

单词 to lend
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HELP〕Scott is moving Saturday and I promised to lend a hand. 斯科特星期六要搬家,我答应去帮忙。朗文写作活用〔I'm buggered if...〕I'm buggered if I'm going to lend him any more money.我决不再借钱给他。剑桥高阶〔USELESS〕He's wasting his breath. There's no way they're going to lend him the money. 他在浪费唇舌,他们绝对不会借钱给他的。朗文写作活用〔assistance〕The government is willing to lend assistance to victims of the flooding.政府愿意向遭受洪水的灾民提供援助。牛津搭配〔barking〕She must have been barking mad to lend him so much money.借给他那么多钱,她一定是疯了。剑桥高阶〔best〕Persuading the bank to lend you money is a difficult task at the best of times.即使在最顺利的情况下,说服银行贷款给你也是件困难的事。麦克米伦高阶〔condition〕They agreed to lend us the car on condition that(= only if)we returned it before the weekend.他们同意借车给我们,条件是周末以前归还。牛津高阶〔consent〕Very reluctantly, I've consented to lend her my car.我很不情愿地答应把车借给她。剑桥高阶〔crazy〕She must be crazy to lend him money.她把钱借给他,一定是疯了。牛津高阶〔dress up〕However you dress it up, a bank only exists to lend money.无论你如何粉饰,银行就是为了放贷而生的。柯林斯高阶〔enough〕She was kind [good] enough to lend me her car.她把她的汽车借给我,真够亲切。文馨英汉〔enough〕Surely no one would be foolish enough to lend him the money? 肯定没有人会傻到把这笔钱借给他。朗文当代〔grudge〕Amanda still has/holds a grudge against me for refusing to lend her that money.阿曼达到现在仍对我不借钱给她一事耿耿于怀。剑桥高阶〔hand〕If you get stuck, Denise is always willing to lend a hand.如果你有困难,丹妮丝总是乐于帮忙。朗文当代〔hardly〕You can hardly expect me to lend you money again.你可不能指望我再借钱给你。英汉大词典〔help〕Police came from other areas to lend a hand.警察从其他地区赶来援助。朗文当代〔lend an ear〕Claire's always one to lend a sympathetic ear if you have problems.你有什么问题时,克莱尔总是乐于倾听。剑桥高阶〔lend〕Banks are willing to lend large amounts of money to people starting up businesses.银行乐于把大量的钱借给创办企业的人。麦克米伦高阶〔lend〕He came along to lend me moral support.他来给予我精神上的支持。牛津高阶〔lend〕He was approached by the organisers to lend support to a benefit concert.主办者找到他, 请他为一场慈善音乐会提供支持。外研社新世纪〔lend〕Patricia is someone who is always ready to lend a helping hand.帕特里夏总是很乐于助人。麦克米伦高阶〔lend〕The bank refused to lend the money to us.银行拒绝向我们贷款。牛津高阶〔lend〕The bank refuses to lend to students.银行拒绝向学生们发放贷款。剑桥高阶〔lend〕The bank was unwilling to lend him the money.银行不愿贷款给他。牛津搭配〔lend〕The hospital agreed to lend us a wheelchair.医院同意借给我们一把轮椅。朗文当代〔lend〕They are glad to lend their support to worthy causes.他们很乐意为有意义的事业提供支持。韦氏高阶〔lend〕They refused to lend us the money.他们拒绝向我们贷款。牛津高阶〔on〕He was on at me again to lend him money.他又来缠着我借钱给他。牛津高阶〔out〕She is always willing to lend out money to friends.她总是乐于借钱给朋友们。韦氏高阶〔proffer〕He proffered to lend me a bike.他提出愿意借给我一辆自行车。英汉大词典〔second thought〕After she agreed to lend him the money, she had second thoughts.在同意借钱给他之后,她又有所迟疑。韦氏高阶〔teach〕That'll teach you to lend her money.你早该小心,不该借钱给她。麦克米伦高阶〔the end of the line/road〕When the bank refused to lend us any more money we realized we'd reached the end of the road.当银行拒绝再给我们贷款的时候,我们意识到已经走投无路了。剑桥高阶〔vow〕She took/made a vow never to lend money to anyone again.她发誓再也不借钱给别人了。剑桥高阶〔work on〕I'm still working on Mum to lend me the car.我还在努力劝说妈妈把汽车借给我。外研社新世纪〔yours truly〕She didn't have any money, so yours truly ended up having to lend her some.她身无分文,最后鄙人只好借给她一些。剑桥高阶By increasing bank reserves, the Federal Bank increases the amount of money that banks have to lend.通过提高银行准备金,联邦银行增加了各银行必须放贷的金额。牛津商务Fiona's helping me with the fund-raising and Mike's offered to lend a hand too.菲奥纳帮我筹集资金,迈克也提出要帮忙。剑桥国际Get real! He's never going to lend you $5000.别一厢情愿了。他决不会借给你5千块钱。剑桥国际He was a real smoothy who persuaded me to lend him a lot of money.他是个实足油嘴滑舌者,说服我借给他一大笔钱。剑桥国际I had to use all my charms to get them to lend us the hall.我得施展出所有的魅力才能让他们把礼堂借给我们。剑桥国际I've lost track of the number of times he's asked me to lend him money (= I cannot remember how many times he has asked because he has asked me so often).我已忘了他共问我借过几次钱。剑桥国际It was imprudent of you to lend money to a stranger. 你把钱借给陌生人,未免太轻率了。译典通Most lenders refuse to lend money for apartments in buildings where more than half the units are rented.大多数贷款人不愿意贷款给那些一半以上单元都被出租的大楼公寓。剑桥国际She made a vain attempt to persuade him to lend her the money.她想说服他借钱给她,结果没有成功。剑桥国际The bank agreed to lend him $5000/lend $5000 to him.该银行同意贷给他5000美元。剑桥国际The bank refuses to lend to students.该银行拒绝向学生发放贷款。剑桥国际They refused to lend us the money.他们拒绝给我们贷款。牛津商务Very reluctantly I've consented to lend her my car.我勉强答应借车给她。剑桥国际When I mentioned what I had come for, he immediately offered to lend me help. 我说明来意之后,他立即提出要帮我忙。译典通




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