

单词 two parts
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Jordan curve theorem〕The theorem that states that every simple closed curve divides a plane into two parts and acts as the common boundary between them.约当曲线定理:每一简单封闭曲线分平面为两部分,且该曲线为两部分平面的公共边界的定理美国传统〔align〕The two parts of the machine are not properly aligned.这台机器的两个部件没有完全对准。韦氏高阶〔anastomosis〕Medicine The surgical connection of separate or severed tubular hollow organs to form a continuous channel, as between two parts of the intestine.【医学】 吻合术:把独立的或几段管状中空器官接合起来形成一个连续通道的外科连接,如在肠的两段中间美国传统〔bifurcate〕To divide into two parts or branches.使分开,使分叉:使分成两部分或两枝美国传统〔bifurcate〕To separate into two parts or branches; fork.分叉,分开:分成两部分或两枝;分叉美国传统〔binary〕Characterized by or consisting of two parts or components; twofold.双重的:以两部分或要素为特色的或由之组成的;两倍的美国传统〔bipartite〕Having or consisting of two parts.两部分的:两部分的或由两部分构成的美国传统〔bisect〕To cut or divide into two parts, especially two equal parts.将…一分为二:把…切割或分为两部分,尤指两个相等的部分美国传统〔bolt〕The two parts are bolted together.这两部分用螺栓固定在一起。牛津搭配〔break〕The question can be broken down into two parts.这个问题可以分为两个部分。朗文当代〔button〕A generally disk-shaped fastener used to join two parts of a garment by fitting through a buttonhole or loop.钮扣:通常为圆片状的固着物,用于穿过扣眼或扣环将衣服的两个部分连起来美国传统〔clamp〕Clamp the two parts together until the glue dries.用夹钳把这两部分夹紧,直到胶水干了。朗文当代〔commissure〕The point or surface where two parts, such as the eyelids, lips, or cardiac valves, join or form a connection.连合:连合两部分例如眼睑、嘴唇或心脏瓣膜联合或形成连接的点或面美国传统〔continuity〕There's no continuity between the two parts.这两部分之间不连贯。文馨英汉〔counterpart〕One of two parts that fit and complete each other.配对物:两个互相搭配或一体的部分之一美国传统〔crotch〕The angle or region of the angle formed by the junction of two parts or members, such as two branches, limbs, or legs.胯部:由两个分支、两条手臂或两条腿等两个部分交叉而成的角区或区域美国传统〔cup〕Either of the two parts of a brassiere that fit over the breasts.罩杯:罩在胸部上的胸罩的两个部分之一美国传统〔cut〕Games The act of dividing a deck of cards into two parts, as before dealing.【游戏】 签牌:把一副牌分成两份的行为,如在发牌之前美国传统〔cut〕Games To divide (a deck of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shuffle or in exposing a card at random.【游戏】 抽牌:把(一副牌)分成两份,如在结束洗牌或随意抽一张牌美国传统〔cut〕Games To divide a pack of cards into two parts, especially in order to make a chance decision or selection.【游戏】 签牌,抽牌:把一副牌分成两份,尤指为了作出随机决定或选择美国传统〔designate〕The two parts of the diagram were designated A and B.图表的两个部分分别被称为甲和乙。英汉大词典〔dichotomize〕To separate into two parts or classifications.划分成两部分或两个等级美国传统〔dimerous〕Consisting of two parts or segments, as the tarsus in certain insects.由两部分组成的:由两个部分组成的,如某些昆虫的跗节美国传统〔divide in〕The report was divided in two parts.报告分为两部分。21世纪英汉〔divide〕This report is divided broadly into two parts.报告大致分两部分。牛津搭配〔dogtrot〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A roofed passage between two parts of a structure.【多用于美国南部】 建筑物两部分间有顶的过道美国传统〔double〕Mary doubled the two parts of the maid and the mother.玛丽兼演女仆和母亲两角。英汉大词典〔fall〕The story falls into two parts.这故事分成两部分。英汉大词典〔fit〕How do these two parts fit together? 这两部份如何拼在一起呢?牛津高阶〔hang together〕The two parts of his statement don't hang together.他陈述的前后不怎么一致。21世纪英汉〔hook〕The two parts hooked together.两个部分紧扣在一起。韦氏高阶〔interchangeable〕These two parts of the car are interchangeable (with each other).这部汽车的这两个零件可(彼此)互换。文馨英汉〔join together〕How do these two parts join together?这两部分是如何连接在一起的?21世纪英汉〔logic〕Commercial logic has forced the two parts of the company closer together.商业上的考虑迫使公司的这两个部门更加紧密地合作。朗文当代〔logic〕The two parts of the plan were governed by the same logic.计划的两个部份均受到了同一思维方式的制约。牛津高阶〔marry〕The two parts of the project are not well married up.工程的两个部分配合得不好。英汉大词典〔midpoint〕Mathematics The point of a line segment or curvilinear arc that divides it into two parts of the same length.【数学】 中点:一条线段或一段弧上的一点,该点将此线段或弧平分为等长的两部分美国传统〔nappe〕Mathematics Either of the two parts into which a cone is divided by the vertex.【数学】 锥顶片:位于锥顶两边而形成一个锥体的两片中的一片美国传统〔part〕Mix one part sugar with two parts flour.将一份糖和两份面粉混合起来。韦氏高阶〔part〕The exam is divided into two parts.考试分为两部分。外研社新世纪〔part〕The programme will be shown in two parts.该节目将分两集播出。剑桥高阶〔pons〕A slender tissue joining two parts of an organ.桥:联结一个器官的两个部分的窄长组织美国传统〔resolve〕The mixture was resolved into two parts.这种混合物被分解成两部分。韦氏高阶〔separateness〕It's very possible that we may see a movement to separate the two parts of the country.很可能我们会目睹一场分裂该国这两个地区的运动。柯林斯高阶〔setscrew〕A screw, often without a head, used to hold two parts together.固定螺钉:连接两部分的螺钉,通常无头美国传统〔simplicity〕For the sake of simplicity, let's divide the discussion into two parts.为了方便起见,我们把讨论分成两部份。牛津高阶〔slip〕Movement between two parts where none should exist, as between a pulley and a belt.移动:两个部件之间不该有的运动,如滑轮和皮带之间美国传统〔two-piece〕A garment, such as a swimsuit, consisting of two parts.两件套的服装,例如游泳衣美国传统〔two-piece〕Made in or consisting of two parts or pieces.由两个部分或两件组成的美国传统〔two〕Something having two parts, units, or members, especially a playing card, the face of a die, or a domino with two pips.上面有两点者:有两个部分、单元或成员,尤指扑克、骰子的面或两点的多米诺骨牌美国传统




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