

单词 trumpets
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ablare〕With trumpets ablare, the king entered the city.随著喇叭高鸣,国王进入了该城。文馨英汉〔arrival〕A fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the King.嘹亮的号声宣告了国王驾到。牛津搭配〔blare〕The trumpets blared as the procession got under way.当队伍开始前进时小号发出刺耳的响声。21世纪英汉〔blew〕As the trumpets were blowing the queen approached.当喇叭吹奏时女王走过来了。21世纪英汉〔blow〕Hollywood cameramen have good reason to blow their own trumpets.好莱坞的摄影师们有资本自吹自擂。外研社新世纪〔blow〕Horns were blown and trumpets were braying.号角吹响, 喇叭嘟嘟。外研社新世纪〔boom〕Trumpets blared and a twenty-one-gun salute boomed out.喇叭高声吹奏,礼炮轰鸣21响。英汉大词典〔bray〕Cannon roared, trumpets brayed.炮声隆隆,军号嘟嘟。英汉大词典〔crash〕The cymbals crashed and the trumpets blew.铙钹敲击,小号高奏。韦氏高阶〔fanfare〕Music A loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets.【音乐】 号曲:响亮的铜管乐声,尤指号角美国传统〔fanfare〕The ceremony opened with a fanfare of trumpets.仪式以一曲嘹亮的小号短曲开场。柯林斯高阶〔mute〕The song features muted trumpets.这首歌的伴奏中用上了装了弱音器的小号。剑桥高阶〔rend〕They rent the night with the sound of drums and trumpets.鼓角齐鸣,他们打破了夜的沉静。英汉大词典〔sound〕We need a big powerful sound from the trumpets in the final passage.我们在最后一段中需要一个嘹亮的小号声。牛津搭配〔stage〕They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets.在号角声中,他们阔步退下舞台。牛津高阶〔to〕The royal couple arrived to a fanfare of trumpets.王室夫妇在一片号角花彩声中抵达。朗文当代〔trumpet〕A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets.在响亮的号角声中花圈被献在纪念碑前。牛津搭配〔trumpet〕He trumpets his own praises.他会自吹自擂。英汉大词典〔uprise〕The trumpets are uprising again.喇叭声重又变得嘹亮。英汉大词典Trumpets brayed in the distance. 远处军号嘟嘟。译典通The music begins with a blare of trumpets.音乐以喇叭声开始。剑桥国际




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