

单词 tied
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔GROUP〕a group of things that are tied together or fastened together 被捆在一起或系在一起的一组东西朗文写作活用〔apron string〕a grown man still tied to his mother's apron strings.一个仍为他的母亲所左右的成年男子美国传统〔bow〕long chestnut hair tied back in a bow 红棕色的长发,扎在脑后打了一个蝴蝶结朗文当代〔bun〕a woman with her hair tied back in a loose bun 在脑后松松地挽了一个圆发髻的女人牛津搭配〔bun〕a woman with her hair tied loosely in a bun 头发松松地挽成小圆髻的妇女英汉大词典〔chain〕daisy chains (=flowers tied together) 雏菊花环朗文当代〔cord〕a silk bag tied with a gold cord 用金线捆扎的丝绸包牛津高阶〔cord〕a silk bag tied with a gold cord 用金线系着的丝绸小包牛津搭配〔harbour〕ships tied up in the harbour.在港口停泊的船。牛津同义词〔necessary〕a small parcel of necessaries tied up in a handkerchief and carried on a stick.用手绢包好挑在棍子上的一小包生活必需品柯林斯高阶〔ribbon〕a box of chocolates tied with gold ribbon 系有金色丝带的一盒巧克力麦克米伦高阶〔ribbon〕a bundle of letters tied with pale blue ribbon 一捆用淡蓝色丝带捆好的信朗文当代〔ribbon〕a bundle of old and faded letters tied up in black ribbon 一捆用黑丝带扎好的年久退色的信件 英汉大词典〔ribbon〕a package tied with a red, white and blue ribbon 用一条红、白、蓝三色丝带捆扎的包裹 英汉大词典〔ribbon〕a present tied with yellow ribbon 系着黄丝带的礼物牛津高阶〔scrupulosity〕be tied hand and foot by senseless scrupulosities 被种种无谓的顾虑束缚得死死的英汉大词典〔slit〕to slit the rope that tied one's hands割开捆住双手的绳子21世纪英汉〔string〕a package tied with string 用细绳捆扎的包裹剑桥高阶〔string〕a parcel tied with string 用细绳捆着的包裹麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕a gift tag(= tied to a present) 礼品签牛津高阶〔tape〕a bundle of letters tied with tape 用带子扎在一起的一捆信件英汉大词典〔tie ... down〕to be tied down by the traditions of the past受过去传统的束缚21世纪英汉〔tie to〕to be tied to someone's apron strings依赖母亲(或妻子等);受母亲(或妻子)的控制21世纪英汉〔tieback〕tiebacks A pair of curtains intended to be tied back. tiebacks 用钩子挂起的窗帘:一幅可以拉开的窗帘美国传统〔tied〕a tied cottage (由农场主出租的)雇工农舍英汉大词典〔tied〕a tied cottage on a farm 农场里租给雇工的农舍牛津高阶〔tied〕a tied house (专售特定牌子酒的)特约酒店英汉大词典〔tied〕a neatly tied package 仔细捆扎的包裹英汉大词典〔tie〕tied her shoes.她系上了鞋子美国传统〔tie〕tied the game with minutes remaining.双方在还剩下几分钟时比分持平美国传统〔tie〕tied the kite to a post; tie up a bundle.把风筝拴到柱子上;捆成一束美国传统〔tie〕tied up her cash in long-term investments.她把现金都投入到长期投资里美国传统〔tie〕a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow.他的脖子上围着个长长的白色的东西,在前面松松地打了个蝴蝶结柯林斯高阶〔tie〕be tied by common interests 由共同利益结合在一起英汉大词典〔tie〕be tied down in bed 被迫卧床 英汉大词典〔tie〕be tied down to a schedule 受时间表的限制 英汉大词典〔tie〕be tied to household chores 被家务事束缚英汉大词典〔tie〕be tied to one's job by a contract 因订有合同而不能离职英汉大词典〔tie〕duties that tied him to the office.职责把他拴到了办公室里美国传统〔tie〕friends who were tied by common interests; people who are tied by blood or marriage.被共同利益联系在一起的朋友;被血缘或婚姻联系到一起的人美国传统〔tie〕to be tied by a contract 受合同的约束牛津高阶〔twine〕a bundle of papers tied up with twine 用双股线捆扎起来的一摞文件朗文当代tied loans to developing countries 给发展中国家的限制性贷款牛津商务




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