

单词 the truth
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔HIDE〕when people do not try to hide the truth 人们没有试图掩盖真相朗文写作活用〔HONEST〕someone who tells the truth 说实话的人朗文写作活用〔affirm〕to affirm the truth of the statement断言那种说法确凿无误21世纪英汉〔attest〕attest the truth of a statement 证明陈述的真实性英汉大词典〔attest〕to attest the truth of a statement证明所述属实21世纪英汉〔back〕keep back the truth 隐瞒真相韦氏高阶〔bolt〕to bolt out the truth of things查明真相21世纪英汉〔certify〕certify the truth of a claim 证明提出要求的事实依据英汉大词典〔confidence〕a magazine that tells the truth and has reader confidence 仗义直言得到读者信任的杂志英汉大词典〔disentangle〕to disentangle the truth from the lies把真理从谎言中分出来21世纪英汉〔distort〕distort the truth 歪曲真实情况英汉大词典〔drag〕had to drag me to the dentist; dragged the truth out of the reluctant witness.不得不硬拖我去看牙医;迫使不情愿的目击者讲出事实美国传统〔establish〕to establish the truth of a story证实故事的真实性21世纪英汉〔evildoer〕a desire to get at the truth and thwart the evildoers想要掌握真相, 阻挠恶人为非作歹外研社新世纪〔expiscate〕endeavour to expiscate the truth 竭力想探明真相英汉大词典〔extract from〕to extract the truth from someone从某人口中套出真情21世纪英汉〔fact〕b) used to emphasize that the truth about a situation is the opposite of what has been mentioned 事实上,实际上〔用于强调实际情况恰恰相反〕:朗文当代〔grant〕grant the truth of what is said 承认所说为真英汉大词典〔image〕a politician who cares more about image than about telling the truth 比起讲真话更加在乎个人形象的政治人物韦氏高阶〔inversion〕an inversion of the truth 颠倒是非牛津高阶〔let〕let slip the truth 无意中吐露实情英汉大词典〔malicious〕a malicious distortion of the truth 对真相的恶意扭曲韦氏高阶〔manifest〕manifest the truth of a statement 证明陈述的真实性英汉大词典〔misdoubt〕have some misdoubt regarding the truth of the story 对报道的真实性有些怀疑英汉大词典〔misrepresent〕a misrepresentation of the truth 对事实的歪曲朗文当代〔nail〕nail the truth 挑明真相 英汉大词典〔outstep〕outstep the truth 超出真相范畴英汉大词典〔parade〕lies being paraded as the truth 冒充事实的谎言韦氏高阶〔pluck〕pluck up courage and tell the truth 鼓起勇气道出真情英汉大词典〔plumb〕man's capacity to plumb the truth 人类探索真理的能力英汉大词典〔propaganda〕sort the truth from the propaganda 区分出宣传中所含的真实成份英汉大词典〔question〕question the truth of sb.'s story 对某人说的是不是真话存疑 英汉大词典〔reticence〕feel a certain reticence about telling the child the truth 有些不想把事实真相告诉孩子英汉大词典〔root〕try to root the truth out of sb.试图从某人口中探得真相英汉大词典〔scant〕scant regard for the truth 不顾事实剑桥高阶〔seeker〕a seeker for the truth 追求真理的人英汉大词典〔seeker〕seekers after the truth 追求真理的人牛津高阶〔servant〕a servant of the truth 追求真理的人韦氏高阶〔sincere〕his sincere desire to find out the truth 他查明真相的真切愿望朗文当代〔speak〕speak the truth 说出真相;说实话文馨英汉〔speak〕speak the truth 说实话英汉大词典〔tell〕tell the truth (a lie) 说实话(谎话) 英汉大词典〔truth〕a man on a journey seeking the truth about God and humanity 在寻求上帝和人的真相之路上的男子牛津搭配〔truth〕seek the truth 寻求真理英汉大词典〔truth〕the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth 据实陈述而决无谎言 (证人在法庭上作证的誓词)英汉大词典〔varnish〕varnish over the truth with a lie 用谎言来掩盖真相英汉大词典〔withhold〕withhold the truth (news, details) from sb.对某人隐瞒真相(消息,详情)英汉大词典〔witness〕to witness to the truth of the statement证明陈述属实21世纪英汉〔wrest〕wrest the truth out of sb.千方百计使某人说出真情英汉大词典〔yearning〕yearning to know the truth 切望知道真相的心情英汉大词典




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