

单词 to investigate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETAIL〕I'm afraid the evidence is really too thin as it stands. We need to investigate further. 从这个证据来看恐怕是太单薄了。我们需要作进一步的调查。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕A working party was set up to investigate and act on the report's findings. 成立了一个工作组根据报告中的发现进行调查并采取行动。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕They chose to investigate reasons for the preponderance of large families among the poor and ill-educated. 他们选择了调查穷人和受教育程度低下的人群中大家庭占多数的原因。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The government had promised to investigate the cause of the accident. 政府承诺调查事故起因。朗文写作活用〔Scotland Yard〕Scotland Yard have/has been called in to investigate the murder.已经要求伦敦警察厅调查这桩谋杀案。剑桥高阶〔alleged〕A team were sent to investigate the alleged 'confession'.一组人被派去调查那份所谓的“供状”。外研社新世纪〔appoint〕A commission has just been appointed to investigate fraud claims.刚委派了一个委员会去调查诈骗的说法是否属实。剑桥高阶〔assign〕Madison was assigned to investigate a balloon accident.麦迪逊被派去调查一宗气球事故。朗文当代〔blue ribbon〕Critics asked the president to appoint a blue-ribbon commission to investigate police practices.评论员要求总统指派一个专家委员会调查警察工作。剑桥高阶〔body〕An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair.已成立了一个独立机构调查这件事。牛津高阶〔book〕Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon.应该要求警方介入调查,以将罪犯早日绳之以法。柯林斯高阶〔breath〕You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter, and that you desire me to do it.你一方面对我说调查此事是白搭,另一方面却又希望我去调查。英汉大词典〔bring〕The police were brought in to investigate the matter.警方已介入调查此案。朗文当代〔combine〕University zoologists and government vets are combining forces (=working together) to investigate the disease.大学里的动物学家和政府部门的兽医联手调查这种疾病。朗文当代〔command〕The governor directed the attorney general to investigate allegations of police corruption.州长指示总检察长调查警察腐败的辩解之词。美国传统〔commission〕The authorities have been asked to set up a commission to investigate the murders.当局被敦促成立一个委员会负责调查这些谋杀案。柯林斯高阶〔commission〕The government has set up/established a commission to investigate the problem of inner city violence.政府设立了专门委员会来调查市中心区的暴力问题。剑桥高阶〔coroner〕A public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes.验尸官:主要职责是对被认为是死于非命的死者的死因作验尸调查的公职人员美国传统〔detail〕The Army has detailed him to investigate the complaints.军队指派他去调查投诉。韦氏高阶〔disappearance〕They say the government is not doing enough to investigate tens of thousands of killings and disappearances over the past few years.他们说政府在调查过去的数年中发生的成千上万的谋杀和失踪事件上做得并不够。柯林斯高阶〔effort〕Little effort has been made to investigate this claim.没什么人努力去调查这个说法。外研社新世纪〔establishment〕This report led to the establishment of a special committee to investigate the matter.这个报道导致成立了一个特别委员会来调查这件事。牛津搭配〔examiner〕The court has appointed an independent examiner to investigate allegations of fraud.法庭指派了一名独立问询员对于诈骗的指控进行调查。外研社新世纪〔heave to〕The captain hove the vessel to and sent off a party in a small boat to investigate.船长停了船, 派一队人坐小船去调查情况。外研社新世纪〔inconsistency〕We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence.我们被要求对他证词中的前后矛盾之处进行调查。柯林斯高阶〔investigate〕A senior official was sent from London to investigate the claims.从伦敦派出了一名高级官员去调查索赔要求。外研社新世纪〔investigate〕A short time later I heard a noise outside and went to investigate.过了一小会儿我听到外面有响声便出去查看。麦克米伦高阶〔investigate〕The FBI has been called in to investigate.联邦调查局奉命进行调查。牛津高阶〔investigate〕The manager promised to investigate when we pointed out an error on our bill.当我们指出我们的账单上有错误时,经理答应去查实。韦氏高阶〔name〕They've asked that a special prosecutor be named to investigate.他们要求指派一位特别检察官来调查。麦克米伦高阶〔phenomenon〕His job is to investigate supernatural phenomena.他的工作是探究超自然现象。牛津搭配〔project〕They've set up a research project to investigate the harmful effects of air pollution.他们已制订了研究方案,探讨空气污染的危害。牛津搭配〔psychologize〕To investigate, reason, or speculate in psychological terms.作心理分析:从心理学角度作调查,推断或思考美国传统〔report〕He promised to investigate it and then report back to the committee.他承诺要调查此事并向委员会汇报。麦克米伦高阶〔see〕To investigate.调查美国传统〔set up〕A panel needs to be set up to investigate the issue.需要设立一个专门小组来调查这个问题。韦氏高阶〔set up〕The two sides agreed to set up a commission to investigate claims.双方同意组建一个委员会来调查那些索赔要求。柯林斯高阶〔shouting〕We heard a lot of shouting and went to investigate.我们听到一片嚷嚷声,就走过去看个究竟。朗文当代〔special〕A special prosecutor was appointed to investigate charges of corruption.一名专门的检察官受命去调查有关贪污的指控。麦克米伦高阶〔spy〕To investigate intensively.精心调查美国传统〔therapeutic〕Scientists want to investigate the therapeutic effects of acupuncture.科学家们想研究针灸的治疗效果。麦克米伦高阶A commission has just been appointed to investigate fraud claims.一个专门委员会已受命调查针对诈骗案的索赔事宜。剑桥国际Congress has empowered a committee to investigate the claims.国会已经授权一个委员会调查这些指控。牛津商务He ordered the shredding of important documents (= destroying them by tearing them into strips) when government inspectors began to investigate his business affairs.当政府检查员开始调查他的商业事务时,他下令撕毁重要文件。剑桥国际Inspectors were asked to investigate possible instances of insider dealing in the City.人们要求检查员调查伦敦商业区可能出现的内幕交易。牛津商务The management refused to investigate the matter, so the union intervened on my behalf.管理部门拒绝调查这件事,因此工会为我出面干预。剑桥国际The principal promised to investigate into that affair. 校长答应去调查那件事情。译典通The remit of this official inquiry is to investigate the reasons for the accident.官方调查的职权范围是调查事故的原因。剑桥国际They have strenuously resisted all attempts to investigate their financial affairs.他们强烈反对所有调查他们财务情况的企图。剑桥国际We will continue to investigate written tests as one of several assessment tools for children of different ages.我们将继续调查作为评估不同年龄孩子的几个方法之一的书面测试。剑桥国际




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