

单词 the Spanish
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Peru was formerly ruled by the Spanish. 秘鲁以前受西班牙统治。朗文写作活用〔Carlist〕A supporter of Don Carlos, the pretender to the Spanish throne, or his heirs.卡里斯特:觊觎西班牙王位者唐·卡洛斯的支持者或其继承人美国传统〔Carlos de Austria〕Heir to the Spanish throne who died mysteriously after being convicted of conspiring to kill his father, Philip II, who intended to name a new heir.奥地利的卡洛斯:西班牙王位继承人。其父腓力二世有意任命一新继承人,卡洛斯被判犯有密谋弑父罪后神秘地死亡美国传统〔END〕In the Spanish version of this story, the ending is completely different. 这个故事的西班牙版本结局完全不同。朗文写作活用〔Inca〕A member of the group of Quechuan peoples of highland Peru who established an empire from northern Ecuador to central Chile before the Spanish conquest.印加人:秘鲁高原上克丘亚部落的一支,被西班牙征服前建立了一个北起厄瓜多尔南到智利中部的帝国美国传统〔NEED/NECESSARY〕The tourist industry is now acknowledged as an essential part of the Spanish economy. 旅游业现已被公认为西班牙经济的重要组成部分。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕After years of communication by telephone she finally met her opposite number in the Spanish government. 多年来只靠电话沟通,现在她终于见到了西班牙政府里这位与她职务对等的人。朗文写作活用〔Spanish〕Of or relating to the Spanish language.西班牙语的:西班牙语的或与之有关的美国传统〔against〕Gibraltar is situated close against the Spanish border.直布罗陀的位置紧靠西班牙边境。英汉大词典〔artist〕He had his portrait painted by the Spanish artist Daniel Quintero.他让西班牙画家丹尼尔·昆特罗为他画像。麦克米伦高阶〔cacique〕An Indian chief, especially in the Spanish West Indies and other parts of Latin America during colonial and postcolonial times.酋长:印第安人 领袖,尤指殖民时代和殖民时代以前西班牙属西印度群岛和拉丁美洲的其它地区美国传统〔centre spread〕Tomorrow's edition will include a centre spread on the Spanish royal family.明天的报纸将会包含一个中间跨页,专门介绍西班牙皇室。剑桥高阶〔colonialist〕Earlier, the Cuban government had accused the Spanish Foreign Minister of colonialist attitudes.早些时候,古巴政府曾指责西班牙外交部长的殖民主义态度。柯林斯高阶〔colonizability〕The English and the Spanish were among the first to colonize North America.英国人和西班牙人是首先向北美洲开拓殖民地的。21世纪英汉〔domain〕The Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains.香料群岛曾是西班牙的领地。牛津高阶〔enclave〕Melilla, the Spanish enclave in North Africa梅利利亚, 西班牙在北非的飞地外研社新世纪〔evidence〕On the evidence of their recent matches, it is unlikely the Spanish team will win the cup.从西班牙队最近的比赛情况看,他们不太可能夺冠。牛津高阶〔excellency〕His Excellency the Spanish Ambassador will see you now, my lord.大人,西班牙大使阁下现在想见您。英汉大词典〔fall in〕At his lordship's death in the Spanish campaign in the year 1811,his estate fell in to the family of the Tiptoffs.这位爵爷在1811年西班牙战役中死亡后,他的产业归蒂普托夫家族支配。21世纪英汉〔far〕They managed to get as far as the Spanish border.他们设法跑到了西班牙边境。朗文当代〔feminine〕The feminine form of the Spanish adjective “lindo” is “linda.” 西班牙语中,形容词lindo的阴性词形式是linda。韦氏高阶〔feminine〕The feminine of the Spanish adjective “lindo” is “linda.” 西班牙语中,形容词lindo的阴性词形式是linda。韦氏高阶〔fly〕The ship was flying the Spanish flag.这艘船挂着西班牙国旗。剑桥高阶〔for〕What's the Spanish word for "vegetarian"? 西班牙语中 vegetarian(素食主义者)这个词怎么说?剑桥高阶〔ground〕She broke new ground when she filed her report on the Spanish Civil War.