

单词 trophy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPETE WITH〕In 1991 White contested the US Open and the J G Scott Trophy. 1991年,怀特参加了美国公开赛和斯科特杯赛。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The trophy will be presented by last year's winner, Brett Butler. 奖杯将由去年的冠军布雷特·巴特勒颁发。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕John Motum, presenting the trophy, paid tribute to the players and coaches. 约翰·莫滕颁发奖杯,他向运动员和教练表示敬意。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕I got so sick of his conceit that I threw the damn trophy out. 他自命不凡的样子令我恶心极了,于是我把那讨厌的奖杯扔掉了。朗文写作活用〔Stanley Cup〕The trophy awarded for this championship, shaped like a bowl mounted on a pedestal.史坦利杯:史坦利杯曲棍球奖的奖杯,形状像固定在基座上的碗美国传统〔WIN〕The winner went to receive her trophy. 获胜者过去领她的奖杯。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕They became the first British team to win a major European trophy. 他们成为第一支赢得欧洲重要奖杯的英国球队。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Three young men from the victorious team came forward to collect their trophy. 获胜队有三名年轻男子上前领取奖杯。朗文写作活用〔aloft〕He held the trophy proudly aloft.他自豪地高举奖杯。外研社新世纪〔aloft〕He held the trophy proudly aloft.他自豪地高举起奖杯。柯林斯高阶〔avowed〕Their avowed aim/goal is to win the trophy.他们公开宣布的目标就是要赢得这个奖杯。韦氏高阶〔barren〕After 15 barren years, the club had at last won a major trophy.经过了15年的颗粒无收,这个俱乐部终于赢得了一座重要赛事的奖杯。麦克米伦高阶〔bask in sth〕He basked in his moment of glory, holding the trophy up to the crowd.他向观众高高举起奖杯,沉浸在荣耀之中。剑桥高阶〔bestow〕The trophy was bestowedupon the winner.奖杯授给了获胜者。英汉大词典〔compete〕Ten teams will compete for the trophy.将有10个队角逐这块奖牌。麦克米伦高阶〔cup holder〕The cup holders began their defence of the trophy in fine style.卫冕冠军队精神抖擞地开始了他们的奖杯保卫战。剑桥高阶〔cup〕A decorative cup-shaped vessel awarded as a prize or trophy.奖杯:一种作为奖品或优胜纪念品的装饰性杯状器皿美国传统〔donate〕The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。柯林斯高阶〔exhibit〕He proudly exhibited his trophy.他自豪地展示他的奖杯。韦氏高阶〔hail〕The town hailed him as a hero when he returned with the championship trophy.他捧着冠军奖杯回到镇上时受到了英雄般的欢迎。韦氏高阶〔hear〕He had heard that the trophy had been sold.他听说奖杯已经被卖掉了。柯林斯高阶〔hold〕She picked up the trophy and held it over her head.她拿起奖杯,举过头顶。韦氏高阶〔hold〕The winning captain held the trophy in the air.获胜队的队长把奖杯高举到空中。牛津高阶〔holy of holies〕His trophy room is the holy of holies where only his closest friends are allowed.他的奖杯陈列室是他的贵宾室,只有最要好的朋友才能进入。韦氏高阶〔inscribe〕His name was inscribed on the trophy.他的名字刻在奖杯上。牛津高阶〔inscribe〕The trophy was inscribed with his name.奖杯上刻着他的名字。牛津高阶〔inscribe〕The team's name is inscribed on the base of the trophy.球队的名字刻在奖杯的底座上。朗文当代〔inscribe〕The winner's name is inscribed on the trophy.获胜者的名字被刻在奖杯上。韦氏高阶〔kiss〕He lifted the trophy up and kissed it.他举起奖杯吻了一下。牛津高阶〔memorial〕He went on to win the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy as the outstanding amateur athlete of 1962.接着,他又作为1962年度杰出业余运动员赢得了“詹姆斯·E.沙利文纪念奖”。柯林斯高阶〔parade〕The trophy was paraded around the stadium.奖杯被环绕着体育场高举展示。牛津高阶〔parade〕The team paraded the championship trophy.该队展示了冠军奖杯。麦克米伦高阶〔patina〕The trophy has a beautiful green patina.这个奖杯覆着一层美丽的铜绿。外研社新世纪〔patina〕The trophy is very impressive and rather special because it has a beautiful green patina.这个奖杯给人印象非常深刻,相当特别,因为它表面有一层漂亮的绿锈。