

单词 to decrease
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REDUCE〕Better health education should help to decrease the incidence of heart disease. 良好的健康教育会有助于减少心脏病的发病率。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Various methods are being explored in order to decrease the volume of traffic on our roads. 为了减少道路上的车流量,我们正在探索各种方法。朗文写作活用〔air brake〕A surface, such as an aileron, that can be projected into the airstream in order to decrease the air speed of an airplane by increasing drag; a spoiler.减速板:飞机上的一个诸如副翼的平面,可以投射到气流中通过增加拖力来减小飞机的速度;扰流器美国传统〔antiperspirant〕An astringent preparation applied to the skin to decrease perspiration.止汗剂:一种收敛性药物,涂在皮肤表面减少出汗美国传统〔counter〕The policy is intended as a counter to efforts to decrease spending on education.这项政策旨在对抗减少教育支出的努力。韦氏高阶〔damp〕Physics To decrease the amplitude of (a wave).【物理学】 减弱的振幅美国传统〔de-emphasize〕To decrease the emphasis on; minimize the importance of.降低对…的强调;降低…的重要性美国传统〔de-escalate〕To decrease the size, scope, or intensity of (a war, for example).减小:减小(例如,战争)的规模、范围或强度美国传统〔decay〕Aerospace To decrease in orbit. Used of an artificial satellite.【太空学】 能量衰减:在轨道上运行时能量消减。用于指人造卫星美国传统〔decay〕Electronics To decrease gradually in magnitude. Used of voltage or current.【电子学】 衰减:在量值上逐渐减弱。用于指电压或电流美国传统〔decelerate〕To decrease in velocity.减慢速度美国传统〔decelerate〕To decrease the velocity of.减慢…的速度美国传统〔decouple〕Physics To decrease or eliminate airborne shock waves from (an explosion) by having it take place underground.【物理学】 减低震波:通过在地下爆炸来减弱或消除(爆炸)在空中的震波美国传统〔decrease〕Prices are expected to decrease by less than 1 per cent this year.今年物价可望降低不到1%。麦克米伦高阶〔decrease〕The North's share of the world's energy consumption is expected to decrease from 70% to 60%.北方发达国家所占的世界能源消耗比例有望从70%下降到60%。朗文当代〔decrease〕The factory had to decrease its output.这家工厂不得不削减产量。外研社新世纪〔decrease〕The government wants to decrease population growth.政府想要降低人口增长速度。朗文当代〔deplete〕To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out.消灭,用光:降低…的充满度;用完或用光美国传统〔inhibit〕Biology To decrease, limit, or block the action or function of (an enzyme or organ, for example).【生物学】 降低,限制,阻止:降低、限制或阻止(如酶或器官的)运作或功能美国传统〔laborsaving〕Designed to conserve human energy in performing work or to decrease the amount of human labor needed.节省劳力的:设计用来在工作时保持人体能量或减轻劳动强度的美国传统〔noise pollution〕The airport has made changes to decrease noise pollution.机场进行了改变以减少噪声污染。韦氏高阶〔number〕More should be done to decrease the number of violent crimes in the city.应该采取更多措施减少这座城市的暴力犯罪数量。韦氏高阶〔pale〕To decrease in relative importance.重要性相对降低美国传统〔peak〕Sales have now peaked, and we expect them to decrease soon.现在销售额已经达到顶点,我们估计很快就会下降。21世纪英汉〔reduce〕To decrease the valence of (an atom) by adding electrons.降低原子价:通过加入电子来减少(原子的)电子价美国传统〔slack〕To decrease in activity or intensity.放松,缓和:在活动或紧张方面下降美国传统〔wane〕To decrease gradually in size, amount, intensity, or degree; decline.衰落:体积、数量、密度或程度的逐渐减小;衰退美国传统Fear of terrorist activity will frustrate the proposal to decrease security measures.对恐怖活动的惧怕将使减少安全措施的提议得不到实行。剑桥国际They are making every effort to decrease the production cost. 他们正尽力减少生产成本。译典通




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