

单词 troops
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔activate〕activate the troops 派出部队韦氏高阶〔airborne〕airborne troops 空降部队英汉大词典〔airmobile〕airmobile combat troops 空运的机动战斗部队英汉大词典〔ambush〕to ambush the troops in the heavy woods on either side of the road把部队埋伏在公路两旁的密林里21世纪英汉〔anneal〕troops annealed in battle 经过战斗锻炼的部队英汉大词典〔broken〕troops fleeing in broken ranks.溃逃的军队美国传统〔captive〕captive troops 被俘的军队英汉大词典〔column〕a column of troops 一列士兵牛津搭配〔combat〕combat troops 战斗部队英汉大词典〔commando〕the side road where the second commando of troops waited第二突击队待命的那条岔路外研社新世纪〔command〕the French general who commands the UN troops in the region.统率该地区联合国部队的法国将军柯林斯高阶〔commitment〕the government's commitment of troops to the region 政府向这个地区派遣军队的承诺韦氏高阶〔concentration〕the growing concentration of troops in these areas这些地区军队的不断集结外研社新世纪〔contingent〕a contingent of troops 分遣部队英汉大词典〔contingent〕a large contingent of American troops 一支人数众多的美国分遣部队牛津搭配〔demobilize〕the demobilization of troops 军队的遣散麦克米伦高阶〔deployment〕the deployment of troops into townships城镇中的军队部署外研社新世纪〔deployment〕the deployment of ground troops 地面部队的部署韦氏高阶〔discipline〕discipline troops 控制军队英汉大词典〔discomfiture〕the discomfiture of the enemy troops 敌军的溃败英汉大词典〔dislodge from〕to dislodge the enemy troops from their fortifications把敌军逐出防御工事21世纪英汉〔dispatch〕the dispatch of troops 派遣部队剑桥高阶〔elite〕the elite troops of the President's bodyguard.精锐的总统卫队柯林斯高阶〔equip〕troops equipped for battle 装备就绪准备战斗的部队英汉大词典〔evacuate〕the evacuation of British troops from the area 英国军队撤离该地区朗文当代〔fling〕to fling fresh troops into a battle将生力军迅速派遣至战场21世纪英汉〔garrison〕troops defending the garrison 守卫要塞的部队韦氏高阶〔garrison〕a garrison of 5 000 troops 有 5 000 士兵驻守的防地牛津高阶〔harden〕harden troops by long marches 用长途行军方法把部队锻炼得坚强 英汉大词典〔heavily〕thousands of heavily armed troops 数千全副武装的士兵朗文当代〔heliborne〕heliborne troops 直升机空运部队 英汉大词典〔helicopter〕a helicopter carrying troops 运送部队的直升机牛津搭配〔land〕land troops in Kuwait 使部队登陆科威特文馨英汉〔move〕troops on the move.正在转移的部队美国传统〔move〕to move the troops into the city将部队开入市内21世纪英汉〔muster〕call out the troops to stand muster 召集部队接受检阅英汉大词典〔open〕an open formation of troops 军队的疏开队形英汉大词典〔parade〕troops on parade 接受检阅的部队朗文当代〔phaseout〕a quick phaseout of combat troops 战斗部队的迅速分批撤离英汉大词典〔phase〕the phased withdrawal of troops from the area 从该地区分期逐步的撤军牛津高阶〔poise〕to poise the troops for the battle使军队作好战斗准备21世纪英汉〔position〕position troops 驻军英汉大词典〔rattrap〕troops caught in a rattrap 陷入绝境的军队英汉大词典〔reanimate〕reanimate discouraged troops 使丧失斗志的部队重振士气英汉大词典〔reduction〕troop reductions = reductions in the number of troops 部队缩编韦氏高阶〔reinforce〕reinforce the regular troops 增援正规部队英汉大词典〔safe〕the UN plan to deploy 500 troops to ensure the safe delivery of food and other supplies.联合国部署一支 500 人的军队以确保食物和其他补给物资安全运送的计划柯林斯高阶〔season〕troops who had been seasoned in combat.See Synonyms at harden 历经战乱而变得铁石心肠的军队 参见 harden美国传统〔second-line〕second-line troops 第二线部队英汉大词典〔specially〕specially trained troops 受过特种训练的军队韦氏高阶〔spot〕areas where troops are on the spot and protecting civilians.有部队在现场保护平民的地区柯林斯高阶〔stationary〕stationary troops 驻防部队英汉大词典〔station〕troops stationed abroad 驻扎在国外的部队牛津高阶〔timetable〕the timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from the country 美军从该国撤军的时间表剑桥高阶〔transportation〕the transportation of troops overseas 向海外运送部队韦氏高阶〔transport〕the transport of troops by air 空运军队英汉大词典〔troop〕increased troop deployment (=when troops are moved to places where they are needed) 增调军队朗文当代〔unserviceable〕unserviceable troops 无战斗力的军队英汉大词典〔withdrawal〕the withdrawal of the UN troops from the region 联合国部队从该地区的撤离牛津高阶〔withdraw〕the USA's decision to withdraw 40,000 troops from western Europe 美国要从西欧撤军 40,000 人的决定朗文当代




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