

单词 thought
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔GROUP〕a clique of literary friends who thought they were so superior 优越感很强的一个文人朋友圈子朗文写作活用〔THINK〕when a thought comes into your mind 脑子里出现了某个想法朗文写作活用〔absorbed〕absorbed in thought 全神贯注地思考牛津搭配〔banter〕thought you were kidding me; 我以为你是在和我开玩笑;美国传统〔boggle〕to boggle at the thought of going abroad对出国想也不敢想21世纪英汉〔boundary〕the boundaries of human thought 人类思想的界限英汉大词典〔brainwashing〕thought control and brainwashing 思想控制和洗脑英汉大词典〔cliché〕a once-original thought that has become a truism. 一度新颖的构思已经成为老生常谈 美国传统〔connection〕connections between thought and language 思维与语言之间的联系韦氏高阶〔deep〕be deep in thought 沉思着英汉大词典〔desirability〕the young women whom his classmates thought most desirable.他的同班同学认为最性感的年轻女子柯林斯高阶〔desirable〕the young women whom his classmates thought most desirable他的同学认为最性感的年轻女子外研社新世纪〔develop〕develop a line of thought 展开思路英汉大词典〔direction〕the direction of contemporary thought 当代思潮的趋向英汉大词典〔drive〕drove the attackers away; drove out any thought of failure.赶走袭击者;打消失败的念头美国传统〔existentialist〕existentialist thought 存在主义思想英汉大词典〔fast〕a hasty visit) and often a lack of care or thought ( 一次匆忙的拜访), 且通常指粗心或少加思索( 美国传统〔fixed〕be fixed in one's thought 思想固执英汉大词典〔frightening〕a frightening thought 可怕的想法剑桥高阶〔hock〕thought we'd never get out of hock.我们再也不可能还清债务美国传统〔immersion〕immersion in thought 沉思英汉大词典〔incapable〕professors who seem incapable of any original thought 似乎没有任何原创思想的教授麦克米伦高阶〔indifference〕his total indifference to what people thought of him 他对别人怎么看他丝毫不在乎的态度牛津高阶〔internationalist〕internationalist thought 国际主义思想英汉大词典〔intoxicating〕an intoxicating thought 令人陶醉的想法剑桥高阶〔knit〕knit one's brows in thought 紧锁双眉思索英汉大词典〔lost〕to be lost in thought 陷入沉思牛津高阶〔materialization〕the materialization of thought by words 用语言表述思想英汉大词典〔misty-eyed〕women who go misty-eyed at the thought of babies想到小宝宝就感性地落泪的女人们外研社新世纪〔moment〕after a moment's thought 想了片刻之后英汉大词典〔nourish〕a current of thought that has been nourished by historical tradition一种得到历史传统支持的思潮外研社新世纪〔pattern〕ideas that do not fit neatly into his patterns of thought 不完全符合他的思维模式的观点牛津搭配〔pillage〕the thought process which leads to the pillaging of an idea引起偷盗念头的思想过程21世纪英汉〔precinct〕precincts An area of thought or action; a province or domain: precincts 境界领域:思想或行为的领域;范围或领域:美国传统〔prized〕the thought of selling their most prized asset出售他们最贵资产的想法外研社新世纪〔quail〕quail with fear at the thought (the prospect before one) 想到那一点(前途)不寒而栗英汉大词典〔rapt〕was rapt in thought all evening.整晚上都陷入深深的沉思美国传统〔remain〕remain lost in thought 陷入久久的沉思 英汉大词典〔school〕different schools of thought 各种不同的思想流派英汉大词典〔secure〕the failure of financial institutions once thought to be secure曾被认为稳定可靠的金融机构的倒闭外研社新世纪〔self-defeating〕self-defeating patterns of thought and behavior.适得其反的想法和行为模式柯林斯高阶〔self〕have no thought of self 不考虑个人得失英汉大词典〔sobering〕a sobering thought 严肃的想法麦克米伦高阶〔sobering〕a sobering thought 发人深省的思想剑桥高阶〔split〕a split between what is thought and what is felt.所想到的和感受到的之间的不同柯林斯高阶〔split〕a split between what is thought and what is felt所想与所感之间的不同外研社新世纪〔steep〕be steeped in thought 沉思英汉大词典〔streetwise〕a cocky, streetwise kid who thought he knew it all.骄傲、精明、自以为无所不知的孩子柯林斯高阶〔thought〕a comforting/sobering/chilling thought 令人安慰的/使人冷静的/令人寒心的想法麦克米伦高阶〔thought〕beauty beyond thought 超乎想像之外的美文馨英汉〔thought〕give a thought to ...将…想一想文馨英汉〔thought〕modern thought in education 现代教育思想英汉大词典〔thought〕modern [Western, Greek, scientific] thought 现代[西洋、希腊、科学]思潮文馨英汉〔thought〕take thought (of ...) 熟虑(…)文馨英汉〔thought〕the mainstream thought on the subject 关于这个话题的主流思想韦氏高阶〔train〕interrupt sb.'s train of thought 打断某人的思路英汉大词典〔translation〕a swift translation of thought into action 思想的迅速变为行动英汉大词典〔unshaped〕an unshaped thought 未定型的想法英汉大词典〔well thought out〕a well-thought-out system for traffic control 一个经缜密思考后制订的交通管控方案剑桥高阶〔wipe〕wipe a thought from one's mind 打消一个念头英汉大词典




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