

单词 trial
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-ranking〕a colonel on trial with three lower-ranking officers.一位正在同3名低级别官员一同受审的陆军上校柯林斯高阶〔ACCUSE〕someone who is accused of a crime in a trial 审讯中被指控犯罪的人朗文写作活用〔blind〕a blind clinical trial for the new medicine 新药的临床盲试韦氏高阶〔charged〕the highly charged atmosphere of the trial 审判过程中高度紧张的气氛麦克米伦高阶〔commitment〕the interval between the commitment and trial 拘留后的候审期英汉大词典〔committal〕the committal, trial and conviction of a criminal 犯人的拘禁、审判和定罪英汉大词典〔cover-up〕a cover-up trial 障人耳目的审判英汉大词典〔detention〕the detention without trial of government critics.对政府批评者未经审讯的关押柯林斯高阶〔double-blind〕a double-blind drug trial 双盲药物试验韦氏高阶〔emotive〕an emotive trial lawyer; the emotive issue of nuclear disarmament.一位感情用事的审判律师;消除核武器的事件令人兴奋美国传统〔evasion〕face trial on charges of tax evasion 被控逃税而面临受审英汉大词典〔execution〕their torture and summary execution (=execution without a trial or any legal process) 他们的拷打和草草处决朗文当代〔fair〕a fair trial 公正的审判剑桥高阶〔fair〕the right to a fair trial 公正审判权朗文当代〔fair〕to receive a fair trial 得到公正审判牛津高阶〔impound〕impound evidence for a trial 扣押证据以备审判之用韦氏高阶〔indictment〕a trial on indictment 根据控告进行的审判牛津搭配〔insistence〕their repeated insistence that the trial be held in a US court 他们再三坚持要由一家美国法院来审理牛津搭配〔jury〕the right to trial by jury 得到陪审团审理的权利朗文当代〔jury〕the right to trial by jury 经由陪审团审判的权利牛津高阶〔jury〕the tradition of trial by jury陪审团审判的惯例外研社新世纪〔killer〕the trial of her daughter's accused killers 对被控杀害她女儿的凶手的审判牛津搭配〔last〕on the last but one day of his trial 他受审的最后第二天朗文当代〔membership〕one-week trial memberships 为期一周的会员试用资格牛津搭配〔nerve〕a trial (或test) of nerve 意志力的考验英汉大词典〔opening〕at the opening of the trial 审判刚开始时朗文当代〔payroll〕put sb. on the payroll on a trial basis 试用某人英汉大词典〔present〕present oneself for trial (examination) 出庭受审(应试)英汉大词典〔privilege〕the privilege of trial by jury 由陪审团审判的基本公民权英汉大词典〔process〕a painstaking process of trial and error 不辞劳苦的反复试验过程牛津搭配〔publicize〕a highly publicized murder trial 被广泛报道的谋杀案审讯韦氏高阶〔publicize〕his highly publicized trial this summer.今年夏天他的审讯被广为报道柯林斯高阶〔randomized〕a randomized drug trial 随机药物试验剑桥高阶〔randomize〕a randomized trial of a new drug 对新药的随机试验朗文当代〔ruling〕the European Court's ruling against detention without trial 欧洲法庭未经审判不得拘留的裁决牛津搭配〔scene〕the trial scene in The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》中的审判一场英汉大词典〔season〕a lawyer who had been seasoned by years in the trial courts.一位官司经验丰富的律师美国传统〔stake〕trial stakes 有奖赛马的预赛英汉大词典〔stall〕stall (off) the trial 拖延审判英汉大词典〔subscription〕a 30-day free trial subscription 30 天免费试订牛津搭配〔testimony〕a transcript of the trial testimony 庭审证言的文字记录牛津搭配〔travesty〕a trial that was a travesty of justice 一次嘲弄法律的审判 英汉大词典〔trial〕trial a new software 测试新软件英汉大词典〔trial〕trial proceedings 审判程序剑桥高阶〔trial〕trial proceedings 审理程序英汉大词典〔trial〕a trial flight 试飞英汉大词典〔trial〕a trial involving hundreds of patients 一项涉及数百名病人的试验牛津搭配〔trial〕a trial of one's faith.验证某人的信念美国传统〔trial〕a trial of sb.'s faith 对某人信仰的考验英汉大词典〔trial〕a trial separation(= of a couple whose marriage is in difficulties) 试验性分居牛津高阶〔trial〕a trial separation.临时分居美国传统〔trial〕a trial witness 出庭的证人英汉大词典〔trial〕a horse/dog trial 赛马/狗韦氏高阶〔trial〕a jury trial 陪审团的讯问英汉大词典〔trial〕a murder trial 一宗谋杀案的审判朗文当代〔trial〕a murder trial 谋杀案的审理牛津高阶〔tribulation〕the tribulations of the persecuted.See Synonyms at trial 被压迫人民的苦难 参见 trial美国传统〔waiver〕a criminal defendant's waiver of a jury trial 刑事被告对于陪审团审理的弃权声明韦氏高阶trial offers of new software 新软件的试用装牛津商务a free trial offer/period 免费试用服务/期牛津商务




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