

单词 to kill
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND〕Denver police said the suspect had earlier made threats to kill his ex-girlfriend and then himself. 丹佛警方说嫌疑犯曾威胁要杀死他的前女友,然后自杀。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕The decision to kill the infected animals was a heart-rending one for farmers. 宰杀受感染的牲口对农民来说是一个令人心碎的决定。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕When they found out he was an American, the soldiers threatened to kill him. 当那些士兵发觉他是美国人后,就威胁说要杀死他。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Assassins, in cahoots with the army, were sent to kill two top members of the parliament. 他们与军队串通,派了刺客去杀害两位高级议会成员。朗文写作活用〔addled〕In my addled mind I decided they were trying to kill me.我糊涂地认定他们想要杀死我。麦克米伦高阶〔assassin〕One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.刺客:以突然袭击方式杀人者,尤指为为实现阴谋而刺杀名人美国传统〔conspiracy〕He believes there probably was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy in 1963.他认为1963年肯尼迪总统遇刺身亡可能是一个阴谋。柯林斯高阶〔course〕Treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacterium.治疗期间辅以一个疗程的抗生素注射来杀灭细菌。柯林斯高阶〔course〕Treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacterium.治疗中加了一个疗程的抗生素进行杀菌。外研社新世纪〔cover for〕Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her?她为什么要包庇想杀她的人呢?外研社新世纪〔croak〕Slang To kill.【俚语】 杀死美国传统〔fate〕They decided to kill themselves rather than suffer a worse fate at the hands of their enemy.他们决定宁愿自杀也不愿落在敌人的手里,那样命运会更惨。牛津搭配〔flow〕They flowed oil over the swamp to kill mosquito larvae.他们在沼泽地注油灭孑孓。英汉大词典〔fumigate〕They fumigated the room to kill the vermin.他们用烟熏房间以杀死害虫。21世纪英汉〔girdle〕To remove a band of bark and cambium from the circumference of (a tree), usually in order to kill it.剥去树皮:剥去树周围的树皮带或形成层,通常是为了杀死树美国传统〔hand〕He tried to kill me with his bare hands.他企图赤手空拳杀了我。韦氏高阶〔humane〕Is it humane to kill animals for food?宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?牛津同义词〔immoral〕He believes it's immoral to kill animals for food.他认为为食物而杀生是不道德的。麦克米伦高阶〔impersonal〕I can't understand why anyone would want to kill animals for fun.我不明白为什么有人会以猎杀动物为乐。牛津高阶〔incomprehensible〕It's incomprehensible to me why he would want to kill himself.我无法理解他为什么要自杀。剑桥高阶〔irradiate〕The food was irradiated to kill any germs.食物已经辐照灭菌。韦氏高阶〔jack frost〕Jack Frost was threatening to kill the new plants.霜降危及新作物的存活。牛津高阶〔kill off〕Colin Dexter's decision to kill off Inspector Morse科林•德克斯特在书中安排摩尔斯探长死掉的决定外研社新世纪〔kill〕A piece of bread is not enough to kill my hunger.仅仅一块面包不足以让我充饥。21世纪英汉〔kill〕He drove there to kill a couple of hours.他驾车去那里消磨一两个小时。英汉大词典〔kill〕He refused to kill the insert.他不同意取消插页。英汉大词典〔kill〕He was forced to take opium to kill the pain.他被迫服用鸦片来止痛。柯林斯高阶〔kill〕I often read some novel to kill time when I am alone at home.当我一个在家时,我常通过读小说来消磨时光。21世纪英汉〔kill〕Tell him I'm going to kill him when I get hold of him.告诉他, 等我逮到他, 我就宰了他。外研社新世纪〔kill〕The nurse gave me something to kill the pain.护士给了我些止疼的东西。外研社新世纪〔lawful〕It is not lawful to kill or injure a pet animal.杀死或伤害宠物是犯法的。朗文当代〔mould〕The chemical was used to kill a mold that grows on peanuts.这种化学品被用来杀灭花生上的霉菌。朗文当代〔murder〕To kill (another human being) unlawfully.凶杀:非法杀死(另一个人)美国传统〔pesticide〕A chemical used to kill pests, especially insects.杀虫剂,农药:用来消灭有害物的一种化学药剂,特别是昆虫美国传统〔picowave〕To irradiate (food) with gamma rays in order to kill insects or worms.用γ射线照射(食物)以杀死昆虫或寄生虫美国传统〔slaughter〕To kill (animals) for food; butcher.屠宰:为获取食物杀死(动物);屠宰美国传统〔slay〕To kill violently.凶狠地杀死美国传统〔supposed〕He produced a hand-written list of nine men he was supposed to kill.他拿出了一份手写的名单, 上面列有他要杀的九个人的名字。外研社新世纪〔suspect〕We had no reason to suspect (that) he might try to kill himself.我们没有理由认为他会自杀。剑桥高阶〔take〕To kill, snare, or trap (fish or game, for example).杀,设陷阱捕捉:杀死,设陷井捕获或诱捕(如,鱼或猎物)美国传统A tiny drop of nerve gas, inhaled or absorbed through the skin or eyes, is enough to kill.吸入或由皮肤或眼睛吸收的一小滴神经性毒气足以致死。剑桥国际He shrank from the thought of having to kill anyone. 他一想到要杀人就害怕。译典通He was so unhappy after his girlfriend had jilted him for another man that he threatened to kill himself.他被女友抛弃后非常难过,威胁说要自杀。剑桥国际It is hoped that the kidnappers will not carry out their threat to kill the hostages.绑架者威胁将杀死人质,希望他们不会这样做。剑桥国际Mr Clark, the exterminator (= the person whose job it is to kill unwanted animals), is coming on Friday to destroy the rats in the cellar.灭虫人克拉克先生将在周五来消灭地下室的老鼠。剑桥国际The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal (= the way that causes the least pain) is to kill it quickly.使受伤动物少受痛苦的办法是迅速杀了它。剑桥国际The man was charged with intent to kill. 那人被指控蓄意谋杀罪。译典通The terrorists have seized 20 hostages and are threatening to kill one a day unless their demands are met.恐怖分子抓了20名人质,并威胁除非他们的要求得到满足否则将每天杀一个人。剑桥国际Twenty or thirty of these pills would be a lethal dose (= enough to kill you). 20/30 粒这样的药丸是致死的剂量。剑桥国际We put down some poisoned bait to kill the rats.我们安放一些毒饵杀鼠。剑桥国际




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