

单词 vigil
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bedside〕She kept vigil at the bedside of her critically ill son.她整夜都守在病重的儿子床边。柯林斯高阶〔candlelight〕Thousands of people attended a candlelight vigil for those killed in the massacre.成千上万的人参加了为大屠杀中死去的人进行的烛光守夜。外研社新世纪〔continue〕Outside the building people continue their vigil, huddling around bonfires.在房子外面,人们挤在篝火旁边,继续守夜。柯林斯高阶〔deathwatch〕A vigil kept beside a dying or dead person.临终的看护,守灵:在将死或已死的人身边彻夜不眠的守护美国传统〔fast〕His was a stern regimen of fasts, vigils, and unceasing prayer.他的严格养生法包括节食、守夜和不断祈祷。外研社新世纪〔keep vigil〕The dog kept vigil over his sleeping master.这条狗为他入睡的主人守夜。21世纪英汉〔keep〕His parents kept a vigil by his bedside as he was given brain and body scans.在他做脑扫描和全身扫描时,他的父母守护在他床边。柯林斯高阶〔reschedule〕They've rescheduled the vigil for February 14th.他们已把守夜的时间改为2月14日。柯林斯高阶〔vigil〕A prayer vigil is being held in the cathedral in memory of the bishop.为了纪念这位主教,教堂里正在举行守夜祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔vigil〕A prayer vigil is being held in the cathedral in memory of the bishop.教堂里正在举行守夜祈祷, 以纪念这位主教。外研社新世纪〔vigil〕About 50 people held a candlelight vigil outside the prison.大约50人在监狱外举行守夜烛光抗议。麦克米伦高阶〔vigil〕Bill kept a constant vigil by his wife's bed during her illness.比尔在妻子生病期间一直在她床边守夜监护着。麦克米伦高阶〔vigil〕Eva and Paul kept a constant vigil by their daughter's hospital bedside.伊娃和保罗一直在医院里守在女儿的病床边。朗文当代〔vigil〕For three nights he maintained his lonely vigil.他孤零零地连续看守了 3 个晚上。牛津搭配〔vigil〕He told the gatekeeper to keep vigil.他告诉看门人要值夜。牛津搭配〔vigil〕His fiancée kept a bedside vigil during his weeks in intensive care.在他处于重症监护的几周里,未婚妻一直守候在他的床边。牛津搭配〔vigil〕His parents kept vigil beside his bed for weeks before he died.他去世之前,父母在他床边守夜守了好几个星期。剑桥高阶〔vigil〕His parents kept a round-the-clock vigil at his bedside.他父母日夜守护在他的床边。牛津高阶〔vigil〕Last weekend a nun held a vigil at the United Nations.上个周末, 一位修女在联合国静坐祈祷。外研社新世纪〔vigil〕Mourners are to stage a candlelit vigil in Liverpool.哀悼者准备在利物浦筹备举行一次烛光祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔vigil〕Often vigils Ritual devotions observed on the eve of a holy day. 常作 vigils 在宗教节日前的祈祷美国传统〔vigil〕Protesters held a candlelight / candlelit vigil against the war.抗议者举行了烛光守夜以反对战争。牛津搭配〔vigil〕Protesters kept vigil at the border last night.抗议者昨天夜里在边界静坐。外研社新世纪〔vigil〕She kept a vigil at Patrick's bedside.她在帕特里克的床边守夜。柯林斯高阶〔vigil〕Since the accident, the boy's parents have kept a constant vigil at his bedside.事故发生后,男孩的父母日夜守护在他的床边。牛津搭配〔vigil〕Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit vigil outside the cathedral.和平运动的支持者们在大教堂外举行了一次持续一整夜的烛光守夜祈祷活动。剑桥高阶〔vigil〕The nurse kept her around-the-clock vigil over the sick child.护士昼夜监护病孩。英汉大词典〔wake〕A watch; a vigil.守灵;守夜美国传统〔wake〕To keep a vigil over.保持警惕美国传统〔watcher〕One who keeps vigil, as at a sick person's bedside.护理者:如在病人身旁等看护的人美国传统〔watch〕A period of wakefulness, especially one observed as a religious vigil.守夜:尤指一个作宗教守夜醒着的时间美国传统〔watch〕To stay alert as a devotional or religious exercise; keep vigil.守夜:作为礼拜或宗教仪式而守夜;保持警戒美国传统All night the mother kept vigil over the sick child. 母亲通夜守护在病儿的身边。译典通Her friends plan to hold/maintain/ stage a daily vigil outside the prison to protest about her unfair conviction.她的朋友们计划每天在监狱的外面进行/举行一次彻夜活动,抗议她被不公正地判罪。剑桥国际His parents kept vigil beside his bed for weeks before he finally died.他的父母亲在他床边守夜好几个星期,直到他最终去世。剑桥国际Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit prayer vigil outside the cathedral.和平运动的支持者在大教堂外面举行了一整夜的烛光守夜祈祷。剑桥国际




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