

单词 twin
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Grail〕the twin grails of American life: Money and Success 美国生活中追求的双重目标——金钱与飞黄腾达英汉大词典〔TWO〕a PC with twin disk drives 有两个光盘驱动器的个人电脑朗文写作活用〔TWO〕the new twin bridges over the river Clyde 横跨克莱德河的两座新造的姊妹桥朗文写作活用〔antipodal〕twin brothers with antipodal personalities 个性恰恰相反的孪生兄弟英汉大词典〔armament〕a bomber with twin engines and heavy defensive armament.配有双引擎和重型防御装备的轰炸机柯林斯高阶〔armament〕a bomber with twin engines and heavy defensive armament一架配重型防御装备的双引擎轰炸机外研社新世纪〔bed〕twin beds 成对的两只单人床英汉大词典〔bomber〕a high speed bomber with twin engines.双引擎高速轰炸机柯林斯高阶〔bomber〕a high-speed bomber with twin engines一架双引擎高速轰炸机外研社新世纪〔brother〕a twin brother 孪生哥哥(或弟弟)牛津高阶〔brother〕my twin brother 我的双胞胎兄弟朗文当代〔emphatic〕the emphatic, aggressive, soaring concrete prongs of the Twin Towers双子塔大厦那引人注目、气势宏伟、高耸入云的混凝土双塔外研社新世纪〔engine〕a large plane with twin engines 带有双引擎的大飞机牛津搭配〔kamikaze〕the Twin Towers kamikaze flights撞向双子塔的自杀性航班外研社新世纪〔reconcile〕a strategy that can reconcile the twin needs of development and preservation of nature 能使开发自然和保护自然这一对需要并行不悖的策略英汉大词典〔rock〕married life based on the twin rocks of trust and understanding 以信任和理解为双重坚实基础的婚姻生活 英汉大词典〔spectre〕the twin spectres of addiction and violence 成瘾和暴力这一对孪生魔鬼牛津搭配〔twin bed〕sheets to fit a twin bed 单人床的床单牛津高阶〔twin town〕a visit to Lyon, Birmingham's twin town in France 对伯明翰在法国的友好城市里昂的访问牛津高阶〔twin〕twin boys/girls 孪生男孩╱女孩牛津高阶〔twin〕twin brothers 孪生兄弟英汉大词典〔twin〕twin executives; twin cities; a twin bed.两个对等的执行人员;姐妹城市;一对配对单人床中的一个美国传统〔twin〕twin seats 对座英汉大词典〔twin〕twin sisters.孪生姐妹美国传统〔twin〕twin statuettes on the mantelpiece.壁炉台上一对小雕像。牛津同义词〔twin〕twin towers 双子塔剑桥高阶〔twin〕a twin brother 孪生兄弟中的一个英汉大词典〔twin〕a twin brother/sister 孪生兄弟╱姐妹中的一个牛津高阶〔twin〕a twin lamp fixture.配对的灯座美国传统〔twin〕a twin peak 双峰之一峰英汉大词典〔twin〕a twin sister 双胞胎姐妹中的一个剑桥高阶〔twin〕a twin vase 双联花瓶之一英汉大词典〔twin〕a car with twin exhausts 双排气管小汽车剑桥高阶〔twin〕a powerful plane with twin engines 双引擎大功率飞机麦克米伦高阶〔twin〕a ship with twin propellers 有双螺旋桨的船牛津高阶〔twin〕his twin obsessions - women and cars 他的两大爱好——女人和汽车剑桥高阶〔twin〕the twin concepts of liberty and equality.自由与平等这两个密切相关的概念柯林斯高阶〔twin〕the twin goals of reducing oil dependence and protecting the environment 既减少石油依赖又保护环境的双重目标韦氏高阶〔twin〕the twin issues of inflation and unemployment 通货膨胀和失业这两个密切相关的问题英汉大词典〔twin〕the twin problems of poverty and unemployment 贫穷和失业这对孪生问题朗文当代〔twin〕the twin spires of the cathedral.大教堂的那对尖塔柯林斯高阶〔twin〕the plot device of giving a character an evil twin 让某人物有一个邪恶的孪生兄弟这一情节设计牛津搭配




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