

单词 to set
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEND〕I thought Dad might give me a loan to set me up in business again. 我想爸爸也许会借点钱给我再创业。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Parents need to know when to set limits for their children's behavior. 家长需要知道何时要限制孩子的行为。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The girls wanted to set the table, but they were more of a hindrance than a help. 那些女孩子想来摆餐具,却帮了倒忙。朗文写作活用〔bar〕The plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches.原告解约的权利由于迟迟不予行使而不得再行提出。英汉大词典〔baseline〕The army's test is meant to set a baseline for physical fitness.军方的测试意在为体能制定一个标准。麦克米伦高阶〔booklet〕This booklet describes how to set up the DVD player.这本小册子介绍了DVD播放机的设置方法。韦氏高阶〔borrow〕He borrowed heavily to set the company up.为了创办公司,他借了很多钱。牛津搭配〔broom cupboard〕I couldn't afford more than a broom cupboard to set up office in.我的钱也就够搞一间鸡窝大的办公室。牛津高阶〔example〕He arrived at the office early to set an example to the others.他很早就来到办公室,为他人作出表率。英汉大词典〔foil〕To set off by contrast.通过对比衬托美国传统〔kick in sth〕Another plan would require employers to kick in $20 per worker to set up the fund.另一个项目要求雇主为每个员工拿出20美元来建立基金。剑桥高阶〔mind〕If you're worried, see a doctor to set your mind at rest.你要是担心的话,去看看医生好让自己放心。朗文当代〔motion〕The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests.教会投票决定启动允许妇女当牧师的程序。朗文当代〔negotiation〕The college has been in negotiations with some local businesses to set up links between the college and nearby firms.学院正在和一些本地企业商谈以建立起学院与附近公司之间的联系。外研社新世纪〔overrun〕To set too much type for.使超排:为…排铅字过多美国传统〔pattern〕The design is so good it's sure to set the pattern for many others.这个设计太好了,一定会成为许多其他设计的样板。剑桥高阶〔rot〕In many schools, the rot is beginning to set in. Standards are falling all the time.很多学校的情况正开始变得越来越糟,教学水平一路下滑。柯林斯高阶〔say〕The instructions say (that) we should leave it to set for four hours.说明书上说我们应让它凝结四小时。牛津高阶〔set ... forth〕He was confered a medal to set forth his military exploits.他被授予一枚勋章,以表彰他的卓越战功。21世纪英汉〔set off〕They were about to set off on a long journey.他们要出一趟远门。外研社新世纪〔set play〕Teams at all levels dedicate whole training days to set plays.各个层次的球队都将整个训练日程花在定位球上。剑桥高阶〔set your teeth on edge〕That awful squeaking is enough to set my teeth on edge! 那恐怖的尖叫声够让我不舒服的了!韦氏高阶〔set〕A bank loan helped to set him up in business.他靠一笔银行贷款做起了生意。牛津高阶〔set〕After graduation, we decided to set up house together.毕业后,我们两人决定成家。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕Have something hot to set you up for the journey.吃点儿热东西好上路。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕If I've made a mistake, then it's up to me to set it right (= correct it).如果我犯了错,那就该由我来纠正。剑桥高阶〔set〕It took a long time to set up the experiment.为这项实验作好准备花了很长时间。英汉大词典〔set〕Remember to set the video to record the film.别忘了把录像机设定好录下这部影片。朗文当代〔set〕The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us.农场主威胁要放出狗来咬我们。牛津高阶〔set〕They want to set up their own import-export business.他们想要成立自己的进出口公司。朗文当代〔set〕Try to set aside some time each day for exercise.每天设法留出点时间来进行锻炼。朗文当代〔sovereign〕In March 1889, she became the first British sovereign to set foot on Spanish soil.1889年3月, 她成为第一位踏上西班牙领土的英国君主。外研社新世纪〔state〕To set forth in words; declare.宣称:用话语表达出来;宣称美国传统〔strike〕To set out energetically.精力充沛地开始美国传统〔surface〕Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon.尼尔‧阿姆斯特朗是第一个登上月球的人。剑桥高阶〔unbrace〕To set free by removing bands or braces.放松:解开绳带或背带美国传统〔video〕Did you remember to set the video for 'EastEnders'? 你记得把录像机设定好录制《伦敦东区人》了吗?牛津搭配〔way〕He was too set in his ways to make any real changes.他已经积习成性,不肯作任何真正的改变。柯林斯高阶I need £2000 to set up the project, but I suppose £1500 would do at a pinch.我需要2000英镑建立这个项目,不得已时1500英镑也可以。剑桥国际I've no idea how to set about changing a tyre on a car. 我不知道该怎么动手换汽车轮胎。剑桥国际It will be difficult for the pilot to set the plane down in that small space.飞行员很难将飞机降落在那么小的地方。剑桥国际It's difficult to set prices in such a dynamic market.在这个瞬息万变的市场中制订价格是十分困难的。牛津商务Our first task is to set up a communications system.我们的首要任务是要建立通讯系统。牛津商务She arrived at the office early to set an example to the others. 她很早就来到办公室,作为他人的表率。译典通The company needs over a million dollars to set its finances to rights.公司需要100多万美元来扭转财政状况。剑桥国际The design is so good it's sure to set the pattern for many others.这种设计如此好一定会为其他很多设计定下样板的。剑桥国际The new prime minister has shown that he is quite prepared to set aside some of the ideological baggage of the past.新首相使人感到他已作好充分准备放下过去的意识形态包袱。剑桥国际The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy.反对党到目前没能制定出一种可选择的战略。剑桥国际The school has been criticized for failing to set high enough standards for its students.这所学校因未能为学生制订足够高的标准而受到了批评。剑桥国际We ought to set sail soon, while the weather is still favourable (=to our advantage).我们应该趁着天气对我们有利尽快启航。剑桥国际




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