

单词 tranquillizer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOCTOR〕Her psychiatrist told her she no longer needed to take tranquillizers. 她的精神科医生说她再也不用服镇静剂了。朗文写作活用〔calm〕Tranquillizer drugs were used to calm the deportees.使用了镇静药物来使被驱逐出境者保持镇静。外研社新世纪〔come〕I've tried to get him to come off the tranquillizers.我试图说服他停止服用镇静剂。牛津高阶〔course〕She went to her doctor, who offered to put her on a course of tranquillizers.她去看医生,医生建议她服用一个疗程的镇静剂。柯林斯高阶〔distressingly〕Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety.镇静剂有助于缓解焦虑所带来的不安症状。柯林斯高阶〔distressing〕Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety.镇静剂有助于缓解令人痛苦的焦虑症状。外研社新世纪〔energizer〕Of the 120 patients selected, half were given the tranquillizer and half the energizer.在选出的120个病员中,给一半人服用镇静剂,另一半人服兴奋剂。英汉大词典〔main〕I don't know if the tranquillizers really do her any good, but she thinks they do, which is the main thing.我不知道这些镇静药是否真的对她有好处, 不过她认为有好处, 这是最重要的。外研社新世纪〔medicate〕Patients are usually medicated with tranquillizers before having anaesthesia.患者在接受麻醉之前通常先使用安定剂。剑桥高阶〔mob〕People mobbed pharmacies to buy antibiotics and tranquillizers.人们成群涌入药店购买抗生素和镇静剂。外研社新世纪〔reserve〕I kept some tranquillizers in reserve in case I became agitated.我备了一些镇静药,以供激动时服用。英汉大词典〔reserve〕I kept some tranquillizers in reserve in case I became agitated.我备着一些镇静剂, 以防自己变得焦躁不安。外研社新世纪〔spike〕He gave her a drink spiked with tranquillizers.他给了她一杯偷偷放了镇静剂的饮料。牛津高阶〔stress management〕The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.对镇静药成瘾的人的治疗方法,包括培训压力管理和放松技术。剑桥高阶〔strong〕I took some very strong tranquillizers which kept me dazed all day.我服用了一些效力很强的镇静剂,弄得整天迷迷糊糊的。英汉大词典〔tip〕The darts are tipped with a tranquillizer.这些飞镖的头上涂有麻醉药。麦克米伦高阶〔tranquillizer〕She was on tranquillizers for a long time after her son died.儿子死后,她很长一段时间一直服用镇静剂。剑桥高阶〔tranquillizer〕She's been on tranquillizers ever since the accident.经常服用镇静剂麦克米伦高阶〔tranquillizer〕She's on tranquillizers.她在服用安定药。外研社新世纪〔withdrawal symptoms〕Have other people had withdrawal symptoms when they have only taken tranquillizers for a few months?其他那些只吃过几个月镇静剂的人是否也有戒断症状?外研社新世纪She was on tranquillizers for a long time after her son died.她的儿子死后,很长一段时间内她一直依赖镇静剂。剑桥国际The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.对镇定剂上瘾者的治疗方法包括压力疏解和放松的训练。剑桥国际




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