

单词 to the teeth
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔armed〕Many of the gangs are armed to the teeth (=carrying a lot of weapons) .许多匪徒武装到了牙齿。朗文当代〔armed〕The gunman was reported as being armed to the teeth and equipped with both a rifle and a pistol. 据报道,枪手武装充足,有一支枪步枪和一把手枪。剑桥高阶〔arm〕He is armed to the teeth.他全副武装。文馨英汉〔brace〕Often braces A dental appliance, constructed of bands and wires that is fixed to the teeth to correct irregular alignment. 常作 braces 牙箍:安装在牙齿上的纠正不规则排列的由箍带和钢丝做的牙齿矫正器美国传统〔buccinator〕The buccinator helps to hold the cheek to the teeth during chewing.颊肌用于在咀嚼时协助将面颊与牙齿的运动连在一起。剑桥高阶〔fed up〕Gold Coast residents are fed up to the teeth with developers and the mess they have created.黄金海岸的居民对开发商和他们制造的脏乱已忍无可忍。外研社新世纪〔saw set〕An instrument used to give set to the teeth of a saw by bending each alternate tooth slightly outward.整锯器:一种用来通过将每一备用齿向外轻扳使锯齿有倾角的工具美国传统〔teeth〕People are dressed to the teeth as if they're going to the Waldorf.人们穿戴整齐, 好像要去华尔道夫饭店似的。外研社新世纪〔teeth〕The aggressors are armed to the teeth.侵略者全副武装。外研社新世纪〔tooth〕Both sides were armed to the teeth.双方都全副武装。柯林斯高阶〔tooth〕Daddy and Mummy fought a war to the teeth.爸爸与妈妈大吵了一场。英汉大词典




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