

单词 the true
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bare〕historical writing which seeks to lay bare the true nature of an event 力求展现事件真相的历史著作朗文当代〔blind to〕to blind oneself to the true facts使自己对确凿的事实视而不见21世纪英汉〔blindfold〕to blindfold you to the true purpose of her invitation被蒙蔽而看不出她邀你的真正目的21世纪英汉〔blithe〕spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation.See Synonyms at jolly 轻率无知地谈论真实的情况 参见 jolly美国传统〔discern between〕to discern between the true and the false辨别真伪21世纪英汉〔emanation〕an emanation of the true spirit of rock'n'roll真正摇滚精神的流露外研社新世纪〔embellish〕a fanciful account that embellishes the true story.对这个真实故事添加的异想天开的解释美国传统〔hint〕wouldn't hint at the true purpose of the meeting.See Synonyms at suggest 不会透露会议的真正目的 参见 suggest美国传统〔ignorance〕our ignorance of the true situation 我们对真实状况的不了解朗文当代〔knowledge〕to (the best of) sb's knowledge (=used to say that someone may not know the true facts) 就某人所知朗文当代〔perversion〕a perversion of the true meaning of democracy 对民主真正含义的歪曲朗文当代〔revelation〕a revelation of the true facts 事实真相的揭示 英汉大词典〔sift〕sift (out) the true from the false 去伪存真英汉大词典〔tell〕to tell the true from the false区分真伪21世纪英汉〔true〕the loyal and the true 忠诚老实的人们英汉大词典〔version〕a version close to the true state of affairs 一种接近事态真相的说法英汉大词典




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