

单词 broad
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕We traveled across a broad expanse of desert. 我们穿过一片广袤的沙漠。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕You're exactly the right build for a rugby player -- you've got good strong broad shoulders. 你这种体格很适合打橄榄球——你的肩膀又宽又结实。朗文写作活用〔Cairn terrier〕A small dog of a breed developed in Scotland, having a broad head and a rough, shaggy coat.凯恩㹴狗:长于苏格兰的一种小狗,具有宽头部、粗糙而长短不齐的毛皮美国传统〔DETAIL〕Although most of us do not know much about the technicalities of surveys, we have a broad idea of what they are about. 尽管我们中的大部分人对民意调查的技术细节不大清楚,但对此我们都有个大致的概念。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕To say that people are healthier than they used to be is a broad generalization -- the reality is a little more complex. 说人们比以前健康了,这比较笼统—实际情况要稍微复杂一些。朗文写作活用〔Erlenmeyer flask〕A conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck and flat, broad bottom.爱伦美氏瓶:一种细颈宽平底的锥形试验用烧瓶美国传统〔Eton collar〕A broad white collar worn over the lapels of a jacket.伊顿式衣领:夹克衫翻领上的一白色阔领美国传统〔Guinea〕A broad inlet of the Atlantic Ocean formed by the great bend in the west-central coast of Africa. It includes the Bights of Benin and Biafra.几内亚湾:大西洋一宽阔海湾,由非洲中西部海岸的大转弯形成。包括贝宁湾和比夫拉湾美国传统〔MOST〕He had created a broad consensus among different groups of Americans. 他已使不同的美国人团体达成了共识。朗文写作活用〔PERFORM/PERFORMANCE〕As a jazz performer she is astounding, capable of expressing a broad range of feeling and expression. 作为一名爵士乐表演者,她能够令人惊奇地表达丰富多样的情感。朗文写作活用〔Persian cat〕A stocky domestic cat having long silky fur, short legs, and a broad, round head with small ears.波斯猫:一种粗壮的家猫,长有长丝状的皮毛、短腿、宽圆的头和一对小耳朵美国传统〔Renaissance man〕A man who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences.多才多艺的人:有着广泛的知识的爱好并且在艺术和科学两个领域都取得成就的人美国传统〔SEE〕He gunned down a man in broad daylight and got away. 他在光天化日之下开枪击倒一名男子后逃之天天。朗文写作活用〔SMILE〕Johnny's broad smile changed slowly to a frown. 约翰尼那开心的笑容渐渐收拢,锁起了眉头。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕Her companion had a broad Australian accent. 她的同伴有很重的澳大利亚口音。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing. 在这篇论文中,我将把我们所做的研究作一大概的介绍。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Atkins is extremely well educated and able to talk on a broad range of topics. 阿特金斯受过非常良好的教育,能谈论各种话题。朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕He was six feet tall with broad shoulders and strong arms. 他身高六英尺,肩膀宽阔,手臂粗壮。朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕We drove down the broad tree-lined avenue. 我们沿着宽阔的林荫大道驶去。朗文写作活用〔acceptance〕These concepts have gained broad acceptance among scientists.这些观念已得到科学家的普遍认可。牛津搭配〔accumulate〕Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets.家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。柯林斯高阶〔acquire〕Broad beans are very much an acquired taste.要慢慢适应才能吃得惯蚕豆。柯林斯高阶〔admiration〕She gazed in admiration at his broad, muscular shoulders.