

单词 blanks
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blank〕Fill in the blanks on this form.将这份表格填好。剑桥高阶〔blank〕Fill in the blanks.填写下列空白处。外研社新世纪〔blank〕Fill in the blanks.把空白处填上。牛津同义词〔blank〕In the test, we had to fill in the blanks.考试的时候我们不得不做了些填空题。牛津搭配〔blank〕My mind suddenly blanks (out).我的脑子突然间成了一片空白。英汉大词典〔blank〕Please fill in the blanks.请在空白处填写。牛津高阶〔blank〕Please put either a tick or an X in the blanks.请在空白处打上√或X。麦克米伦高阶〔blank〕Soldiers fired blanks into the crowd.士兵向人群发射空弹。朗文当代〔blank〕Soldiers fired blanks into the sky.士兵向天空放空弹。牛津搭配〔blank〕The actors are shooting/firing blanks.演员们开枪用的都是空弹。韦氏高阶〔blank〕The starting gun fires blanks.发令枪放的是空弹。剑桥高阶〔blank〕The troops fired blanks in the air.部队向空中放空弹。牛津高阶〔blank〕They were firing blanks.他们在发射空包弹。外研社新世纪〔blank〕When you've filled in the blanks , hand the form back to me.你填好表格以后把它交还给我。朗文当代〔fill〕We know roughly how the system works, but Brian is here to fill in the blanks.填补空白;补充所需信息麦克米伦高阶〔fire〕A starter's pistol fires only blanks.初学者的手枪发射的只是空弹。牛津高阶〔inbound〕There is an inbound quaternion of blanks.书内有4张对折着装订在一起的空白页。英汉大词典〔live〕We had thought the guns were loaded with blanks, but the soldiers were actually shooting live bullets.我们原以为枪里装的都是空弹,但是士兵们射击的竟然是实弹。韦氏高阶〔retaliate〕The demonstrators threw rocks at the police, who retaliated by firing blanks into the crowd.示威者向警察投掷石块,警察则还以颜色,向人群发射空弹。剑桥高阶〔salvo〕They were to fire a salvo of blanks, after the national anthem.奏完国歌后,他们将同时发射空弹。柯林斯高阶Fill in the blanks in this form.将这表格的空白处填好。剑桥国际Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns. 在空格处填入适当的代名词。译典通The demonstrators threw rocks at the police, who retaliated by firing blanks into the crowd.示威者向警察扔石头,警察向人群射空包弹作为报复。剑桥国际




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