

单词 the movie
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adapt〕adapting the movie for television 把电影改编成电视节目韦氏高阶〔arrival〕a crowd awaiting the arrival of the movie star 等待影星到来的人群牛津搭配〔bedroom〕the bedroom scenes in the movie 电影中的床上戏牛津高阶〔campiness〕the campiness of the movie 这部电影的夸张形式韦氏高阶〔clip〕a clip from the movie 'Shane'.电影《原野奇侠》的一段剪辑柯林斯高阶〔darkness〕the darkness of the movie theater 电影院漆黑一片韦氏高阶〔dramatization〕an incident later dramatized in the movie 'The Right Stuff'.后来被改编成电影《太空先锋》的事件柯林斯高阶〔dramatize〕an incident later dramatized in the movie 'The Right Stuff'后来被改编成电影《太空先锋》的突发事件外研社新世纪〔duplicate〕a business which duplicates video and cinema tapes for the movie makers.为电影制片商复制录像带和影带的行业柯林斯高阶〔duplicate〕a business which duplicates video and cinema tapes for the movie makers为电影制作者复制视频和电影录音带的公司外研社新世纪〔glamour〕the glamour of the movie business 电影业的诱惑力韦氏高阶〔haunt〕haunted the movie theaters.经常去电影院美国传统〔heavyweight〕one of the heavyweights of the movie industry 电影业巨子之一朗文当代〔interstitial〕the interstitial parts of the movie that punctuate the main action 把主要部分分开的电影间隙剑桥高阶〔kingpin〕kingpins of the movie industry 电影业的重要人物韦氏高阶〔launch〕a big Hollywood event to mark the launch of the movie 标志着这部电影发行的好莱坞盛会牛津搭配〔lifelike〕a lifelike dialogue in the movie 电影里生动真切的对话英汉大词典〔look〕a behind-the-scenes look at the movie 对影片幕后情况的一瞥牛津搭配〔motion picture〕motion pictures The movie industry. motion pictures 电影业美国传统〔movie〕an excellent actor who could easily carry the movie all on his own 可以轻松地独自推动影片销售的优秀演员牛津搭配〔nail-biting〕some nail-biting moments near the end of the movie 影片临近尾声时一些扣人心弦的时刻朗文当代〔of〕the last scene of the movie 电影的最后一个场景朗文当代〔peace〕a scene in the movie where Harry tries to make peace with his mother 电影里哈里试图与母亲和解的一个场面牛津搭配〔point〕by the time the movie has reached its halfway point 电影演到一半的时候牛津搭配〔premiere〕the gala world premiere of the movie 该影片盛大的全球首映牛津搭配〔rape〕a rape scene from the movie 电影中的强奸镜头牛津搭配〔rate〕rated the movie excellent.认为这是一部极好的电影美国传统〔since〕the problems the movie company had had ever since it set up camp on Sketon Island.自从该电影公司在斯凯顿岛建立营地后所面临的种种问题柯林斯高阶〔sticky〕the sticky sentimentality the movie doles out电影使人产生的些许感伤情怀外研社新世纪〔still〕a series of stills from the movie 影片的一组剧照韦氏高阶〔surrealistic〕the surrealistic way the movie plays with time.影片运用超现实主义手法来戏谑、把玩时间柯林斯高阶〔tie〕two events that do not tie in; tying the movie promotion in with the book sales.这两件事无法协调;把影片宣传与作品销售联系起来美国传统〔title〕the opening title sequence of the movie 影片片头牛津搭配〔uplifting〕a wonderfully uplifting ending for the movie 电影异常令人振奋的结尾牛津搭配〔view〕an opportunity to view the movie before it goes on general release 在公开放映之前观看这部影片的机会牛津高阶〔widescreen〕a widescreen version of the movie 宽银幕版的电影剑桥高阶




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