

单词 the second part
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Gemara〕The second part of the Talmud, consisting primarily of commentary on the Mishnah.犹太教法典诠释篇:犹太教法典的第二部分,主要包括对犹太教训的评论美国传统〔bring〕This subject brings me to the second part of the discussion.这个话题让我谈到了讨论的第二部分。剑桥高阶〔chronology〕The second part of Duffy's book is a detailed chronology of the Reformation.达菲这本书中的第二部分按时间顺序对宗教改革运动进行了详细记录。柯林斯高阶〔chronology〕The second part of Duffy's book is a detailed chronology of the Reformation.达菲的书第二部分则是宗教改革运动的详细年表。外研社新世纪〔double〕Baseball To put out (a runner) as the second part of a double play.【棒球】 双杀时刺杀第二位跑者美国传统〔mask〕In the second part of the play, the actors take off their masks.在该剧的第二部分,演员们摘掉了面具。牛津搭配〔secondo〕The second part in a concert piece, especially the lower part in a piano duet.第二声部:在音乐会歌曲中的第二部,尤其是钢琴二重奏的低音部美国传统〔second〕The second part, instrument, or voice in a harmonized composition.第二声部:在和声歌曲中的第二部分、演奏或声音美国传统In the following sentence, the dash functions as a colon, with the second part of the sentence explaining or developing the first part.下面句子中,破折号起着冒号的作用,句中的后一部分解释或进一步说明前一部分。剑桥国际She did much better (= She was more successful) in the second part of the exam.考试的第二部分她做得好得多。剑桥国际This subject brings me to (= causes me to come to) the second part of the discussion.这个题目将带入了第二部分的讨论。剑桥国际




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