

单词 transaction
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-lined〕on-line transaction processing.在线交易处理柯林斯高阶〔bona fide〕a bona fide commercial transaction 真正的商品交易麦克米伦高阶〔commercial〕a commercial transaction 商业交易麦克米伦高阶〔consensual〕a consensual transaction 双方同意的交易英汉大词典〔innocent〕a wholly innocent transaction 一笔完全合法的交易英汉大词典〔invisible〕invisible current transaction 无形(或非贸易)日常交易英汉大词典〔margin〕margin a transaction 为一笔交易提供保证金英汉大词典〔off-board〕an off-board transaction 场外交易英汉大词典〔paperless〕a paperless transaction 无纸交易麦克米伦高阶〔paperless〕a paperless business transaction 无纸商业交易韦氏高阶〔queer〕a queer transaction 一笔可疑的交易英汉大词典〔relate〕all the documents relating to the transaction 全部有关这笔交易的单据英汉大词典〔spot〕spot transaction 现金交易 英汉大词典〔straightforward〕a straightforward business transaction 一笔老老实实的交易英汉大词典〔transaction〕a business transaction 生意剑桥高阶〔transaction〕a profitable transaction 有利可图的交易英汉大词典〔transaction〕a real estate transaction 房地产交易韦氏高阶〔transaction〕leave the transaction of the matter to sb.把这件事交某人处理英汉大词典〔transaction〕the transaction of business over the phone 通过电话开展业务韦氏高阶〔transaction〕the transaction of business/loans 业务/贷款的办理麦克米伦高阶〔transaction〕the transaction of government business 处理政府事务牛津高阶〔transaction〕the transaction of his public duties 履行他的公共职责朗文当代〔transaction〕the business transaction of a firm 公司的业务英汉大词典〔transaction〕to ensure the transaction proceeds smoothly 确保交易顺利进行牛津搭配〔transaction〕to handle a transaction for a client 为客户处理一笔交易牛津搭配transaction and payment posting 交易和付款过账牛津商务a 0.1% transaction tax on government bonds 0.1% 的政府债券交易税牛津商务a Cardholder Not Present transaction (= when you pay by card by mail, phone or over the Internet) 持卡人不在场的交易(指通过邮寄、电话或互联网用信用卡支付款项)牛津商务a highly-leveraged transaction 大量借债交易牛津商务an ultra vires transaction 一笔越权交易牛津商务the high transaction costs of buying property 购买房地产高昂的交易成本牛津商务




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