她盯着他那肌肉发达的宽阔肩膀,好生欣赏。剑桥高阶〔alien〕The provisions would broaden the government's ability to deport aliens.这些规定会扩大政府驱逐侨民的能力。牛津搭配〔appeal〕The organization is clearly trying to broaden its appeal.扩大吸引力麦克米伦高阶〔appeal〕We are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.我们正努力让更多的人喜欢古典音乐。牛津搭配〔avenue〕A broad roadway lined with trees.林荫道:两边栽有树木的宽阔街道美国传统〔base〕These policies have a broad base of support.这些政策受到广泛支持。牛津高阶〔base〕Tom's nose was broad at the base.汤姆的鼻子底部宽大。文馨英汉〔basin〕A broad tract of land in which the rock strata are tilted toward a common center.盆地:岩层向共同的中心倾斜的广大陆地区域美国传统〔beamy〕Broad in the beam.船身很宽的美国传统〔bean〕Any of several related plants or their seeds or pods, such as the adzuki bean, broad bean, or soybean.豆类:一种相关植物或其种子或豆荚,如赤豆、蚕豆或黄豆美国传统〔bluebonnet〕A broad, blue woolen cap worn in Scotland.蓝扁帽:苏格兰人所戴的,用蓝呢做的宽沿扁平圆帽美国传统〔broad brush〕He's giving a broad brush approach to the subject.他将对这一学科进行概述。柯林斯高阶〔broad-gauge〕Having a broad gauge. Used of a railroad track.宽轨距的。用于指铁道美国传统〔broad-leaved〕Having broad or relatively broad leaves rather than needlelike or scalelike leaves.(有)阔叶的:有宽或相当宽的叶,而非针叶或鳞叶的美国传统〔broaden〕I thought you wanted to broaden your horizons.我想你是想拓宽自己的视野。柯林斯高阶〔broaden〕I want to broaden the discussion to other aspects of the problem.我想扩大讨论范围,谈谈这个问题的其他方面。朗文当代〔broaden〕I'd like to work abroad to broaden my horizons (=learn, experience, or attempt new things) .我想去国外工作,开阔眼界。朗文当代〔broaden〕The Internet can give children opportunities to broaden their minds.互联网给儿童带来机会让他们拓展视野。剑桥高阶〔broaden〕The council decided to broaden the pavement.地方议会决定拓宽人行道。朗文当代〔broaden〕The course helps school-leavers broaden their knowledge of the world of work.这门课程帮助毕业生对职场增加了解。朗文当代〔broaden〕They've introduced all sorts of new elements to that programme in order to broaden its appeal.他们已经给那个节目加入了各种新元素以增强其吸引力。剑桥高阶〔broaden〕We have always tried to broaden our minds.我们总是力图使我们的视界开阔。21世纪英汉〔broaden〕We'll broaden the discussion out in a minute.我们很快将扩大讨论范围。外研社新世纪〔broad〕Broad ideas required now. Details to be worked out later.眼下只需要粗线条的建议,细节以后制订。英汉大词典〔broad〕He has broad shoulders.他有着宽阔的肩膀。韦氏高阶〔broad〕He spoke with a broad Australian accent.他讲话带有很重的澳大利亚口音。剑桥高阶〔broad〕He was of medium height, but had very broad shoulders.他中等身材,但肩膀很宽。麦克米伦高阶〔broad〕His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow.他细腰宽肩膀。柯林斯高阶〔broad〕His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow.他肩宽腰细。外研社新世纪〔broad〕I meet a broad range of people in my daily life.我在日常生活中会遇到各种各样的人。麦克米伦高阶〔broad〕I'll give you a broad outline of the plan.我来给你讲讲计划的概要。朗文当代〔broad〕She has broad hips and an ample bosom.她丰乳肥臀。外研社新世纪〔broad〕She spoke in a broad Glaswegian accent.她说话时带有浓重的格拉斯哥口音。外研社新世纪〔broad〕Students here study a broad range of subjects.这里的学生所学的科目范围很广。朗文当代〔broad〕The State Department reached broad agreement on policy towards Franco.美国国务院在针对佛朗哥的政策上大体达成了一致意见。外研社新世纪〔broad〕The agreement won broad support in the US Congress.