

单词 to buy
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BUY〕to go to shops in order to buy things 到商店购物朗文写作活用〔SELL〕available for people to buy 有售朗文写作活用〔SELL〕to make something available for people to buy 使大家可以买到某物朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕to use money to buy things 用钱买东西朗文写作活用〔blatant〕a blatant attempt to buy votes 公然的贿选企图牛津高阶〔buy off〕policies designed to buy off the working-class vote.旨在收买劳工阶层选票的政策柯林斯高阶〔buy off〕policies designed to buy off the working-class vote旨在拉拢工薪阶层选民的政策外研社新世纪〔buy〕wanted to buy love with gifts.想用礼物获取爱情美国传统〔cash〕how to buy a home quickly and easily for very little cash down如何以很少的即付现金简单快捷地购房外研社新世纪〔cautionary〕a cautionary tale about how not to buy a computer 叫人们不要买计算机的一个警世故事朗文当代〔club〕club together to buy a present 合买礼物英汉大词典〔dash〕a last-minute dash to buy presents 利用最后一点时间匆忙买礼物牛津高阶〔dash〕the dash to buy shares in Internet companies争相购买互联网公司股份的场面外研社新世纪〔dash〕the dash to buy shares in internet companies.争相购买互联网公司的股份柯林斯高阶〔definitive〕a definitive agreement to buy the company 购买这家公司的最终协议朗文当代〔dispatch〕dispatch a friend to the shop to buy beer 派一个朋友去商店买啤酒英汉大词典〔express〕an express line at a supermarket (=where people with only a few things to buy go to pay) 超市里的快速结账通道〔专供买少量物品的人通过〕朗文当代〔free〕an opportunity to buy duty-free goods 购买免税商品的机会朗文当代〔fund〕a fund to buy instruments for young musicians 为年轻音乐家们购买乐器的资金麦克米伦高阶〔gadget〕kids that hassle their parents to buy the latest electronic gadget 缠着父母购买时新小型电子装备的孩子牛津搭配〔go〕went in with the others to buy a present.同别人一起买礼物美国传统〔halfcocked〕a halfcocked plan to buy out the company.一项没有经过充分准备的购买那家公司的计划美国传统〔headlong〕the headlong rush to buy technology stocks 仓促购买科技股麦克米伦高阶〔investment〕people's desire to buy a house as an investment.人们买房投资的强烈意愿柯林斯高阶〔knockdown〕the chance to buy it now at a knockdown price.现在以低价购买它的机会柯林斯高阶〔knockdown〕the chance to buy it now at a knockdown price现在以低价将其购入的机会外研社新世纪〔loan〕a car loan(= a loan to buy a car) 购车贷款牛津高阶〔luxury〕people who can afford to buy luxury brands 买得起奢侈品的人牛津搭配〔margin〕margin bonds to buy stock 用债券作为押金去买股票英汉大词典〔market〕go to (the) market to buy sth.到市场去买某物英汉大词典〔mean〕keep meaning to buy sth.一直打算买某物英汉大词典〔microcredit〕a microcredit program that lends women money to buy chickens 一个借钱给妇女买鸡的微型信贷项目剑桥高阶〔obsolescence〕products with built-in/planned obsolescence(= designed not to last long so that people will have to buy new ones) 内在╱计划陈旧产品(故意设计成不耐使用而迫使人购买新的产品)牛津高阶〔on-trend〕the best place to buy cheap, on-trend party clothes 购买便宜又时髦的宴会礼服的好地方剑桥高阶〔option〕purchase an option to buy a house 购买购房权英汉大词典〔option〕share options(= the right to buy shares in a company) 认股选择权牛津高阶〔propose〕proposed to buy and run a farm.打算购买并经营一个农场美国传统〔rush〕a rush to buy gold 对黄金的抢购文馨英汉〔splurge〕politicians who splurge money to buy votes为拉选票而一掷千金的政客外研社新世纪〔stampede〕a stampede to buy shares in high-tech companies 对高科技公司股票的抢购朗文当代〔stampede〕a stampede to buy the stock 购买股票的热潮韦氏高阶〔stampede〕a stampede by South African farmers to buy up cheap land in Mozambique.南非农场主在莫桑比克争购廉价土地的热潮柯林斯高阶〔stampede〕a stampede by South African farmers to buy up cheap land in Mozambique大批南非农民去莫桑比克购买廉价土地的风潮外研社新世纪〔stroll〕stroll out to buy some cigarettes 信步出去买些香烟英汉大词典〔supply〕foreign aid used to buy medical supplies 用于购买医药物资的外国援助款项朗文当代〔tip〕get the tip to buy copper 得到可以买进铜的行情消息英汉大词典〔transparent〕a transparent attempt to buy votes 明显收买选票的企图牛津高阶〔travel〕travel fifty kilometres to buy the machine 到50公里外去买机器英汉大词典〔wherewithal〕have the wherewithal in cash to buy nuclear technology 有购买核技术的现款英汉大词典products with built-in obsolescence (= designed not to last long so that people will have to buy new ones) 内置性报废产品(故意设计成不耐用而迫使人们购买新的产品)牛津商务




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