手)美国传统〔mortal〕The superhero's only flaw is his inability to defeat his mortal enemy.这位超级英雄唯一的不足之处就是无法击败他的死敌。外研社新世纪〔murder〕Slang To defeat decisively; trounce.【俚语】 彻底击败;击溃美国传统〔nose〕To defeat by a narrow margin.险胜对方美国传统〔number〕To defeat, abuse, or humiliate in a calculated and thorough way.彻底地挫败:精心策划和彻底地挫败、使无用或使丢脸美国传统〔overreach〕To defeat (oneself) by going too far or by doing or trying to gain too much.超出了头而失败:因超过了限度、做过了头或所求过多而使(自己)失败美国传统〔plaster〕To defeat decisively.彻底击败:决定性地击败美国传统〔possible〕It is possible to defeat him.有可能击败他。文馨英汉〔sharpen〕We'll need to sharpen our wits if we're going to defeat Jack's team.要击败杰克的队,我们需要更加聪明一些。剑桥高阶〔shellac〕To defeat decisively.大败(对方):彻底地击败美国传统〔shell〕To defeat decisively.决定性地击败美国传统〔sink〕Informal To defeat, as in a game.【非正式用语】 击败:击败,例如在比赛中美国传统〔skunk〕To defeat overwhelmingly, especially by keeping from scoring.战胜:占绝对优势地击败,尤指使对方不得分美国传统〔smear〕Slang To defeat utterly; smash.【俚语】 彻底击败;摧毁美国传统〔snow〕To defeat by a very large margin.压倒:以极大的优势击败美国传统〔spell〕To defeat in a spelling bee.在拼写比赛中取胜美国传统〔surprise〕The Egyptian team relied on the element of surprise to defeat their stronger opponents.埃及队凭借出奇制胜的战术去打败强于他们的对手。牛津搭配〔thought〕Their thought was to defeat us quickly.他们的目的是迅速击败我们。英汉大词典〔thrash〕To defeat utterly; vanquish.击溃:彻底打败;征服美国传统〔trim〕To defeat soundly.击败,彻底打败美国传统〔tromp〕To defeat soundly; trounce.彻底击败;狠揍美国传统〔trounce〕To defeat decisively.决定性地打败美国传统〔underkill〕Insufficient force to defeat an enemy.力量不足:不足以击败敌人的力量美国传统〔vanquish〕To defeat or conquer in battle; subjugate.征服,战胜:在战争中击败或征服;使屈服美国传统〔whop〕To defeat soundly; thrash.彻底打败;重创美国传统Our opponents on this issue have some strong arguments, so we'll need to sharpen our wits if we're going to defeat them.我们在这个问题上的对手有一些有力的论据,所以如果要击败他们,我们就得敏捷机智。剑桥国际The aggressors were doomed to defeat. 侵略者注定要失败。译典通These bomb blasts suggest that the terrorists are (going) on the attack (=trying to defeat or hurt other people) again.这些炸弹爆炸事件意味着恐怖分子又在进行袭击了。剑桥国际We must continue the fight against (=effort to defeat or prevent) inflation / homelessness / crime.我们必须继续努力消除通货膨胀/无家可归的现象/与犯罪行为作斗争。剑桥国际




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