

单词 thorax
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cephalothorax〕The anterior section of arachnids and many crustaceans, consisting of the fused head and thorax.头胸部:蛛形纲动物和许多甲壳纲动物身体前部头胸合一的部分美国传统〔chest〕The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone; the thorax.胸膛:身体位于颈和腹部之间被肋骨和胸骨所包围的一部分;胸膛美国传统〔decapod〕A crustacean of the order Decapoda, such as a crab, lobster, or shrimp, characteristically having ten legs, each joined to a segment of the thorax.十足目动物:十足目的甲壳纲动物,如螃蟹,龙虾,或虾米,其特征是有十足,每一足都与身体中间一节的部分相接美国传统〔disjunct〕Zoology Having deep constrictions separating the head, thorax, and abdomen, as in insects.【动物学】 分离的:头、胸、腹部由紧缩分开的,如在某些昆虫美国传统〔lace bug〕Any of several insects of the family Tingidae, predominantly grayish and rectangular, with a lacelike pattern of ridges on the thorax, head, and wings.网蝽:任一种网蝽科昆虫,大多呈灰色和长方形,在其胸部、头部和翅膀上有网状图案的花边美国传统〔mesothorax〕The middle of the three divisions of the thorax of an insect, bearing the middle pair of legs and the first pair of wings.中胸:昆虫胸部三节的中央一节,上面长有昆虫中央的那对腿和一对前翅美国传统〔metathorax〕The hindmost of the three divisions of the thorax of an insect, bearing the third pair of legs and the second pair of wings.后胸:昆虫胸部中三个部分的最后一部分,长有第三对腿和第二对翅美国传统〔petiole〕Zoology A slender, stalklike part, as that connecting the thorax and abdomen in certain insects.【动物学】 柄,腹柄:一种细长的茎状部位,如在某些昆虫中连接胸部和腹部的物体美国传统〔prothorax〕The anterior division of the thorax of an insect, bearing the first pair of legs.前胸:昆虫胸部前面的一节,第一对足就长在该处美国传统〔scutellum〕Zoology A shieldlike bony plate or scale, as on the thorax of some insects.【动物学】 小盾片:在一些昆虫胸部的甲状骨质甲片或鳞甲美国传统〔thorax〕A part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax.胸部:其它脊椎动物的身体上和人胸部相应的部位美国传统〔true rib〕Any of the ribs that are attached to the sternum by a costal cartilage, especially any of the seven upper ribs on either side of the thorax in human beings.真肋:通过肋骨软骨部分与胸骨附结的肋骨,尤指人体胸部两边的七根上肋美国传统〔trunk〕The thorax of an insect.昆虫胸部美国传统〔wing〕Any of usually four membranous organs for flying that extend from the thorax of an insect.昆虫翅膀:昆虫的胸部延伸出的用于飞行的器官,通常是四个美国传统〔zoea〕A larval form of crabs and other decapod crustaceans, characterized by one or more spines on the carapace and rudimentary limbs on the abdomen and thorax. 蟹幼体:蟹和其它十足目甲壳纲动物的幼虫形式,其特点是在其背甲上有一个或多个脊椎,而且在腹部和胸部有一个或多个未发展完全的肢体美国传统The three parts of an insect's body are the head, the thorax and the abdomen.昆虫身体的三部分为头部、胸部和腹部。剑桥国际




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