

单词 town
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔TOWN〕the centre of a town or city 城镇的中心朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕acknowledge sb. first citizen of a town 承认某人是城里的首席公民英汉大词典〔ageing〕a town with an ageing population 人口逐渐老龄化的城镇麦克米伦高阶〔area〕a residential area of the town 镇上的居民区朗文当代〔area〕the business area of a town 城市的商业区英汉大词典〔bank〕make a trip into town to shop and bank 进城去买东西并把钱存入银行英汉大词典〔barren〕a culturally barren small town 无文化特点的小镇麦克米伦高阶〔between〕the contrast between town and country life 城镇生活和乡村生活的差异朗文当代〔bisect〕a highway that bisects a town 把市镇一分为二的公路英汉大词典〔border〕the Mexican border town of Tijuana.墨西哥边境的提华纳镇柯林斯高阶〔border〕the border town of El Paso, Texas 得克萨斯州的边境小镇埃尔帕索朗文当代〔bypass〕take the bypass to avoid the traffic in the centre of town 为避开市中心车辆而走旁道英汉大词典〔centre〕the shopping centre of a town 城镇的商业中心区英汉大词典〔cinema〕a new multiplex cinema on the edge of town 城边上的一个多厅电影院牛津搭配〔coast〕a town on the south coast of England 英格兰南海岸的一座城镇牛津高阶〔come〕came across my old college roommate in town today.今天在镇上遇到我大学的老同学美国传统〔contrast〕the contrast between town and country.城乡差别柯林斯高阶〔delivery〕the delivery of a town to the enemy 把城市放弃给敌人英汉大词典〔east〕the east side of town 小镇的东边韦氏高阶〔fairly〕a town fairly situated on a hill 山丘上错落有致的小镇韦氏高阶〔fortified〕to fortify a town against the enemy给城市设防御敌21世纪英汉〔fortify〕a fortified town 设防的城镇牛津高阶〔frontier〕a town on the frontier 边境城镇英汉大词典〔frontier〕a frontier town 边陲小镇英汉大词典〔garrison〕a garrison town 有驻防的小镇韦氏高阶〔garrison〕garrison a town 派军驻守小镇韦氏高阶〔gentility〕the faded gentility of the town 已失去古朴风貌的城镇牛津高阶〔hick〕a hick town 小乡镇牛津高阶〔international〕an international flight to Cape Town 飞往开普敦的国际航班麦克米伦高阶〔jerkwater〕a jerkwater town 小乡镇英汉大词典〔lakeside〕the beautiful lakeside town of Menthon芒通的美丽湖滨小镇外研社新世纪〔middle-sized〕a middle-sized town 中等规模的城镇麦克米伦高阶〔mouth〕the town at the mouth of the River Dart位于达特河口的小镇外研社新世纪〔near〕the nearest route to town 进城最近的路 英汉大词典〔open〕an open town in which gambling predominated.准许赌赙的城市美国传统〔powder〕powder out of town 逃出城英汉大词典〔press〕press a town on all sides 从四面攻城英汉大词典〔prestigious〕cheaper quarters in less prestigious parts of a town 城里名声较差地区的较廉价的住房英汉大词典〔proper〕the town proper, excluding the suburbs.严格意义上的城市不包括郊区美国传统〔raucous〕a raucous frontier town 喧闹的边境小城 英汉大词典〔resident〕the resident population of a town 城市居民人口 英汉大词典〔respectability〕the whole respectability of the town 全城的绅士淑女英汉大词典〔river〕a river town in Borneo 婆罗洲的一座水镇牛津搭配〔roughneck〕a town overrun by roughnecks 恶棍横行的小镇韦氏高阶〔saturate〕a town saturated with charm 充满魅力的城市英汉大词典〔set〕a small town of white buildings, set against a background of hills 白色建筑物组成的一座小镇,背景是一片小山朗文当代〔side〕a factory on the west side of town 城西的一间工厂牛津搭配〔sleaze〕the sleaze of a town that was once a naval base 一度是海军基地的小城里那乌烟瘴气的社会氛围牛津高阶〔slow〕a slow town 死气沉沉的市镇英汉大词典〔smart〕one of the smartest restaurants in town 城里最时髦的餐馆之一韦氏高阶〔south〕a seaside town 99 km south of London 伦敦以南 99 公里的一座海滨城镇朗文当代〔town and gown〕a town and gown race 大学生与当地居民的竞赛剑桥高阶〔town centre〕town centre pubs 闹市区的酒吧麦克米伦高阶〔town〕a 19th-century mill town that used to produce cotton 19 世纪生产棉制品的工业小镇牛津搭配〔town〕migrate from the country to the town 从农村移居城市英汉大词典〔town〕the main road into/out of town 进/出城的主要公路剑桥高阶〔tuck〕a town tucked in (或into) the pine-covered mountains 隐没在长满松树的群山之中的小镇英汉大词典〔twin town〕a visit to Lyon, Birmingham's twin town in France 对伯明翰在法国的友好城市里昂的访问牛津高阶〔vote〕vote a town a large sum of money for a new road 为在镇上修建新公路投票通过巨额拨款英汉大词典the centre of town 市中心牛津商务




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