

单词 the right
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DECIDE〕when someone has the right or responsibility to decide 某人有权或有责任作出决定朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕doing something in exactly the right way 完全按正确的方法做某事朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕to be the right size for a particular space 对某一空间而言尺寸正合适朗文写作活用〔LATE〕at the right time 及时朗文写作活用〔appointment〕exercise the right of appointment 行使任命权英汉大词典〔arrogate〕to arrogate the right to make decisions擅自窃取作决定的权力21世纪英汉〔assume〕assume the right to oneself 夺取权利英汉大词典〔balanced〕the importance of a balanced diet (=one that is healthy because it contains the right foods in the right amounts) 饮食均衡的重要性朗文当代〔ballpark〕errors that are made within a system that already is generally in the right ballpark.出现在一个几臻完善的体系中的错误柯林斯高阶〔blend〕just the right blend of work and relaxation 工作和休闲的恰当结合牛津搭配〔blind〕be blind in the right eye 右眼失明英汉大词典〔button〕a new satirical comedy show that pushes all the right buttons 一出新的极尽搞笑之能事的讽刺喜剧牛津高阶〔cut〕cut the ball to the right 往右方削球英汉大词典〔encroach〕to encrocach on the right of the individual侵犯个人的权利21世纪英汉〔engage〕engage the right people for the job 雇用合适的人来担当这工作英汉大词典〔finesse〕finesse against opponent on the right 出小牌来飞右方对手的牌英汉大词典〔first〕the first turning on the right 第一个右转弯处英汉大词典〔flank〕a beautiful pass down the right flank 右侧的一个漂亮下底传球牛津搭配〔foot〕get (或 set, start) off on the right foot 一开始就顺利(或打响第一炮) 英汉大词典〔fumble〕to fumble for the right thing to say笨嘴拙舌地寻找恰当的话题21世纪英汉〔gain〕gain the right to vote 获得选举权英汉大词典〔heroically〕women who fought heroically for the right to vote 勇敢争取选举权的妇女们韦氏高阶〔hit〕finally hit the right exit.最终找到了正确的出口美国传统〔hit〕trying to hit the right note.努力找到正确的音符美国传统〔job〕the job of doing sth The job of choosing the right computer for you is made easy by this magazine.有了这本杂志,你选一台合适的计算机就容易了。朗文当代〔kidney〕a man of the right kidney 脾气正合需要的人英汉大词典〔leaning〕a leaning towards the Right 右翼倾向朗文当代〔lobby〕an organization which lobbies for the right to electronic privacy为争取电子隐私权而游说的一个组织外研社新世纪〔mix〕a party with just the right mix of people 参加者搭配适当的聚会牛津搭配〔nick〕nick the right moment 正好抓住时机英汉大词典〔option〕share options(= the right to buy shares in a company) 认股选择权牛津高阶〔overtake〕overtake on the right 从右边超车英汉大词典〔peak〕an athlete who peaks(= produces his or her best performance)at just the right time 一位恰在最佳时刻缔造出最佳成绩的运动员牛津高阶〔retain〕retain the right to reply 保留答复的权利 英汉大词典〔right〕a hallway immediately to the right of the front door 紧挨着前门右侧的走廊牛津搭配〔right〕be in the right place at the right time 于最合适的时间最合适的地点(或:占尽天时地利) 英汉大词典〔right〕do the right thing and confess.做正确的事并进行忏悔美国传统〔right〕politicians on the Right 右派政客 英汉大词典〔right〕roads where bikes have the right of way (= cars must allow them to pass first) 自行车享有优先权的道路牛津搭配〔screw〕screw to the right 向右旋转英汉大词典〔search〕search one's conscience for the right solution to the problem.深刻反省以求探究某问题的正确解决办法美国传统〔speech〕freedom of speech(= the right to say openly what you think) 言论自由牛津高阶〔strike〕strike to the right 往右道走文馨英汉〔take〕take the right to vote away 剥夺选举权英汉大词典〔third〕the third road on the right 右边第3条路剑桥高阶〔to〕a house to the right 右边的房子英汉大词典〔track〕be born on the right (wrong) side of the tracks 出身于富裕(贫苦)家庭英汉大词典〔track〕on the right track for solving the puzzle.循着正确的路线解决这一难题美国传统〔yield〕to yield the right of way给予通行权21世纪英汉finding the right merchandise mix 找到正确的商品组合牛津商务




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