

单词 be fair
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Be fair〕I can't say I liked the movie, but, to be fair, parts of it are pretty funny.我不能说我喜欢这部影片,但公道地讲,它有些片段还是挺有趣的。韦氏高阶〔CHARACTER〕She always tried to be fair with her students and not just stress their bad points. 她一直尽量公正对待学生,不只是强调他们的缺点。朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕I've always tried to be fair to all my children. 我一直尽量公平地对待我的每个孩子。朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕In order to be fair to everyone, ticket sales are limited to two for each person. 为了保证对大家都公平,每人限购两张票。朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕To be fair, these are complicated, serious issues, and the department has only been discussing them for a short time. 说句公道话,这些问题都很复杂、很严重,该部门才刚刚开始讨论。朗文写作活用〔aboveboard〕The committee tried to be fair and aboveboard in its hiring.委员会在雇用问题上尽量做到公平公开。韦氏高阶〔cliché〕I've learned that the cliché about life not being fair is true.我明白了“生活是不公平的”这句老话没错。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕For a delivery to be fair, the ball must be bowled, not thrown.为了保证投球公平, 球必须是滚出而非扔出。外研社新世纪〔due〕Freddy, to give him his due (=to be fair to him), always tried to be honest.说句公道话,弗雷迪总是想做得诚实。朗文当代〔due〕She's a slow worker, but to give her her due(= to be fair to her), she does try very hard.她做事很慢,但说句公道话,她确实很尽力。牛津高阶〔fair〕Be fair, my dear. It's not their fault.请公正些,亲爱的,这不是他们的错。英汉大词典〔fair〕And, let us be fair, some MPs do work hard.而且,说句公道话,有些下院议员工作还是很卖力的。柯林斯高阶〔fair〕And, let us be fair, some MPs do work hard.而且, 说句公道话, 有些下院议员工作还是很卖力的。外研社新世纪〔fair〕He's done the job badly but, to be fair, I gave him very little time to do it.他工作干得很糟糕,但是说句公道话,我给他的时间非常少。剑桥高阶〔fair〕Her work has been fair to good.她的工作表现一直是一般到良好。韦氏高阶〔fair〕I have never liked their music, although, to be fair, millions of people disagree with me.我从来不喜欢他们的音乐,不过,公正地说,许多人并不赞成我的看法。麦克米伦高阶〔fair〕I try to be fair to/with my children.我尽量做到公平对待我的几个孩子。韦氏高阶〔fair〕It would be fair to say he had one or two unhappy moments out there.可以这么说,他在那里有过一两次不愉快。柯林斯高阶〔fair〕It would be fair to say he had one or two unhappy moments out there.可以这么说, 他在那里有过一两次不愉快。外研社新世纪〔fair〕It wouldn't be fair to the others if she is paid more.如果她得到更多报酬,对其他人来说就不公平了。麦克米伦高阶〔fair〕It'll be fair and warm.天气将是晴朗而暖和。文馨英汉〔fair〕Now Pat, be fair, the poor girl's trying her hardest! 好了帕特,你公道一些,那个可怜的女孩子正在竭尽全力!朗文当代〔fair〕She did poorly on the test, but, to be fair, so did a lot of other people.她考得不好,但公道地讲,还有很多其他人也考得不好。韦氏高阶〔fair〕She should have phoned to tell us what her plans were although, to be fair, she's been very busy.她应该打个电话将她的计划告诉我们的。 不过,说句公道话,她一直很忙。朗文当代〔fair〕To be fair, she behaved better than we expected.说句公道话,她表现得比我们预期的要好。牛津高阶〔fair〕To be fair, she never claimed she'd be able to do it.说句公道话, 她从未宣称自己能做得到。外研社新世纪〔fair〕To be fair, the team is young and not yet settled.说句公道话,这个队还年轻,还没有成型。柯林斯高阶〔fair〕To be fair, we hadn't really spent enough time on the job.老实说,我们在这项工作上花的时间不够。牛津搭配〔fair〕We have to be fair to both players.我们必须公正对待双方运动员。牛津高阶〔fair〕We ought to be fair with one another.我们彼此应该光明正大。文馨英汉〔hope〕It wouldn't be fair to raise her hopes of success.让她抱有成功的希望并不公平。朗文当代〔impartial〕A trial must be fair and impartial.审判必须客观公正。剑桥高阶〔mete out〕We're trying to be fair in meting out rewards and punishments.我们力图奖惩公平。韦氏高阶〔most〕She said she wanted most of all to be fair.她说她最想要的是公平。柯林斯高阶〔pride〕Jen prided herself on being fair and honest with all of her students.詹为自己能够公平坦诚地对待所有的学生而感到自豪。麦克米伦高阶〔sham〕They claimed that the election had been fair, but really it was a sham.他们声称选举是公平的,但事实上这是个骗局。剑桥高阶He's done the job badly but, to be fair (= considering everything that has an effect on the situation), I gave him very little time to do it.他工作做得很糟糕,但说句公平话,我给他的时间太少了。剑桥国际It would be fair to say that there is a disproportion between the responsibility of the job and its low salary.公正地说,干这项工作所担的责任和其低薪不相称。剑桥国际The cost to the taxpayers of such a celebration would be unjustifiable (= impossible to show to be fair or reasonable).对纳税人来说, 这一庆典的花费是毫无道理的。剑桥国际The weather will be fair today. 今天天气会很晴朗。译典通They claimed that the election had been fair, but really it was a sham.他们声称选举是公平的,但事实上这是个骗局。剑桥国际To do him justice (= To be fair to him), I think he would have protested if he'd been here.说句公道话,我认为要是他在这儿他会反对的。剑桥国际We must be fair and consider the reason pro and con. 我们必须公平考虑赞成和反对的理由。译典通




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