

单词 to hold back
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUSH〕The security men tried to hold back crowds of reporters pressing round the President's car. 保安人员试图阻止记者围拥在总统的座车四周。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The police had already erected crash barriers to hold back the advancing crowds. 警方已经竖起防撞护栏,阻挡人群前进。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕They put up huge barriers to hold back the crowd. 他们设了很大的障碍来拦人群。朗文写作活用〔blockade〕Sawhorses were used as a blockade to hold back the crowd.锯木架被用作路障以阻挡人群。英汉大词典〔dam〕To hold back or confine by means of a dam.用水坝阻止,用水坝限制美国传统〔embankment〕A mound of earth or stone built to hold back water or to support a roadway.堤:用以阻挡水或支持公路而建造的土堆或石堆美国传统〔hold ... back〕You must try to hold back German attack.你必须设法阻止住德军的进攻。21世纪英汉〔hold back〕He kept trying to hold back his tears.他一直忍着不让眼泪流出来。外研社新世纪〔hold back〕Police tried to hold back the protestors.警方试图挡住抗议者。外研社新世纪〔hold back〕She kept trying to hold back her tears.她一直在试图抑制住眼泪。柯林斯高阶〔hold sth back〕He spoke slowly, to hold back his growing anger.他说得很慢,努力不显露自己的愤怒。剑桥高阶〔hold〕She bit her lip to hold back the tears.她咬着嘴唇强忍住眼泪。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕She just managed to hold back her anger.她勉强压住了自己的怒火。牛津高阶〔hold〕She struggled to hold back her tears.她竭力忍住不哭。朗文当代〔hold〕The police were unable to hold back the crowd.警察阻拦不住人群。牛津高阶〔march〕As we grow older there is often a lot we can do to hold back the march of time.当我们变老的时候, 我们往往可以做很多事情来阻止时间的脚步。外研社新世纪〔restrain〕These verbs are compared as they mean to hold back or keep under control.当这些动词的词意为抑制或处于控制之下时,常对它们进行比较。美国传统〔retractor〕Medicine A surgical instrument used to hold back organs or the edges of an incision.【医学】 牵开器:一种手术仪器,用于将器官或切开的边缘撑住美国传统〔strive〕She strove to hold back her tears.她强忍住,没让眼泪流出来。21世纪英汉〔vain〕She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.她紧闭双眼,却无法忍住眼泪。牛津高阶It is not clear if the army will be able to hold back the invaders.尚不清楚军队能否阻止侵略者前进。剑桥国际Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场斗殴。译典通Jim was able to hold back his anger. 吉姆抑制住了愤怒。译典通




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