

单词 to lie
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕We didn't have enough room to lie down, so we couldn't really sleep. 我们没有足够的地方可以躺下来,所以也睡不着。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Lewis asked his wife to lie in an attempt to cover up the murder. 刘易斯要求妻子说谎,企图掩饰那起凶杀案。朗文写作活用〔LIE〕The court heard how he confronted the couple, forced them to lie spreadeagled on the ground, and pointed a gun at their heads. 法庭听取了他如何威胁这对夫妇,逼他们摊开手脚躺在地上,并用枪指着他们的头。朗文写作活用〔OK〕Are you saying it's OK to lie to your children? 你是说可以向你的孩子撒谎吗?麦克米伦高阶〔REST〕During the day, I get so tired I have to lie down on the bed for a couple of hours. 白天时,我累得要命,必须在床上躺几个小时。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕He decided it was best to play for sympathy on this occasion, because she might know if he tried to lie. 他决定在这个时候最好是装可怜,因为如果撒谎,她可能会知道的。朗文写作活用〔awake〕She used to lie awake at night worrying about how to pay the bills.她过去常常夜里躺在床上睡不着觉,发愁怎样付账单。剑桥高阶〔bask in〕I like to lie on the sunny beach, basking in the sunshine.我喜欢躺在充满阳光的海滩上晒太阳。21世纪英汉〔beach〕I just want to lie on the beach in the sun.我只想躺在海滩上晒晒太阳。柯林斯高阶〔beach〕I just want to lie on the beach in the sun.我只想躺在海滩上晒太阳。外研社新世纪〔bed〕There's nothing we can do to help her. She's made her bed and has to lie in it.我们没法帮助她,她这是自作自受。韦氏高阶〔call〕He had no call to lie like that.他那样撒谎没道理。外研社新世纪〔character〕It would be very out of character (= not typical) of her to lie.撒谎可不符合她的个性。剑桥高阶〔couch〕To lie in ambush or concealment; lurk.隐蔽,埋伏:潜伏或隐蔽时躺下;埋伏美国传统〔cradle〕To lie in or as if in a cradle.躺在摇篮里:躺在摇篮中或象是躺在摇篮中美国传统〔cross〕To lie or pass across each other; intersect.交错而行:互相交错放置或经过;交叉美国传统〔dip〕Geology To lie at an angle to the horizontal plane, as a rock stratum or vein.【地质学】 下沉:从地平线下降,如岩石层或岩脉美国传统〔down〕The terrorists forced everybody to lie face down (= with the front part of the body below) on the floor.恐怖分子强迫大家面朝下趴在地板上。剑桥高阶〔easy〕The old cot is an easy bed to lie on.那张旧帆布床睡上去很舒服。英汉大词典〔evasion〕The government had resorted to lies and evasions to hide the truth of what really happened.政府用谎言和遁词来掩盖实情。外研社新世纪〔examination〕Patients were asked to lie on the examination table.病人被要求躺在检查台上。牛津搭配〔fact〕We have to lie and hide the fact that I have an illness.我们不得不撒谎来隐瞒我有病这个事实。外研社新世纪〔good〕I don't feel very good – I'm going to lie down.我觉得不太舒服,我要躺下来。麦克米伦高阶〔had a turn〕He had a turn and had to lie down.他感到一阵不适,不得不躺下。韦氏高阶〔kind〕He is not the kind of person to lie.他不是说谎的那一种人。文馨英汉〔law〕The first law of (= the most important principle in) politics is - if you're going to lie, don't get found out! 政界的首要原则是——如果你打算说谎,就不要让人发现!剑桥高阶〔lay〕Non-Standard To lie.【非标准用语】 躺下美国传统〔lie away〕He tried to lie away her reputation.他极力以谎言毁损她的名誉。21世纪英汉〔lie back〕The doctor asked him to lie back on the table.医生让他向后靠,躺在桌子上。韦氏高阶〔lie by〕The child likes to lie by his mother.孩子喜欢躺在母亲身边。21世纪英汉〔lie off〕The workers had to lie off 3 days because of the bad weather.由于天气恶劣,工人们不得不歇工三天。21世纪英汉〔lie on〕They love to lie on the beach enjoying the sunshine.他们喜欢躺在海滩上晒太阳。21世纪英汉〔lie〕He had to lie about his age to get into the army.为了参军,他不得不谎报年龄。麦克米伦高阶〔lie〕I used to lie awake at night worrying about it.我过去总是躺在那儿,夜不能寐,担心那件事。牛津搭配〔lie〕She has strained her back, and has had to lie up.她扭伤了背,只得在家休养。英汉大词典〔lie〕The men had to lie off for a week as the frost made building impossible. 由于冰冻使建筑工程无法进行,工人们只得停工1星期。英汉大词典〔out〕You've got only one out, which is to lie like hell.你只有信口胡说谎言连篇才能脱身。 英汉大词典〔piercing〕She hadn't really meant to lie, but their piercing questions had forced her to.她本不想说谎,但他们尖锐的问题使她不得不这样做。剑桥高阶〔pressure〕Officials had pressured her to lie about the affair.官员们胁迫她对此事撒谎。麦克米伦高阶〔principle〕It is against my principles to lie.说谎违背我的行为准则。英汉大词典〔raging〕Richard developed a raging headache and had to lie down.理查德头痛得厉害,不得不躺下。朗文当代〔recline〕To lie back or down.斜倚;躺:向后或往下向倒美国传统〔repose〕To lie while being supported by something.靠:支撑着某物而放置美国传统〔short-sheet〕To make (a bed) by doubling back a single sheet so that the bed looks properly made but will not allow a person to lie at full length in it.将床单折短:将床单对折铺在床上,让床单看起来似乎已经铺好,但却让睡觉者无法将身体伸展开来躺下美国传统〔snake〕When I see snakes it's time to lie down.我一发酒疯就得马上躺下。英汉大词典〔stomach〕I had to lie on my stomach for four hours.我得趴上四个小时。外研社新世纪〔stomach〕The doctor asked him to lie down on his stomach.医生让他俯卧。剑桥高阶〔welter〕To lie soaked in a liquid.浸泡:在液体中浸泡美国传统〔worm〕Don't be such a worm. You don't have to lie to me.别这么懦弱,你不必向我撒谎的。剑桥高阶The doctor asked him to lie down on his stomach.医生让他俯卧着。剑桥国际




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