这一协议在美国国会中赢得了广泛的支持。柯林斯高阶〔broad〕The attack happened in broad daylight, in one of the busiest parts of town.袭击事件就发生在光天化日之下,还在镇上最繁华的地段之一。朗文当代〔broad〕The campus is 2 miles broad.校园宽2英里。英汉大词典〔broad〕The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river.这些小山碧绿陡峭,矗立在这条宽阔的河流之上。柯林斯高阶〔broad〕The movie mixes broad humor with romance.那部电影把粗俗幽默和浪漫故事结合在一起。牛津高阶〔broad〕The party is now struggling to maintain a broad political base.该党现在正努力保持广泛的政治基础。麦克米伦高阶〔broad〕There is broad support for the government's policies.政府的政策得到了广泛的支持。牛津高阶〔broad〕There was broad agreement on the new government.新政府获得广泛认可。韦氏高阶〔broad〕These documents provided a broad outline of the Society's development.这些文件勾画出了社会发展的大致框架。柯林斯高阶〔broad〕They've been giving broad hints about what to expect.他们一直在明确暗示会发生什么。外研社新世纪〔broad〕Tropical diseases fall into two broad categories.热带疾病分成两大类。麦克米伦高阶〔broad〕We walked down a broad avenue lined with trees.我们走在林荫大道上。剑桥高阶〔broad〕When he opened his eyes, it was broad daylight.待他睁开眼睛,已是大白天了。英汉大词典〔butterfly〕Any of various insects of the order Lepidoptera, characteristically having slender bodies, knobbed antennae, and four broad, usually colorful wings.蝴蝶:多种鳞翅目类昆虫,特征为身体细长,触须突出,有四个通常是彩色的宽大的翅美国传统〔channel〕A broad strait, especially one that connects two seas.海峡:宽的海峡,尤指沟通两大海域者美国传统〔church〕It rapidly became apparent that rock'n'roll was a very broad church indeed.摇滚乐实际无所不包,这一点很快就显而易见了。柯林斯高阶〔claim〕Though the work is broad in scope, it makes no claim to completeness.尽管该作品涉及面很广,但它并不追求面面俱到。英汉大词典〔colloquium〕An academic seminar on a broad field of study, usually led by a different lecturer at each meeting.学术讨论会:一个广泛研究领域内的学术专家讨论会,通常在每次会议上由不同学者提起美国传统〔confine〕I shall attempt to confine the discussion to broad principles.我尽量把讨论局限在大的原则上。麦克米伦高阶〔connotation〕The term 'at-risk youth' has taken on broad connotations.“高危青少年”这一术语有了广泛的引申意义。牛津搭配〔consensus〕There is a consensus among teachers that children should have a broad understanding of the world.教师们一致认为儿童应该对世界有广泛的了解。朗文当代〔creased〕Papa flattened the creases of the map with his broad hands.爸爸用他的一双大手捋平了地图上的折痕。柯林斯高阶〔crease〕Papa flattened the creases of the map with his broad hands.爸爸用他宽大的手掌抚平了地图上的折痕。外研社新世纪〔cummerbund〕A broad sash, especially one that is pleated lengthwise and worn as an article of formal dress, as with a dinner jacket.印度腰带:一种宽腰带,尤指那种纵向打褶并作为礼服一部分穿戴的腰带,如与无尾礼服一起穿戴美国传统〔daylight〕A girl was attacked on a train in broad daylight.光天化日之下,一个女孩在火车上遭到了袭击。柯林斯高阶〔delocalize〕To broaden the range or scope of.开阔范围,扩大领域美国传统〔duck〕Any of various wild or domesticated swimming birds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad, flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.鸭:鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有宽大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足美国传统〔electorate〕The rise of a mass electorate forced politicians to broaden their appeal.一个大选民团体的出现迫使从政者扩大支持者的范围。