

单词 total amount
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕Your monthly repayments will be deducted from the total amount that you owe. 你每月偿还的款项将从你所欠的总数中扣掉。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The total amount owing at the end of ten years will be over $20,000. 十年后的欠款总额将超过20,000美元。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕You've forgotten to put the dollar sign before the total amount. 你忘记在总金额前面加美元符号了。朗文写作活用〔approach〕The total amount raised so far is approaching (= almost) $1,000.目前筹集到的金额总数将近1000美元了。剑桥高阶〔billing〕Often billings The total amount of business done in a specific period, as by an advertising agency or a law firm. 常作 billings 营业额:在某特定时期内所做业务的总量,如一家广告公司或法律公司美国传统〔capital stock〕The total amount of stock authorized for issue by a corporation, including common and preferred stock.股本总额:由一个公司授权发行的股票的总数额,包括普通股和优先股美国传统〔deduce〕The total amount can be deduced logically from the figures available.总量可以从现有的数字中按照逻辑推断出来。牛津搭配〔fifth〕He gave her a fifth of the total amount.他给了她总数的五分之一。牛津高阶〔guess〕I guessed the total amount to be about £50,000.我估计总额约为5万英镑。剑桥高阶〔handle〕Games The total amount of money bet on an event or over a set period of time.【游戏】 赌注:在一次或一段固定的时间内的用来打赌的钱的总数美国传统〔hundred〕He expects the total amount to be in the low hundreds.他预计总量会有小几百。剑桥高阶〔inelastic collision〕A collision between two particles in which part of their kinetic energy is transformed to another form of energy. The total amount of energy remains the same.非弹性碰撞:两个物体间的互相碰撞,在这个碰撞过程中,它们的一部分动能转化为其它能量形式。能量的总和不变美国传统〔outturn〕A total amount produced during a given period; output.产量:在既定期间内生产出的产品总量;生产量美国传统〔reflectance〕The ratio of the total amount of radiation, as of light, reflected by a surface to the total amount of radiation incident on the surface.反射比:被表面反射的辐射(如光)总量与入射到表面上的辐射总量之比美国传统〔shy〕We're only $100 shy of the total amount.我们离总数只差100美元了。剑桥高阶〔snow cover〕The total amount of snow that accumulates on the ground in a given location, including that from snowfall, snowdrift, and avalanche.积雪量:在某处地面的总累积雪量,包括降雪、雪堆及雪崩美国传统〔standing crop〕The total amount of living organisms, as of plankton, in a specific area at a given time.现存量:在特定的时间与特定地区生长物的总量,如浮游生物美国传统〔stand〕The total amount of money raised so far stands at over £3000.到目前为止,筹集来的钱共有3,000多英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔total〕It's best to limit the total amount you use.你最好限制一下你的总用量。外研社新世纪〔total〕The bill shows the total amount.帐单上列出总额。牛津同义词〔total〕What was the total amount of the bill? 账单总计多少钱?韦氏高阶The total amount raised so far is approaching (=almost) $1000.筹款总额现已接近一千美元。剑桥国际The high notes are rather out of my range (= the total amount of difference between the highest and lowest notes that I can sing or play).高音超出了我的音域。剑桥国际The manager guessed the total amount to be about £50 000.经理推测总数大约为50 000英镑。剑桥国际We're only £100 shy of the total amount we've been trying to raise.我们集资总共只缺100英镑,还在尽力筹集。剑桥国际




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