

单词 to leap
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bound〕To leap forward or upward; spring.跳,弹跳:向前或向上跃起;弹跳美国传统〔caper〕To leap or frisk about; frolic.雀跃:四处活蹦乱跳;欢快地蹦来蹦去美国传统〔curvet〕To leap in a curvet.腾跃:以腾跃姿势跳跃美国传统〔curvet〕To cause to leap in a curvet.腾跃:使以腾跃姿势跳跃美国传统〔dance〕To leap or skip about excitedly.雀跃:激动地跳跃或跳美国传统〔gambol〕To leap about playfully; frolic.欢快地跳跃;嬉戏美国传统〔hurdle〕To leap over (a barrier) in or as if in a race.跳过障碍:在赛跑时或象在赛跑时一样越过(障碍)美国传统〔hurdle〕To leap over a barrier or other obstacle.越过障碍:越过一个栏杆或其它障碍美国传统〔leap〕Don't be so nervous-anyone would think I was about to leap on you.别那么紧张,你那样的话大家都会以为我会朝你扑过去。牛津搭配〔leap〕Oil prices are prone to leap up overnight.石油价格往往一夜之间就会上涨。英汉大词典〔leap〕People were forced to leap to safety from the burning building.人们被迫跳离着火的大楼以逃生。麦克米伦高阶〔leap〕She was quick to leap to my defence(= speak in support of me).她马上挺身而出为我辩护。牛津高阶〔leap〕The photo seemed to leap off the page(= it got your attention immediately).那张照片跃然纸上,引人注目。牛津高阶〔leap〕The photograph seemed to leap off the page at her.这一页上的照片跳入她的眼帘。牛津搭配〔metaphorical〕The company has to be prepared, metaphorically speaking, to leap into the dark.打个比方,公司要准备好往黑暗处跳。麦克米伦高阶〔overleap〕To leap across or over.跳过或跃过美国传统〔page〕One name seemed to leap off the page from the list of candidates.一个名字似乎一下子从候选者名单中跳出来,映入了眼帘。朗文当代〔prime〕The press corps was primed to leap to the defense of the fired officials.记者团获知信息后,立即声援被解雇官员。柯林斯高阶〔skip〕To leap lightly about.蹦:轻轻地到处跳美国传统〔spring〕To cause to leap, dart, or come forth suddenly.突然跳出、飞奔、出来美国传统〔upwards〕The share price is likely to leap upwards.该股票价格可能会猛涨。柯林斯高阶〔upwards〕The share price is likely to leap upwards.该股票价格可能会飙升。外研社新世纪




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