牛津搭配〔falchion〕A short, broad sword with a convex cutting edge and a sharp point, used in medieval times.弯形大刀:中世纪用的有一凸圆的刃的短的宽刀美国传统〔farce〕The broad or spirited humor characteristic of such works.喜剧性的风格:这类戏剧形式夸张和活泼的幽默风格美国传统〔flapper〕A broad, flexible part, such as a flipper.拍击物:象鸭脚板似的宽而有弹性的物体美国传统〔flap〕To hit with something broad and flat; slap.拍打:用宽而扁平的物体击打;拍击美国传统〔ghat〕A broad flight of steps leading down to the bank of a river in India, used especially by bathers.印度山路:印度的一种一段宽的阶梯或台阶通道引向河岸边,主要是由沐浴者使用美国传统〔guideline〕Teachers can choose books within certain broad guidelines.教师可以在大的指导原则下自己选择教材。朗文当代〔hint〕He gave a broad hint that he was on the verge of leaving.他明确地示意他即将离开。牛津搭配〔hip〕She has broad hips.她有大的臀部。文馨英汉〔horizon〕She wanted to travel to broaden her horizons.她想旅行,以开阔眼界。牛津高阶〔imprecise〕Utilitarianism is a very broad, imprecise concept.功利主义是个非常宽泛、不精确的概念。外研社新世纪〔lace〕Thunder boomed and rolled across a purple sky laced with broad strokes of lightning.雷声滚滚, 一道道粗壮的闪电划过紫色的天空。外研社新世纪〔latissimus dorsi〕Either of two broad, flat, triangular muscles running from the vertebral column to the humerus.背阔肌:位于脊柱与肱骨之间的宽而平且呈三角状的两块肌肉中的任意一块美国传统〔leap〕He leaped six metres in the broad jump.他跳远跳6米。英汉大词典〔line〕The broad lines of company policy are already laid down.公司政策的总方针已经制定。牛津搭配〔machete〕A large, heavy knife with a broad blade, used as a weapon and an implement for cutting vegetation.大砍刀:一种宽刃的又大又重的刀,用作武器和切蔬菜的工具美国传统〔magnify〕They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.他们不去把握大局,而是在细枝末节上花费时间大做文章。柯林斯高阶〔manubrium〕The broad upper division of the sternum with which the clavicle and first two ribs articulate.胸骨柄:胸骨上部的宽大部分,锁骨和前两根肋骨借其以活动美国传统〔molar〕A tooth with a broad crown used to grind food, located behind the premolars.臼齿:一种用作研磨食物的有宽齿冠的位于前磨牙后的牙齿美国传统〔moor〕A broad area of open land, often high but poorly drained, with patches of heath and peat bogs.沼泽:一片大面积的开阔地,通常很高但排水不好,有成片的荒野和泥炭田美国传统〔mug〕She had been mugged in the street in broad daylight.光天化日之下,她在街上遭到抢劫。牛津高阶〔mushy〕The kid got mushy with the broad.那小伙子喜欢上了那娘们。英汉大词典〔negotiation〕We've reached a broad agreement, but the details are subject to negotiation.需要具体协商的麦克米伦高阶〔nullify〕He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments.他利用自己管辖范围广泛的行政权力废止地方政府所作的决定。外研社新世纪〔open ... up〕The river opens up suddenly into a broad estuary.河面突然变宽,形成了一个宽阔的河湾。21世纪英汉〔opinion〕There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies that should be pursued.对应当实行何种政策, 舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。外研社新世纪〔opinion〕There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be pursued.对应当实行何种政策,舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。柯林斯高阶〔organ〕Blowing air into an organ pipe creates a broad spectrum of vibrations that bounce back and forth inside.吹奏时, 管风琴内会产生反弹回转的宽域振动。外研社新世纪〔overview〕This chapter gives a broad overview of the main concerns facing employers.这一章节对雇主最为关心的事作了粗略的概述。