

单词 trimmings
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔WITH/TOGETHER〕a traditional Christmas dinner of roast turkey with all the trimmings 备有各种配料的传统圣诞烤火鸡晚餐朗文写作活用〔dust-trap〕dust-trap trimmings near the hem 折边附近容易积灰的装饰带英汉大词典〔short〕shorts Clippings or trimmings that remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an inferior variety of the product. shorts 废料:各种加工过程作为副产品而存留的存留物或剪屑,经常用于制造该产品的低级品美国传统〔tab〕use tabs as trimmings at the neckline 用小片缀饰领圈英汉大词典〔trimmings〕a hat with fur trimmings 有皮毛饰边的帽子朗文当代〔trimmings〕a hat with leather trimmings 镶皮革边的帽子韦氏高阶〔trimmings〕a roast chicken platter with all the trimmings 备有各种配菜的一大盘烤鸡朗文当代〔trimmings〕hedge trimmings 从树篱上修剪下来的细枝碎叶朗文当代〔trimmings〕hedge/meat trimmings 从树篱上修剪下来的细枝碎叶;肉屑韦氏高阶〔trimming〕trimmings Accessories; extras: trimmings 配料,附属品:美国传统〔trimming〕trimmings Scraps or material removed when something is trimmed. trimmings 剪削,废料:从被修剪的东西上掉下来的碎屑美国传统〔trimming〕a big wedding celebration with all the trimmings 布置着各种各样装饰物的盛大婚礼剑桥高阶〔trimming〕a car with expensive trimmings 有奢华装饰品的汽车英汉大词典〔trimming〕a pink-coloured nightdress with nylon lace trimmings 镶有尼龙花边装饰的粉红色女式睡衣英汉大词典〔trimming〕a splendid feast of turkey with all the trimmings 备有各种配料的丰盛火鸡大餐牛津高阶〔trimming〕hedge trimmings 树篱修剪下来的碎枝叶牛津高阶〔trimming〕roast duck served with all the trimmings 有各种配料的烤鸭英汉大词典〔trimming〕the trimmings of the harvested cress 收割下的水芹的散落茎叶英汉大词典〔trimming〕the traditional trimmings of fame/success 传统上作为人生点缀的名望/成功剑桥高阶〔turkey〕the traditional turkey with all the trimmings 配菜齐全的传统火鸡牛津搭配




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