

单词 to labour
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMPHASIZE〕I understand what you're saying -- there's no need to labour the point. 我明白你的意思—没有必要反复地强调。朗文写作活用〔contempt〕The millionaire turncoat is beneath contempt for jumping from the Tories to Labour.从保守党变节到工党的那个富翁叛徒极为可鄙。外研社新世纪〔contributor〕A key figure in the sport is allegedly a long-standing contributor to Labour Party funds.一位在体育界举足轻重的人物据说是工党基金的长期捐助者。外研社新世纪〔credible〕The Conservatives are not yet a credible threat to Labour.保守党对工党还不构成确实有效的威胁。英汉大词典〔fall〕In the last election, the constituency fell to Labour.上次选举中,工党在该选区获得胜利。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕The constituency fell to Labour at the last election, after ten years of Conservative rule.在保守党主导10年之后,这个选区在上届选举中落入了工党手中。剑桥高阶〔labour at〕The teacher asked his students to labour at obligatory courses.老师要求学生在必修课上多下工夫。21世纪英汉〔labour for〕With such a small salary, no one likes to labour for the boss.薪水这么低,谁也不愿为老板努力干活。21世纪英汉〔labour the point〕Look, there's no need to labour the point - I made a mistake - I admit it! 喂,用不着三番五次地说来说去——我犯了错误——我承认!剑桥高阶〔labour〕Even after a decade, she still seems to labour under the illusion that she is Party leader.即便过了10年,她似乎还抱有幻想,以为自己是党派的领导人。麦克米伦高阶〔labour〕I don't want to labour the point but there it is.我不想反复重申,但还是不得不说。柯林斯高阶〔labour〕I don't want to labour the point but there it is.我不想多说, 但事情就摆在那里。外研社新世纪〔labour〕OK, OK, I get the idea – there's no need to labour the point! 好啦,好啦,我明白这意思了,没必要一说再说啦!麦克米伦高阶〔labour〕There's no need for the manager to labour the point.经理没必要对这一点啰唆。21世纪英汉〔point〕I understand what you're saying-there's no need to labour / labor the point.我明白你所说的 - 没有必要啰唆。牛津搭配〔swing〕There has been a significant 15 per cent swing to Labour.有多达15%的人转而支持工党。麦克米伦高阶〔swing〕Voting showed a 10% swing to Labour.投票显示 10% 的人转而支持工党。牛津高阶〔switch〕He used to vote Conservative, but he switched to Labour in 1997.他过去投保守党的票,但在1997年他改投工党的票。麦克米伦高阶After ten years of Conservative rule, Basildon finally fell to Labour at the last election.在保守党统治十年之后,巴兹尔登终于在上一次选举中败给了工党。剑桥国际Look, there's no need to labour the point -- I made a mistake -- I admit it! 瞧,没必要费口舌,我错了----我承认!剑桥国际




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