朗文当代〔parkway〕A broad landscaped highway, often divided by a planted median strip.风景区干道,园道,公园大道:一条通常用栽种了树木的中间地带隔开的美化的宽阔公路美国传统〔pediment〕Geology A broad, gently sloping rock surface at the base of a steeper slope, often covered with alluvium, formed primarily by erosion.【地质学】 山前侵蚀平原,麓原:一种由侵蚀引起的在另一陡的倾斜底面上的宽而缓缓倾斜的岩石层面,其上通常覆盖着冲积土美国传统〔picture〕My visits enabled me to build up a broad picture of the culture.参观游览使我对这种文化有了大致的了解。牛津搭配〔plain〕A broad, level expanse, as a part of the sea floor or a lunar mare.广阔的区域:作为海底或月球阴暗部的平坦、水平或开阔的区域美国传统〔platform〕The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross section of speakers.示威集会为具有广泛代表性的人士提供了发表意见的机会。柯林斯高阶〔platform〕The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross-section of speakers.示威集会为具有广泛代表性的人士提供了发表意见的机会。外研社新世纪〔polyhistor〕A person with broad knowledge.博学者:一个有广博知识的人美国传统〔prefect apostolic〕A priest with broad jurisdiction in a missionary territory.主管牧师:有广泛管辖权的教区牧师美国传统〔puncheon〕A piece of broad, heavy, roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat.半圆木料:由圆木料对剖成的横截面为半圆的木料美国传统〔recommendation〕The committee put forward broad recommendations for the improvement of safety at swimming pools.委员会就加强游泳池的安全保障提出了一些概括性的建议。牛津搭配〔reform〕The country desperately needs broad political and constitutional reform.这个国家急需进行广泛的政治和宪法改革。牛津搭配〔rip ... off〕They went so far as to rip off banks in broad daylight.他们居然在光天化日之下抢劫银行。21世纪英汉〔roll〕The Great River rolled its broad waters, deep and dark.大河又宽又深, 波涛汹涌, 暗藏凶险。外研社新世纪〔rubric〕A short commentary or explanation covering a broad subject.注释,说明:涉及很广泛题目的较短的评论或解释美国传统〔run〕The broad run of voters want the candidate to win.投票的大多数普通人希望所选的竞选者获胜美国传统〔selection〕We offer a broad selection of products.我们供应种类繁多的商品。牛津搭配〔sheet〕A broad rectangular piece of fabric serving as a basic article of bedding.床单:一大块用作卧具的基本用品的长方形的织物美国传统〔sheet〕Geology A broad, relatively thin deposit or layer of igneous or sedimentary rock.【地质学】 岩床:宽阔的、相对薄的火成的或沉积岩石的沉淀或层美国传统〔shield〕A broad piece of armor made of rigid material and strapped to the arm or carried in the hand for protection against hurled or thrusted weapons.盾:一块由坚硬金属制成的宽大的护甲,绑在手臂上或者拿在手中,用于防卫投掷武器或刺扎的兵器美国传统〔shorthair〕Either of two breeds of shorthaired cats, characterized by a slender muscular body, large head, broad muzzle, and large round eyes.短毛猫:两种短毛的猫品种中的任一种,身体细小而结实,头大,有宽大的吻和大而圆的眼睛美国传统〔short〕Chris was short and stocky, with broad shoulders.克里斯个子不高,长得敦实,肩膀宽宽的。朗文当代〔shoulder〕His broad shoulders heaved with sobs.他宽阔的肩膀因啜泣而上下起伏。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕His shoulders are broad enough to bear the responsibility.他完全担当得起这一责任。英汉大词典〔sideline〕He is specializing in the hurdles and broad jumping and sidelining in the high jump.他专攻跨栏和跳远,兼修跳高。英汉大词典〔slab〕A broad, flat, thick piece, as of cake, stone, or cheese.厚片:宽、平、厚的一片,如蛋糕、石头或奶酪美国传统〔slice bar〕An iron tool with a broad flat end, used to loosen and clear out clinkers from furnace grates.