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.许多报纸的头版上都刊登了那个高尔夫球手高高举起奖杯亲吻的照片。柯林斯高阶〔pride〕He swelled with pride as he held the trophy.手捧奖杯时他的自豪感油然而生。牛津搭配〔proudly〕He proudly held out his trophy for us to admire.他自豪地拿出他的奖杯让我们观赏。剑桥高阶〔qualifier〕He's among the qualifiers for the Lancome Trophy at Paris.他是巴黎兰寇杯赛的入围者之一。朗文当代〔rub salt in/into the wound〕Losing was bad enough. Watching them receiving the trophy just rubbed salt into the wound.落败已经很糟糕了;还要看着他们接受奖杯,更是在伤口上撒盐。剑桥高阶〔running〕They won the trophy for the third year running.他们连续3年赢得此奖杯。剑桥高阶〔scalp〕A trophy of victory.胜利品美国传统〔season〕Our team won the trophy for the second successive season.我们队连续两个赛季获得冠军。牛津搭配〔sight〕He says he wants to win the trophy, but I think he's setting his sights too high.他说他想赢得奖杯,但我认为他目标定得太高了。牛津搭配〔sorry〕Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain — sorry, Catalonia — for the first time.巴塞罗那将有望首次把奖杯捧回西班牙——抱歉,是捧回加泰罗尼亚。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕The trophy stands 5 feet high .这奖杯高 5 英尺。朗文当代〔throat〕What sticks in my throat is that I wasn't able to win the trophy.令我耿耿于怀的是自己没能获奖。柯林斯高阶〔throat〕What sticks in my throat is that I wasn't able to win the trophy.让我无法接受的是, 我没能赢得奖杯。外研社新世纪〔trophy cabinet〕We are hoping to add another one to the trophy cabinet this season.我们希望今年还能赢得一座奖杯。剑桥高阶〔trophy〕Britain has not lifted the trophy since it last hosted the event.自从上次主办这一赛事以来,英国还没有捧起过此奖杯。牛津搭配〔trophy〕Europe currently holds the trophy.欧洲目前拥有这座奖杯。牛津搭配〔trophy〕He finished third in the Tote Gold Trophy.他在托特黄金大奖赛中获得季军。柯林斯高阶〔trophy〕He picked up a trophy for best news editor.他获得了最佳新闻编辑奖。牛津搭配〔trophy〕He's an excellent rider, but he's never won a major trophy.他是个出色的骑手,但从未赢得过任何一项重要比赛的冠军。剑桥高阶〔trophy〕Mexico has not lifted the trophy since 1975.自1975年以来,墨西哥队就没有捧过该奖杯。麦克米伦高阶〔trophy〕Portugal will be defending the trophy they won last year.葡萄牙将力图卫冕他们去年赢得的奖杯。牛津搭配〔trophy〕We don't need a trophy building for our business.我们的企业不需要豪华奢侈的建筑。牛津高阶〔wife〕She's a classic trophy wife-beautiful and half his age.她是个典型的花瓶老婆 - 人长得漂亮,年龄只有他的一半。牛津搭配〔win〕She won a tennis trophy.她赢得了一座网球奖杯。韦氏高阶〔win〕We hope to win back the trophy we lost last year.我们希望能夺回去年失去的奖杯。麦克米伦高阶〔wrap〕He wrapped his hands around the trophy.他双手抱着奖杯。韦氏高阶He enrolled in the air force, where he won a trophy for aerobatics.他加入了空军,在那里,他赢得了特技飞行术奖。剑桥国际He proudly held out his trophy for us to admire.他自豪地拿出他的奖杯让我们观赏。剑桥国际He's an excellent snooker player, but he's never won a major trophy.他是一个优秀的司诺克选手,但是他从未赢过一次大奖。剑桥国际I suppose having a trophy girlfriend makes him feel younger.我想有一个象征性的女友会使他感到更年轻些。剑桥国际That stuffed pike above the fireplace is Pat's trophy from a fishing holiday in Scotland.壁炉上那个制成标本的白斑狗鱼是帕特从苏格兰钓鱼度假带回的纪念品。剑桥国际The cup holders began their defence of the trophy in fine style.卫冕队精神抖擞地开始了他们的奖杯保卫战。剑桥国际The first prize is £20,000, and the winner will also receive a trophy and a certificate.一等奖是2万英镑,获奖者还将得到一个奖杯和一张证书。剑桥国际There was a photo of her in the school yearbook holding a trophy that she'd won for playing tennis.学校的年刊上有一张她捧着打网球所赢奖杯的照片。剑桥国际They vied with one another for the trophy. 他们互相争夺奖杯。译典通They won the trophy for the third year running (=for a third year out of three).他们连续第三年获得优胜。剑桥国际




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