

单词 to compel
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The attorney general has the right to compel witnesses to appear in court. 检察长有权强迫证人到庭作证。朗文写作活用〔compel〕They gained the authority to compel sworn testimony from a number of women about Mr Clinton's sex life.他们得到授权, 可以强令几名女性就克林顿先生的性生活宣誓作证。外研社新世纪〔compel〕We took steps to compel their cooperation.我们采取措施促成他们的合作。韦氏高阶〔distrain〕To seize and hold (property) to compel payment or reparation, as of debts.扣押,抵押:夺取并掌握财物迫使其还债或准备还债美国传统〔distrain〕To seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payment of debts; distress.扣押,抵押:占有(债务人)的财物以迫使其还债;扣押以抵债美国传统〔distress〕The act of distraining or seizing to compel payment.扣押财物:扣押以逼迫付款的行为美国传统〔dragoon〕To compel by violent measures or threats; coerce.以武力迫害或威协;强迫美国传统〔force-feed〕To compel to ingest food; feed forcibly, especially by mechanical means.强喂:强迫吞下食物;强行喂,尤其指通过机械手段美国传统〔impress〕To compel (a person) to serve in a military force.征召:强迫(一个人)在军队中服役美国传统〔jurisdiction〕The court may exercise its jurisdiction to compel the husband to make a settlement upon his wife.法院可以行使司法权强制丈夫给予其妻子财产。牛津搭配〔levy〕Bondholders have the power to compel the city to levy a tax on property owners.债券持有人有权强迫市政当局向业主征税。外研社新世纪〔testimony〕The government was able to compel his testimony.政府能够迫使他做证。牛津搭配




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