长柄头铲,拨火棒:一种铁制工具,端部宽阔扁平,用于疏松炉渣和从炉栅中清除炉渣美国传统〔slice〕A thin, broad piece cut from a larger amount.薄片:从一大块东西上切下来的薄而宽的一片美国传统〔snail〕Any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial mollusks of the class Gastropoda, typically having a spirally coiled shell, broad retractile foot, and distinct head.蜗牛:腹足科众多水生或陆栖软体动物中的一种,通常带有一螺旋似的厚壳,足宽且向内旋,脑袋清晰美国传统〔society〕The protesters were drawn from a broad cross-section of society.抗议者包括社会上形形色色之人。麦克米伦高阶〔soleus〕A broad, flat muscle of the calf of the leg, situated under the gastrocnemius.比目鱼肌:小腿上的一块较大的扁平肌肉,位于腓肠肌的底下美国传统〔sow〕There's still time to sow broad beans for an early crop.还有时间播种早收的蚕豆。麦克米伦高阶〔square〕He was short with broad square shoulders.他个子不高,肩膀宽宽的。麦克米伦高阶〔squat〕Short and thick; low and broad.短而厚的;低矮而宽的美国传统〔steer〕He steered the car through the broad entrance.他驾驶汽车通过了宽阔的入口。外研社新世纪〔stroke〕I will outline in broad strokes our main ideas.我将粗略概述一下我们的主要观点。牛津搭配〔stroke〕The president outlined in broad strokes the path that the nation must follow.总统粗略地勾划出了国家必须走的道路。英汉大词典〔study〕The study group was selected from a broad cross section of the population.研究小组是从社会各界挑选出来的。牛津搭配〔style〕Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running.贝尔蒙特跑马场有宽阔的弧形跑道,很适合举行欧式赛马。柯林斯高阶〔support〕Fears that instability would return gave the government a broad base of support.对不稳定局势再度出现的担心令本届政府获得了广泛的支持基础。牛津搭配〔swagger〕A broad shouldered man wearing a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up to the bar.穿晚礼服的宽肩膀男子神气十足地走向吧台。柯林斯高阶〔sweep〕The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river.地势开阔, 朝着河的方向渐渐倾斜。外研社新世纪〔sweep〕The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river.转过一处大弯后,地面消失在与河水相接处。柯林斯高阶〔talk〕It triggered broad speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking.这引发了人们对通用公司和捷豹公司可能在进行磋商的大量猜测。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕She explained the broad thrust of the party's policies.她解释了该党政策的总方针。牛津搭配〔topic〕She spoke on the broad topic of 'discipline'.她谈了“纪律”这个大题目。牛津搭配〔tree〕Palm trees line the broad avenue.宽阔的道路两旁种着棕榈树。牛津搭配〔tureen〕A broad, deep, usually covered dish used for serving foods such as soups or stews.深底盖碗:一种带盖的深底器皿,在吃饭时盛烧好的食好,如汤或炖制的食品美国传统〔unashamedly〕Drugs are sold unashamedly in broad daylight.光天化日之下, 毒品被公然出售。外研社新世纪〔unashamedly〕Drugs are sold unashamedly in broad daylight.在光天化日之下公然出售毒品。柯林斯高阶〔universal〕Knowledgeable about or constituting all or many subjects; comprehensively broad.博学多才的:关于或组成所有或许多学科知识的;包罗万象的广阔美国传统〔vantage〕A position that affords a broad overall view or perspective, as of a place or situation.优越的位置:提供广泛全面的观点或看法的位置,如一个地方或一种情形美国传统〔waist〕She wore a broad belt around her waist.她系了一根宽腰带。牛津搭配〔wall〕Tall trees wall the broad avenue.高大的树木大墙似地排列在宽阔的林荫道旁。英汉大词典〔welcome〕The proposals have been given a broad welcome by green campaigners.提案受到绿色环保运动人士的广泛欢迎。牛津搭配A broad smile lit up her face.她绽露满面笑容。剑桥国际A broad sweep (= area) of flat countryside stretched to the horizon in all directions.