

单词 understood
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕easily noticed or understood 容易被注意或理解朗文写作活用〔ahead〕ahead of your/its time (=very advanced or new, and not understood or accepted) 领先于你的/它的时代〔因而不被理解或接受〕朗文当代〔click〕thought, 'What is he doing?' and then suddenly it all clicked into place (=I understood how all the events related to each other) .我想,“他在干什么呢?”,然后我忽然一切都明白了。朗文当代〔incompletely〕an incompletely understood disease 未被完全了解的疾病韦氏高阶〔transliterate〕be able to transliterate orders into a language understood only by the waiters and cooks 能把指令译成只有侍者和厨子听得懂的语言英汉大词典〔understand〕an understood thing 明摆着的事英汉大词典〔understood〕a widely accepted and understood interpretation 被广泛接受并充分理解的解释英汉大词典〔understood〕the understood conditions of troop withdrawal.取得同意的军队撤退美国传统〔understood〕the understood provisos of a custody agreement.监护协议的含蓄附文美国传统〔understood〕the understood sense of a word 词的含义英汉大词典〔understood〕within understood limits 在商定的范围内英汉大词典




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