

单词 to collect
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Could I ask a favour? I need someone to collect the children from school tonight. Are you free? 请帮个忙行吗?今天晚上我需要有人帮我去接孩子们放学。你有空吗?朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕I felt so proud when my son went up to collect his medal. 儿子上前领奖章时我感到很自豪。朗文写作活用〔PUNISH〕The government has been forced to declare an amnesty for anyone who has not paid their taxes, because there are now too many to collect. 政府被迫宣布大赦那些未缴税的人,因为逃税的人太多,无法把钱收齐。朗文写作活用〔REFLECT〕The telescope contains a large convex mirror to collect the light. 这架望远镜有一块很大的凸镜来采集光线。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕I've got a parcel to collect from the post office. 我要到邮局去拿个包裹。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The winning team went up to collect their medals 获胜队上前领取奖牌。朗文写作活用〔assay〕He returned to the area to collect rock samples and have them assayed.他返回该地区搜集岩石样品并对它们进行化验。外研社新世纪〔as〕Our aim is to collect as much information as possible.我们的目标是收集尽可能多的信息。麦克米伦高阶〔collect〕A crowd was beginning to collect around the scene of the accident.人群开始聚集在事故现场。朗文当代〔collect〕Dad's gone to collect the car he's hired.爸爸去取他租的汽车了。英汉大词典〔collect〕I took a minute to collect my thoughts.我花了一会儿时间让自己镇定下来。韦氏高阶〔collect〕I used to collect stamps.我曾经集过邮。柯林斯高阶〔collect〕I was so stunned by what he'd said I had to collect myself before I could reply.他的话惊得我目瞪口呆,我定了定神才答上话。剑桥高阶〔collect〕I'm going to collect him from the airport.我要去机场接他。韦氏高阶〔collect〕She paused to collect her thoughts before entering the interview room.她停下来定了定神,才走进面试室。牛津高阶〔collect〕The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.房东太太每月过来一次收房租。朗文当代〔collect〕They give up their spare time to collect for various charities.他们放弃业余时间为各种慈善事业募捐。麦克米伦高阶〔collect〕They hope to collect over 1,000 signatures on the petition.他们希望在请愿书上收集超过1000个签名。韦氏高阶〔cover〕The policeman went under cover to collect more evidence.这名警察隐匿身份以收集更多证据。韦氏高阶〔crisscross〕Scientists have been crisscrossing the country to collect data.科学家们为收集数据一直在全国各地奔走。韦氏高阶〔dispatch〕A courier was dispatched to collect the documents.已派人去取文件。牛津高阶〔dry-cleaning〕He forgot to collect his dry-cleaning on the way home.他忘记在回家的路上取回干洗的衣物。外研社新世纪〔fake〕He faked his own death to collect on an insurance policy.他制造了自己死亡的假象, 以骗取保险赔偿金。外研社新世纪〔farmer〕One who has paid for the right to collect and retain certain revenues or profits.承包人:已支付金额取得收集和保留一定收入或利润权力的人美国传统〔fee〕We will be taking active steps to collect the outstanding fees.我们将采取积极措施收取拖欠的费用。牛津搭配〔gather〕To collect into one place; assemble.收集:集中于一地;收集美国传统〔have〕I had to leave early to collect the children from school.我必须早点儿走,我得去学校接孩子们。麦克米伦高阶〔item〕The original 1965 bottle is now a collector's item (=one of a set of objects people like to collect because they are interesting or valuable) .这瓶 1965 年生产的原装酒现在是收藏品。朗文当代〔nest〕To hunt for birds' nests, especially in order to collect the eggs.猎取鸟窝:寻找鸟窝,尤其是为了收集鸟蛋美国传统〔parcel〕She went to collect her parcel from the depot.她去库房领取包裹。牛津搭配〔personal effects〕After she had identified the body of her husband, the police asked her to collect his personal effects.她辨认出丈夫的尸体后,警察让她领取他的随身物品。剑桥高阶〔person〕You have to collect your tickets in person.你必须自己去取票。麦克米伦高阶〔poison〕Waterton travelled to South America to collect specimens of these long-forgotten poisons.沃特顿前往南美去搜集这些早已被人们遗忘的毒物标本。外研社新世纪〔posthaste〕They travelled posthaste to Rome to collect the award.他们急急忙忙地赶到罗马去领奖。剑桥高阶〔pound of flesh〕When the creditors came to collect their pound of flesh, he had nothing to give them.债主来收债时,他身无分文。韦氏高阶〔pound〕I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.上台领奖时我感到心怦怦直跳。剑桥高阶〔prescription〕He had to go back to the chemist's to collect his prescription.他不得不回药店去拿他的处方药。外研社新世纪〔save〕I'll get a taxi from the station to save you the trouble of coming to collect me.我会从火车站乘出租车,省得你费事来接我。朗文当代〔scalp〕A piece of hide from the skull of certain animals, such as the fox, shown as proof of killing in order to collect a bounty.动物头皮:从某些动物如狐狸的头上剥下的皮,作为捕获的证据来领取赏金美国传统〔stop〕Don't stop to collect the materials; I have prepared them for you.别费神收集材料了,我已给你准备好了。21世纪英汉〔suspicion〕Astronomers will have to collect more spectra from these stars to confirm their suspicions.天文学家们必须要从这些恒星上采集更多的光谱来证实他们的推想。柯林斯高阶〔winnings〕I have come to collect my winnings.我来领我赢的钱。柯林斯高阶〔zamindar〕An official in precolonial India assigned to collect the land taxes of his district.印度征收地税者:在沦为殖民地前的印度,被派去征收他所管辖区土地税的官员美国传统He bought the complete set of mint stamps and hoped to collect used ones later.他买了整套簇新的邮票,还希望以后收集些用过的邮票。剑桥国际Her assignment was to collect forensic evidence for the investigation.她的任务是为这项调查搜集法医证据。剑桥国际It took her ten years to collect and check all the material that has gone into this seminal work.她花了十年的时间来收集和查核所有资料为该项有开创性的工作作了准备。剑桥国际Retro-mania is sweeping the country causing normally sane people to collect junk from the past.复古癖正在席卷全国,使得平时正常的人们开始收集过去的废旧物品。剑桥国际Well, perhaps I'd have time to collect it on my way home.唔,也许我在回家的路上有时间去取它。剑桥国际When she introduced this old man as her husband I had to collect myself before I could say hello.当她介绍说这个老头是她的丈夫时,我不得不先定了定神,才打了招呼。剑桥国际Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.你的鞋会在星期四修好,准备你来取。剑桥国际




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