一片宽阔的乡村平原向四面八方伸展开去,一望无际。剑桥国际A man addressed me in a broad Australian accent.一个人带着很重的澳大利亚口音向我招呼。剑桥国际A smile overspread his broad face. 他那张宽大的脸上堆满微笑。译典通Frank took off his broad straw hat and nodded to Alexandra.弗兰克脱下宽边草帽,向亚力山大点了点头。剑桥国际Good novels broaden your horizons. 好小说开阔人的眼界。译典通He had a broad grin on his face. 他满脸笑容。译典通He likes to dwell on details, while I look at things from a broad perspective. 他喜欢沉湎于细节,我则大处著眼。译典通He speaks with a broad / pronounced / thick (=strong) Yorkshire accent.他说话带有很重的约克郡口音。剑桥国际He wore a broad grin, displaying twin stumps of teeth. 他咧嘴笑著,露出一对残牙。译典通His interpretation of the regulations is often too broad and flexible.他对这些规则的解释常常太泛、太灵活。剑桥国际His mother has a broad Yorkshire accent and yet he speaks with almost no accent.他母亲带有很重的约克郡口音,但他几乎不带口音。剑桥国际I hoped that going to university might broaden my horizons (= increase the range of my knowledge and experience).我希望上大学能拓宽我的视野。剑桥国际I want to go to university not only to broaden my knowledge and experience, but also to sharpen my mind.我想上大学不仅为了增长自己的知识和经验,还想使自己的头脑敏锐。剑桥国际In the report, the inspectors suggest that the broad picture (= general situation) in schools has changed little over the last few years.在报告中,视察者们说学校的总体情况过去几年里没有大变化。剑桥国际More and more crimes are being committed in broad daylight (= where they can be seen easily).越来越多的罪行在光天化日之下得逞。剑桥国际Our customers fall into two broad categories.我们的顾客属于两大类。牛津商务Romantic comedies usually have a broad appeal (= are liked by many people).浪漫的喜剧总有普遍的吸引力。剑桥国际She broke the world record for the broad jump. 她打破了跳远的世界记录。译典通She criticized them in broad phrases. 她对他们作了坦率的批评。译典通The broad Standard and Poor's 500 index rose 6.8 points.广义标准普尔 500 指数上升了 6.8 点。牛津商务The company is making a concentrated (=determined) effort to broaden its market.这家公司集中力量扩大市场。剑桥国际The conference will cover a broad spread of topics.这一会议将涉及各种各样的议题。牛津商务The large increase in broad money growth will lead to a rise in spending.广义货币的大量增加将导致支出增加。牛津商务The law is intended to help a broad cross-section (= a great number of different people) of the population.该法律旨在帮助众多的各界人士。剑桥国际The management plans to improve the stores and broaden the product mix.管理层计划提升商店规格并扩展产品组合。牛津商务The menu offers a broad choice of desserts. 菜单上有各式各样的甜点心。译典通The old man was mugged in broad daylight.那老人在光天化日之下被抢劫。剑桥国际The seats at that church were broad, and the hassocks were well stuffed. 那个教堂里的座位很宽,跪垫也垫得均匀。译典通Thieves had broken into the car in broad daylight (= during the day rather than at night) and stolen the stereo.小偷们在大白天撬开车偷音响。剑桥国际This river is over 100 metres broad at its widest point.这条河最开阔处有100米宽。剑桥国际We are in broad agreement (=We agree about most thing).我们广泛地达成一致。剑桥国际We looked out across a river valley to the broad snow-white ridge of Mount Ararat, its peak incandescent against the blue sky.我们远望,越过河谷看见了广阔的雪白的阿勒山山脊,它的顶峰在蓝天的映衬下闪闪发光。剑桥国际




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