

单词 to keep
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Olympian〕Olympian efforts were mounted to keep the city from going bankrupt.进行了极大的努力使全体市民免受破产之灾美国传统〔PRIVATE〕Clarence refused to comment on the state of his marriage, saying, it ‘is a private matter which we'd like to keep private.’ 克拉伦斯拒绝对自己的婚姻状态发表意见,称这“是件私事,我们不想公开。”朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕It's a good idea to keep a little money in reserve for those unexpected emergencies. 存一点钱放着,在突发的紧急情况可以用,这是个很好的办法。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕She somehow manages to keep laughing in the face of adversity. 她面临逆境也总能保持笑容。朗文写作活用〔afloat〕A government subsidy will be needed to keep the newspaper afloat.为使这张报纸得以维持下去,将需要政府斥资补助。英汉大词典〔bottom〕Try to keep the baby's bottom dry.要使婴儿的屁股保持干爽。麦克米伦高阶〔brisk〕You need to keep the story moving at a brisk pace.你得让故事情节进展得快些。外研社新世纪〔budget〕We have to keep within a tight budget .我们必须控制在一个很紧的预算之内。朗文当代〔busy〕I got enough work to keep me busy for a while.我的工作足够我忙一阵的。韦氏高阶〔catch basin〕A receptacle at the entrance to a sewer designed to keep out large or obstructive matter.滤污器:放在阴沟口处的用以滤出大的或可造成阻塞的东西容器美国传统〔clean〕It is your responsibility to keep the room clean and tidy.保持房间整洁是你的职责。牛津高阶〔confidential〕Doctors are required to keep patients' records completely confidential .医生必须对病人的病历完全保密。朗文当代〔control〕He was working hard to keep control of himself.他一直努力使自己保持冷静。外研社新世纪〔deliberation〕Grand jurors took an oath to keep secret their deliberations.大陪审团成员们宣誓对他们的审议情况保密。英汉大词典〔devotion〕I don't mean to keep criticizing his devotion to his job.我并不是要一再批评他对工作的专注。外研社新世纪〔dump〕He's got no right to keep dumping his problems on me.他没有权利总是把他的问题推到我身上。牛津高阶〔eye〕They're using villagers to keep an eye on each other, to spy on each other.他们利用村民互相监视,互相窥探。柯林斯高阶〔fence ... off〕This part of the field has been fenced off to keep the cattle out.这部分田园已经用栅栏隔开,以防牧畜跑进去。21世纪英汉〔going〕Things were difficult, and we needed her wages to keep going.日子很艰难,我们要靠她的工资来维持生活。柯林斯高阶〔guard〕Would you like me to keep guard of your room? 你想让我看护你的房间吗?牛津搭配〔keep ... in〕He was unable to keep his anger in.他无法控制住怒气。21世纪英汉〔keep a low profile〕He's been in a little trouble recently so he's trying to keep a low profile.他最近有点麻烦,所以尽量不抛头露面。剑桥高阶〔keep abreast of〕I have to walk more quickly to keep abreast of him.我不得不走得更快一些来与他并肩行进。21世纪英汉〔keep sb down〕It's all part of a conspiracy to keep women down.那完全是压制女性自由的部分阴谋。剑桥高阶〔keep〕She made an effort to keep back her tears.她竭力忍住泪水。 英汉大词典〔keep〕The library costs £5 million a year to run, and the council can't afford to keep it going.这家图书馆一年运转费用达五百万英镑,委员会无力把它维持下去了。朗文当代〔keep〕We need more money to keep the farm going.我们需要更多的钱来维持农场的运作。麦克米伦高阶〔no-show〕A person who unexplainedly fails to keep an appointment.未解释便失约的人美国传统〔nucleus〕I tried to keep the nucleus of a strong and stable team.我试图留住一支强大而稳定的队伍的核心班底。外研社新世纪〔play〕She just managed to keep the ball in play.她把球勉强保持在界内。牛津高阶〔quiet〕Can we trust him to keep quiet about what he's seen? 我们能相信他会对所见到的保密吗?麦克米伦高阶〔ratio〕Some universities take steps to keep their gender ratio 50-50.有些大学采取多种措施以保持男女性别比例各占一半。牛津搭配〔record〕The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。柯林斯高阶〔rut〕I don't like being in a rut – I like to keep moving on.我不喜欢一成不变的生活——我喜欢不断进取。外研社新世纪〔scratch along〕We just manage to keep scratching along.我们只是凑合着维持生活。21世纪英汉〔secret〕He tried to keep it secret from his family.这件事他试图瞒着家里。牛津高阶〔shipshape〕The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape.这座房子只需要偶尔粉刷一下就能保持整洁。外研社新世纪〔silence〕You will have to keep silence throughout the ceremony.你们必须在仪式的进行过程中始终保持安静。英汉大词典〔social〕Exercise classes are a good way to keep fit and improve your social life .上健身课是保持身体健康和增进社交生活的好办法。朗文当代〔tradition〕The locals get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive.当地人每年都聚到一块儿,使他们古老的传统传承不息。牛津搭配〔train〕The police are trained to keep calm.警察受训在遇事时保持冷静。外研社新世纪〔unable〕Unable any longer to keep from breaking in she said, 'I simply cannot believe you're serious.' 她再也忍不住了,便插话道:“我真不敢相信你是认真的。”柯林斯高阶〔unnatural〕It is unnatural to keep the sexes apart.将男女两性分开是不正常的。外研社新世纪〔work〕The hotel manager thanked the staff and told them to keep up the good work.饭店经理对员工表示感谢,并要求他们再接再厉。牛津搭配An anonymous millionaire has come to the company's aid by lending it the money it needs to keep it in business.一个匿名的百万富翁帮助了这家公司,借给了它维持业务所需的钱。剑桥国际My job is to keep a check on each stage of the production process.我的工作是检查生产工序的每个阶段。牛津商务She refused to give her last name because she wanted to keep her identity secret.她不肯说出姓什么,因为她要保密身份。剑桥国际The important thing is to keep the heat low or the sugar will burn.重要的是热度要低,否则糖会被烧焦的。剑桥国际They plan to keep the fund's 275 000 share position steady for now.他们计划眼下要保持这一基金的 27.5 万份头寸的稳定。牛津商务They were unable to keep up (= continue to pay) the instalments.他们不能继续支付这笔分期付款。牛津商务




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