

单词 to cut off
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕Ben didn't want to study law, but his father bullied him into it by threatening to cut off his allowance. 本不想学习法律,但他父亲以断绝他的生活费作威胁强迫他学。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Firefighters had to cut off the roof of the car, so that the injured man could be lifted out. 消防队员只得割开车顶,以便抬出那名受伤男子。朗文写作活用〔amputate〕To cut off (a part of the body), especially by surgery.截肢:砍掉、截去(肢体),特别是在外科手术中美国传统〔blanch〕To whiten (a growing plant or plant part) by covering to cut off direct light.变白:用遮盖物挡住光线直射以使(生长中的植物或植物的一部分)变白美国传统〔chamfer〕To cut off the edge or corner of; bevel.削角:切去边或角;将…切成斜面美国传统〔cut off〕He decided to cut off his beard.他决定把胡子剃了。韦氏高阶〔cut off〕They had a vote to cut off debate on the budget.他们投票结束了关于预算的争论。韦氏高阶〔cut off〕They've decided to cut off funding/aid to the group.他们决定终止为这一团体提供资金/援助。韦氏高阶〔cut sth off〕Remember to cut off the fat before you fry the steak.煎牛排时记得先把肥肉去掉。剑桥高阶〔cut sth off〕The aim was to cut off the enemy's escape route/supplies.目的是阻断敌人的逃跑路线/物资供应。剑桥高阶〔cut〕The US has threatened to cut off economic and military aid.美国威胁说要停止经济和军事援助。朗文当代〔cut〕The government has threatened to cut off our funding.政府已经威胁要停止对我们的资金支持。麦克米伦高阶〔decapitate〕To cut off the head of; behead.杀…的头;将…斩首美国传统〔feed〕We had to cut off the main power feed.我们不得不切断主电源。韦氏高阶〔graft〕You will need to cut off any new shoots that grow below the graft.你要把嫁接处下面长出来的新芽剪掉。韦氏高阶〔jack〕Since Ned was still asleep, she jacked in the earphone to cut off loudspeaker sound.因为纳德还在睡觉,她插上耳塞不让扬声器发出声音。英汉大词典〔march〕The army marched south to cut off the enemy's retreat.军队向南推进以切断敌人的退路。韦氏高阶〔objection〕Despite objections by the White House, the Senate voted today to cut off aid.参议院不顾白宫的反对于今天投票决定中止援助。柯林斯高阶〔objection〕Despite objections by the White House, the Senate voted today to cut off aid.尽管受到白宫的反对, 但参议院还是于今天投票中断援助。外研社新世纪〔poll〕To cut off or trim (hair, horns, or wool, for example); clip.修剪:剪掉或理(如头发、角或毛);修剪美国传统〔prune〕To cut off or remove dead or living parts or branches of (a plant, for example) to improve shape or growth.修剪:为了使形状更好看或促进生长而切除或去掉(比如植物的活或死的部分或枝条)美国传统〔sever〕To cut off (a part) from a whole.切制:从整体切下(一部分)美国传统〔snuff〕To cut off the charred portion of (a candlewick).剪烛花:剪掉(蜡烛蕊)烧焦的部分美国传统〔strangle〕To cut off the oxygen supply of; smother.使窒息:断绝…的供氧;闷住美国传统〔trash〕To cut off the outer leaves of (growing sugar cane).除去(生长中的甘蔗)的外层叶子美国传统It's silly to cut off your nose to spite your face (=hurt yourself more than the person you're trying to hurt)--if you stop using the local shop because you've quarrelled with the owner, you'll have nowhere to buy things! 拿自己出气,真傻----如果你只因为和店主吵了一架就不愿再光顾本地商店的话,你将找不到购物的地方。剑桥国际Remember to cut off the fat before you fry the steak.煎牛排之前别忘了把肥肉削去。剑桥国际The aim was to cut off the enemy's escape route/supplies.目标是切断敌人的逃跑路线/物资供应。剑桥国际The bank has threatened to cut off their credit.银行已扬言要停止他们的信贷。牛津商务They've threatened to cut off the flow of oil / water to the country.他们威胁说要切断通向那个国家的水/油供应。剑桥国际




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