

单词 towed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕The car was abandoned in a field, and there it stayed until police towed it back. 那辆车被遗弃在田地里,直到警方将它拖回来。朗文写作活用〔J-bar〕A J-shaped bar, suspended from a moving system of overhead cables, by which a skier is towed uphill.索道滑木:悬挂在高架索道移动装置上的一种丁形横杠,以之可将滑雪者带上山顶美国传统〔PULL〕The damaged ship was towed to the nearest port. 那艘损坏的船被拖往最近的港口。朗文写作活用〔PULL〕The police had towed his car away because it was blocking the road. 因为阻塞马路,警方将他的车拖走了。朗文写作活用〔T-bar〕A ski lift consisting of a bar suspended like an inverted T against which skiers lean while being towed uphill.丁字型滑雪吊车:由悬挂的象倒挂的T字形的铁棒组成的滑雪吊车,滑雪者在被拖上山时可以靠在上面美国传统〔barge〕A long, large, usually flat-bottomed boat for transporting freight that is generally unpowered and towed or pushed by other craft.大型平底船,驳船:一种长且大,通常平底的船,用于运输通常无动力、由其它船只拖拽或推着前进的货物美国传统〔drogue〕A funnel-shaped or cone-shaped device towed behind an aircraft as a target.飞机拖靶:拖在飞机尾部用作靶子的漏斗形或锥形装置美国传统〔glider〕A light, engineless aircraft designed to glide after being towed aloft or launched from a catapult.滑翔机:一种轻而无发动机的飞机,拖到高处或由发射器发射后自行滑翔美国传统〔harbour〕The damaged vessel was towed into harbour.受损船只被拖进了港口。牛津搭配〔harm's way〕The tug towed the sailboat out of harm's way.拖船把帆船拖离险地。韦氏高阶〔overhaul〕Our car was towed away to have its suspension overhauled.我们的汽车被拖走了, 要对悬架进行大修。外研社新世纪〔overhaul〕Our car was towed away to have its suspension overhauled.我们的车被拖走了,要对悬架进行大修。柯林斯高阶〔parasail〕A special parachute with winglike extensions that lifts a rider in its harness up and through the air when towed by an automobile or motorboat.帆伞,滑翔伞:一种有翼状延展部分的特殊的降落伞,当用汽车或汽艇牵引后,能将乘坐人用吊带带上天空并在空中飞行美国传统〔paravane〕A device equipped with sharp teeth and towed alongside a ship to cut the mooring cables of submerged mines.破雷卫,扫雷器:一种尖锐的锯齿,装在轮船周边用来牵引切断水下鱼雷系泊索的装置美国传统〔pull〕Our car was towed away by the police.我们的汽车被警察拖走了。牛津高阶〔ticket〕Drivers stopping here will be ticketed and have their cars towed.把车停在这里的驾驶员会收到罚单,车还会被拖走。朗文当代〔timber hitch〕A knot used for fastening a rope around a spar or log to be hoisted or towed.捆木索结:一种用来捆紧将要被提升或拖曳的圆材或圆木的结美国传统〔tow away〕If you leave your car there it might get towed away by the police.如果你在那儿停车, 车子可能会被警察拖走。外研社新世纪〔tow-away zone〕A no-parking zone from which motor vehicles may be towed away.禁止停车区:停靠的机动车辆可能从此被拖走的禁止停车区域美国传统〔tow〕His car was towed to a service station.他的车子被拖到加油站。文馨英汉〔tow〕If you leave your car there you might have it towed away by the police.如果你把车停放在那里,恐怕会被警察拖走的。英汉大词典〔tow〕Our car had been towed away.我们的车被拖走了。朗文当代〔tow〕Our car was towed away by the police.我们的汽车被警察拖走了。牛津高阶〔tow〕She towed in attendance behind her a short man.她身后跟随着一个矮个子男人作跟班。英汉大词典〔tow〕Something, such as a barge or car, that is towed.被拖曳的某物,如驳船或汽车美国传统〔tow〕The British navy boarded the vessel and towed it to New York.英国海军登上船,把它拖到纽约。柯林斯高阶〔tow〕The car broke down and had to be towed home.汽车抛锚了,只好被拖回家。麦克米伦高阶〔tow〕The car was towed to the nearest garage after the accident.车祸发生后,事故车辆被拖到最近的修车厂。韦氏高阶〔tow〕The damaged boat was towed to safety.受损船只被拖至安全区。剑桥高阶〔tow〕The police towed my car because it was parked illegally.因为违章停车,警察把我的车拖走了。韦氏高阶〔tow〕The road was closed while the vehicles that had been involved in the accident were towed away/off.在发生交通事故的车辆被拖走时,这条道路封闭。剑桥高阶〔tow〕The ship had to be towed into the harbor.那艘轮船不得不被拖进港口。朗文当代〔tow〕You're not allowed to park here - your car will be towed away .这儿不准停车——你的车会被拖走的。剑桥高阶〔trawl net〕A large tapered fishing net that is towed along the sea bottom.拖网:一种沿海底拖行的一头细窄的大型鱼网美国传统〔wakeboard〕A short, very broad water ski ridden in the manner of a surfboard by a person towed by a motorboat.海上滑板:短且非常宽的滑水板,由汽艇牵引以滑冲浪板的方式滑行美国传统〔wanigan〕A small house, bunkhouse, or shed mounted on skids and towed behind a tractor train as eating and sleeping quarters for a work crew.小食宿室:带有轮子的小屋、工房或工棚,用牵引列车牵引,用作一个工作组食宿的小棚美国传统〔water-ski〕To ski on water while being towed by a motorboat.滑水:由摩托艇拖着在水面上滑行美国传统〔wheel clamp〕Unauthorized vehicles will be wheel clamped or towed away.未经许可停放的车辆将会被轮夹锁住或拖走。柯林斯高阶〔wheel-clamp〕Unauthorized vehicles will be wheel-clamped or towed away.未经许可停放的车辆将会被轮夹锁住或拖走。外研社新世纪His car was towed away for illegal parking (= leaving a vehicle in a place for a period of time).他的车因违章停放给拖走了。剑桥国际The damaged boat was towed to safety.这条受损的船被拖到了安全区。剑桥国际The oil rig was towed out to sea and moored.那艘石油钻台被拖出海,停泊在那里。剑桥国际The police towed the broken car away. 警察将破车拖走了。译典通The road was closed while the vehicles that had been involved in the accident were towed away/off.当卷入这起交通事故的车辆被拖走后,这条马路封闭了。剑桥国际You're not allowed to park here -- your car will be towed away (= lifted onto an official truck and taken to a place from which you have to pay to collect it).你不许把车停在这里----否则你的车会被拖走的。剑桥国际




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