她发回的关于西班牙内战的报道开拓了新的视角。外研社新世纪〔investigation〕She is still under investigation by the Spanish police.她仍然在接受西班牙警方调查。麦克米伦高阶〔language〕She has a good command of the Spanish language.她精通西班牙语。牛津高阶〔loyalist〕Loyalist One who supported the established government of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. Loyalist 支持共和制者:在西班牙内战期间支持当时的西班牙政府的人美国传统〔mackerel〕Any of the smaller fishes of the suborder Scombroidea, such as the Spanish mackerel.马鲛:鲭亚目的体积较小的鱼的任一种,如马鲛美国传统〔masculine〕The masculine form of the Spanish adjective “linda” is “lindo.” 西班牙语形容词linda的阳性形式是lindo。韦氏高阶〔masculine〕The masculine of the Spanish adjective “linda” is “lindo.” 西班牙语形容词linda的阳性形式是lindo。韦氏高阶〔nationality〕He recently received the Spanish passport which grants him dual nationality.他最近拿到了西班牙护照,承认他的双重国籍。牛津搭配〔native〕The horse is not native to America - it was introduced by the Spanish.马不是美洲原产的动物——是西班牙人带来的。剑桥高阶〔play on〕Smith accidently played Sanchez on, so the Spanish goal was allowed.史密斯偶然使桑切斯处于不越位的位置上,所以西班牙踢进的球有效。21世纪英汉〔position〕The brand is well positioned to succeed in the Spanish market.该品牌定位很准确,会在西班牙市场取得成功。麦克米伦高阶〔presidio〕A garrison, especially a fortress of the kind established in the southwest United States by the Spanish to protect their holdings and missions.驻防地,要塞:驻防地,尤指由西班牙在美国西南部建立要保护其财产或教堂的要塞美国传统〔proof〕I'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now.我正在校正西班牙语版本的校样。柯林斯高阶〔proof〕I'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now.我正在校正西班牙语版本的校样。外研社新世纪〔side〕He fought on the republican side in the Spanish Civil War.他在西班牙内战中为共和派作战。朗文当代〔site〕Plymouth Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada.普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。柯林斯高阶〔threat〕He is unlikely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final.相信他不会在决赛中对这位西班牙运动员形成威胁。牛津高阶〔tourism〕Tourism is vital for the Spanish economy.旅游业对西班牙经济至关重要。外研社新世纪〔treaty〕In 1713 the Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of the Spanish Succession.1713 年《乌得勒支条约》结束了西班牙的王位继承战争。牛津搭配〔unseen〕We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.我们选了这位西班牙骑手早年一些不为人知的照片刊登出来。外研社新世纪A courier reported that the Russian and the Spanish fleets had sailed for these waters. 情报员报导俄国和西班牙舰队已向这个海域出航。译典通He's lived in Spain for the past five years, and loves the warmth and joie de vivre of the Spanish people.他过去的5年住在西班牙,非常喜欢西班牙人民的热情和生活之乐。剑桥国际On the beach the British were distinguishable from the Spanish by their paleness and general lack of clothes sense.海滩上,可以凭英国人肤色的苍白,凭他们对衣服普遍缺乏美感,把他们从西班牙人中区分出来。剑桥国际Peru was colonized (=made into a colony) by the Spanish in the sixteenth century.秘鲁在16世纪沦为西班牙的殖民地。剑桥国际The highest-ranking members of the Spanish aristocracy are the grandees. 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大公。译典通Tomorrow's edition will include a centre-spread on the Spanish royal family.明天报纸会有关于西班牙皇室的中心跨页版面。剑桥国际




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