

单词 twisted
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔UGLY〕a man with a hideous twisted lip 一个长着丑陋的歪嘴唇的男子朗文写作活用〔amorphous〕an amorphous mass of twisted metal 一堆扭曲变形的金属朗文当代〔bare〕an old, twisted tree, its bark shaggy, many of its limbs brittle and bare.一棵虬枝盘绕的古树,树皮粗糙,很多枝杈光秃秃的,一折就断柯林斯高阶〔blinding〕the desert with its strange twisted plants and its blinding light 长有奇形怪状的植物而且光线刺眼的沙漠朗文当代〔blunder〕twisted her ankle and lurched home; 扭伤了脚踝,她一步一扭地走回家;美国传统〔bud〕upon a twisted branch a few leaves were budding 在扭曲的树枝上,正有几片叶子在发芽文馨英汉〔distort〕a mouth twisted with pain.痛得嘴歪了。美国传统〔grip〕a strand of hair twisted round and unobtrusively held in place with a grip卷起来用发夹在底下固定住的一缕头发外研社新世纪〔knot〕hair full of knots and tangles(= twisted in a way that is difficult to comb) 缠结在一起乱糟糟的头发牛津高阶〔parody〕with one's face twisted into the parody of a smile 挤眉弄眼强作笑容地英汉大词典〔rack〕a tree twisted by the rack of storms 一棵被风暴摧折的树英汉大词典〔rend〕a twisted urge to rend and tear.反常的狂乱撕扯的冲动柯林斯高阶〔root〕the twisted roots of an apple tree.苹果树盘绕的根柯林斯高阶〔skein〕a twisted skein of lies.一连串的谎言美国传统〔twisted〕twisted metal 扭弯的金属剑桥高阶〔twisted〕a twisted ankle(= injured by being turned suddenly) 扭伤的踝关节牛津高阶〔twisted〕a twisted man who shot at the president.向总统开枪的一个心理不正常的人柯林斯高阶〔twisted〕a twisted message.歪曲了意义的信息。牛津同义词〔twisted〕a twisted mind.乖谬的性情。牛津同义词〔twisted〕a twisted rope.缠绕的绳子。牛津同义词〔twisted〕a twisted shape.扭曲的形状。牛津同义词〔twisted〕a twisted tree trunk 扭曲的树干剑桥高阶〔twisted〕a tangle of twisted metal 一团扭曲变形的金属麦克米伦高阶〔twisted〕the plane's twisted wreckage 飞机扭曲变形的残骸朗文当代〔twist〕twisted my way through the briar patch.我在荆棘中挣扎前进美国传统〔twist〕twisted off the bottle cap.把瓶盖拧开美国传统〔twist〕twisted their heads around at the sound of the doorbell.听到门铃声,他们的头转了过去美国传统〔twist〕a pig's tail twisted into a corkscrew 扭成螺旋形的猪尾巴英汉大词典〔twist〕fingers twisted with arthritis 因关节炎而变形的手指英汉大词典〔twist〕fingers twisted with arthritis因关节炎而变畸形的手指21世纪英汉〔twist〕several strands of metal wire twisted into a helix几股拧成螺旋状的金属丝外研社新世纪




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